Right Shoes for Insanity/T25?

Hey everyone, so I recently saw an Instagram post from Shaun T where he said something along the lines of "remember not to wear running shoes for any of my programs!" or something like that. I was wondering if anyone knew what type of shoe he actually recommends, or what do any of you who have completed the programs recommend? Right now I'm doing T25 and all I have as far as "work out" shoes are my running sneakers, but I actually did notice some pain in my feet after I finished today, and wasn't sure if it was just because of all the jumping around, or because I'm making some poor shoe decisions! :) Thoughts?


  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I don't know what he recommends, but I do wear a cushioned running shoe for my arthritic knees. I started this when I was doing Turbo Fire. When I started T25 I added some Dr. Scholls athletic shoe inserts, because I did notice some foot pain, I have flat feet so the arch support helps, so far so good, I did 2 rounds of Alpha & Beta and now I'm doing Gamma with no foot or knee discomfort. You may want to try the shoe inserts first before buying new shoes.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Apparently he recommends a cross training or otherwise minimalist shoe.

  • jrfarms88
    jrfarms88 Posts: 12 Member
    I completed Insanity in Oct, just wore New Balance cross trainers $39.00 from Big 5 sports.Started with old running shoes but didn't have the support. Had feet and ankle pain, switch to cross training shoes and the pain went away.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 338 Member
    +1 for the cross trainers.
  • CoachMichaelB
    CoachMichaelB Posts: 1 Member
    You want to wear cross trainers as it gives support when jumping/moving laterally through the moves. Running shoes do not have this support and you take the risk of turning or rolling your ankle if running shoes are worn.
  • Don't know if this helps, but i just bought the Nike Flex shoes. They seem to work great! i couldn't get myself to buy the shoes that look like feet, even though I was told that they would work better.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    You have stumbled on one of the most divisive topics for long-time runners and sport-shoe store owners: minimalist shoes like the Asics, or a cushioned shoe like the Hoka One-Ones.

    I wear Hokas, and I am more than happy with them. I have tried a minimalist shoe like the Asic, but I just can't do a long run (8+ miles for me) with them. Others, lots of others, including some of the leading American runners swear by a minimalist shoe. Both are tools, and both have their place, but I prefer the Hoka.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I'll look into some cross trainers.
  • mzthang77
    mzthang77 Posts: 43 Member
    I wear Sauconys and love them!