How Do You Keep Track of Your Recipes?



  • There is an app to organize all of your online recipes. I LOVE IT!!!! It's called Paprika. You have to pay a couple of bucks but it is soooooo worth it. You can even make a grocery list in it for one recipe or recipes for the week. It's really awesome. Sometimes I go to the store and I think what was in that recipe, then I remember its in my paprika. So I open it and there it is. It's great!!!! Also, u can search in the paprika browser just like a google search, find ur recipe then save it to ur paprika. It will be there forever.
    I also have a binder with recipes in it. These are recipes I have that are not online. Family recipes or some I made up. I keep them in plastic sleeves in sections.
    Hope this helps!
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I have a wife :tongue:
  • Bell_Lucci
    Bell_Lucci Posts: 15 Member
    I put them in a 3 ring binder. I have recipes separated based on salads, main dishes, soups, etc.
    If I find them online I print them out without all the ads and links and put it in the binder.
    If they're in a magazine or newspaper, I make a copy of it and put it in the binder.

    I now have two binders filled with recipes I love.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Edit: ^^ haha! Great minds think alike :drinker:

    I simply bought a 3-ring binder and some clear sheet protectors, and put some tabbed dividers in. For recipes out of a magazine, I try to get the picture out as well, and tap it to the back of the recipe.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Mostly I print them out and put them in one of those twin pocket folders. The ones I use less go in the pockets (like cookies or fudge that I only make once a year or stuff we get tired of but like enough to keep and go back to in 6 months), the ones I use often sit in the middle for easy access. I also have a small pile of recipes on the counter between my fridge and stove for things I plan to make within a 2 week period. It helps remind me of what I planned to make for the week or what I'd like to make soon.

    I like printing recipes in the full 8x11 page size because then I have plenty of room to make any notes for things I decide to change (which happens to nearly every recipe I make).

    ETA: I love that my frequently made ones are on MFP so I can log in on my phone if I forget how much of a certain ingredient I need!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I have a household binder where I print n keep my fav recipes. I also keep my passwords security answers to my online accounts that I typed up n printed out. I was tired of forgetting n having to reset passwords.

    Im not the type to want to go online everytime I need a recipe. I do have many recipes on pinterest if I try one and its worth repeating I print it out n into my binder it goes for easy access
  • FMUP
    FMUP Posts: 34 Member
    I used to keep them on line in a folder by screen printing them and pasting to WORD documents - but that became way too much hassle. Now, I simply print them out and put them in a book. Some time low tech is best.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Step 1. Write it down in a book
    Step 2. Put book in the same place so you always know where it is.

    Have a smart phone?

    Step 1a. Take a picture with the smart phone.
    Repeat Step 1-2.

    Don't have a smart phone?
    Copy/paste recipe from online to word.
    Repeat step 1-2.

    Another thing I use is the Sticky Notes tool on my laptop. Then I write it down (notice a pattern..?).

  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I keep track of the recipes I use with Google Drive. All of the recipes are added as their own drive document and correctly titled. That way the recipes are searchable and I can even give people access to the recipes instead of emailing them a copy or printing it out and handing it to them.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Don't know if this has been shared already, and no time right now to go back through all the posts. If it already has, sorry. If not, then "Woot!" Looks cool and I'll be trying it. Will let you know how it works out.
  • I use Big Oven. You can use it to import recipes from the internet, can set up different cookbooks, tag by meal or holiday, add pictures and you have access to their database. It also tracks your pantry, prepares the grocery list based on your menus, and lets you search by tag, ingredient, or name. You can also adjust the recipe servings. It does cost to be a Big Oven Pro, but the basic is free. I input all of my family recipes (including the recipe for a 'real' pound cake).
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Evernote and Evernote apps ever for recipes. Snap pictures, clip from the web browser, scan as a searchable PDF, tags, notebooks and sub-notebooks...OMFG! It's the king of recipe management. Set up lists of ingredients to pop up on your phone when you pull into the parking lot of the supermarket!

    I can't be the only one....

    This is what I use.
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    Ive been using an iPad app called The Recipe Box for a couple months. I can instantly download recipes from most of the major websites including skinnytaste, cooking light, and all recipes. I can copy paste recipes from Facebook or type them in manually. So far I really like it. It does not scale recipes but that is just a little bit of kitchen math. I can add notes them, categorize them, email them and put them into a shopping list I can print or email to myself.

    I also have just started using Cozi and it has a meal planner which I haven't tried yet but looks interesting.
  • Sophieanna17
    Sophieanna17 Posts: 24 Member
    Just installed Evernote Food, thanks for the suggestion! I've tried so many things, this may work for me. Thank you!!
    Anyone else here use Evernote Food?
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    I have a binder with sections labeled "casseroles", "sides", "desserts", "crock pot", etc. and everything is printed on an 8.5" x 11" page and filed. I have an overwhelming amount of recipes and this really works for me.
  • adayinaz
    adayinaz Posts: 20 Member
    I use Onenote on my PC (I'm under the impression that Evernote is a similar program for Mac, but I've never used it.) I organize my entire LIFE in this program with different "notebooks" for each section of my life. One notebook is Recipes and it has different tabs like the different sections in a cookbook. Each page of the section is a different recipe. You can take screenshots (like for those mini recipes you find on Facebook or Pinterest), you can type stuff in by hand, you can scan hard copies (or use your device's camera). You can even set Onenote as your printer and when you find recipes online you can "Print to Onenote". This takes the page as it would have printed out on paper, and saves it as an image to Onenote.

    Added benefit? I bring my tablet to the grocery store. So if it turns out that, for example, there's a great sale on green beans, I can just pull up Onenote and search for green beans to find recipes.

    I'm sure there are lots of great ideas out there but this is the one that has worked best for me!
  • I just tried PepperPlate and it is awesome! You can save all your recipes on one site.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I started a blog! ;)

    As for the recipes I gather - I have a binder filled with sheet protectors (so I can slip recipes/notes inside of them).
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I have a couple of recipe files that are made for this purpose so they have plastic wallets built in to slide in magazine cut outs etc as well as pages for you to just write on or stick things. I find thos pretty useful for recipes that I find in magazines or if a friend or my mum makes something I like I can just jot it down in one of the blank pages.

    For recipes online I have an awesome app on my ipad that allows you to take a recipe from any website at all and then allows you to format it into one template to create your very own recipe book. It is brilliant and I love it

    I use it all the time. There are some websites that you can auto import from, at least 20+ sites so if you find a recipe on those sites you can import it with just 1 click, but for sites that it isn't set up to auto sync with, you can still import any recipe just in a few extra clicks but still only takes a minute or two per recipe to transfer it into the app. Of course you can also input your own personal recipes too if you want to add things manually. I have tried loads of apps that all do the same type of thing, mealboard is another app for the same purpose, but the recipe box one is my personal favourite as I just like its layout and find it easy to use.