1200 Calorie Diet.....Wedding in Feb

Hi Everyone,

I'm on a 1200 Calorie diet using my fitbit to track my calories. I have never been on a diet before and learning as I go.

Does anyone have any good advise as to how I can meet my goal of 140 pounds?

Please add me a friend.



  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    What is your start weight? Is 140 a reasonable goal in that amount of time?
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Hi congratulations on your coming wedding.....I have eaten a lot of candy this Christmas and have noticed my skin is not so good, so suggest you don't eat anything with sugar....Try to eat plenty of vegetables.....
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    18 lbs. by February is not realistic. A healthy weight loss would be 1 lb. per week.

    Please read this:

    I can offer you the following advice for using Fitbit + MFP:

    Connect your accounts at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/apps/show/30 Log food in MFP. Log exercise in either one -- never both. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    When you set up your MFP account, you specified an activity level: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided MFP used your answer, plus your age, sex & height, to estimate how many calories you burn every day (your TDEE). Then you set your weight-loss goal, and MFP subtracted the appropriate deficit to calculate your daily calorie goal.

    Once you link an activity tracker to your MFP account (via the "Apps" tab at the top of every page), you start getting calorie adjustments. If your tracker says you burned more calories than MFP estimated, you get a positive adjustment (meaning more calories to eat). If you enable negative calorie adjustments and you burn less than the MFP estimate, you will lose calories. (But negative calorie adjustments will never drop your daily calories below 1,200.)

    I wasn't losing much weight when I got my first activity tracker. At first, the adjustments didn't seem very accurate. But they got better, almost as if the system was "learning" my routine. It took a lot of trial & error to find the settings that worked best for me. But then everything clicked. I changed my MFP settings from sedentary to lightly active (even though I have a desk job), and now my adjustments are pretty minimal. And I'm losing!

    I find my daily step goals really motivating. If I get home at night and see I'm thisclose to making goal, I'll walk around the block. A little bit more every day really adds up.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Well, first of all, try to avoid the word (and mentality) of "diet." We have no idea of your starting weight, so it's impossible to say if you can get to your ending goal. A safe estimate would be about a pound a week. So you can maybe count on 6-8 pounds.

    Make small but sustainable changes if you plan to adopt a healthy lifestyle AFTER the wedding.

    If you have a dress that has already been or in the process of being fitted, keep that in mind.
  • Polarsnow
    Reduce excess fast food and carb binges. Bring your sugar intake way down. Walking at a brisk (4.0 mph) every day for about 30-45 minutes will make the body tap into its fat storage and burn the fat there. Have a very positive attitude, I always think that's the key.
    Take in large amounts of protein as it causes your metabolism to rev up and boosts the amount of fat cells being burned. Eat within the first hour of waking up in the morning; I recommend to hard boiled eggs and a cheese stick as it is extremely low in carbs and extremely high in protein!