Making new friends!

Hi Everyone!

I have been a member of MFP for a short while but just recently had a reality check and so I'm properly getting into the swing of things now! I am overwhelmed with the amount of support, motivation and inspiration shown from everyone on's amazing and will no doubt be what keeps me going through my weight loss journey!

I am hoping to meet new people, gain some tips & tricks on health and fitness, share worries and keep each others motivational spirits up! Would love some more friends!! :flowerforyou:



  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I am brand new to the site-joined yesterday. I have a total of 47 pounds to lose-and am taking it one day at a time. I have a lot of bad habits (SNACKING) to break, so it will have to be a completely new learning curve. I had to stop eating dinner last night and ask my husband how you knew if you were full! I usually just keep eating-so learning to read my body signals is also going to be somewhat of a challenge-but I am ready for it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to go on the journey together!
  • MissJennaBelle
    I have a similar amount I want to lose in total! ...and although I am quite a way off achieving it I'm already looking forward to the new ME (trying to motivate myself!) simply because of all the fantastic before and after pics I've seen of people on this site.

    My main struggle with eating dinner is eating too fast...I love to have my hot food hot and so I tend to eat rather quickly but I'm trying to get round that by cutting down portion size (using a smaller pre-warmed plate) and attempting to eat that portion slowly so I hopefully feel fuller quicker. I can tell already its something thats not going to catch on quick so will just have to persevere for now :grumble: ...and see how it goes!

    Sending a friend request your way....I'm sure we will definitely get through it together! :happy:
  • romzana
    romzana Posts: 86 Member
    hi der welcome on this site
    here are some tips which helped me alot hope it helps you too

    1.Have faith that all your hard work will pay off if you don’t give up too soon.

    2.Understand that you didn’t gain weight over night so you won’t lose weight over night

    3. if you think you will over eat eat in front of a mirror

    4.Avoid alcohol

    6.hang your new too-small-clothes in the front of your closet where you can see them

    7.Distraction - clean the house when you feel like binging, if you still live at home, your mum will be so
    happy about you maybe she'll nagg you less at dinner time plus u'll be burning off cals

    8.when you feel like junk food Chew sugar free gum or mints constantly. I am never without one or the other in my mouth. The benefits are endless: it kills cravings, keeps your mouth full so you can't binge, burns calories by chewing

    9.Buy a pair of expensive jeans at least one size too small. Try them on right before you eat. You will either not want to eat or will eat less. When you lose enough weight to fit into them properly, reward yourself by buying another pair, again one or two sizes too small.

    10.Don't eat in front of the telly that way you wouldnt see all them food ads

    IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - When going out, take only the amount of money you'll need and nothing extra. That way you won't be tempted to spend it on food. OR GO GROCERY SHOPPING WHEN/IF YOU'RE HUNGRY.

    11.In between each mouthful of food that you eat, take a sip of water. It fills you up and slows down your eating so that you stay in control and the meal doesnt turn into a flat-out binge.

    12. Write a note to yourself listing all the reasons you are finally ready to lose weight. Keep this letter with you at all times, for inspiration.


    ~If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you dream it, you can become it. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

    ~No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

    ~Above all challenge yourself, you may be surprised at what you can achieve.

    ~I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It was there all the time.
    ~Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

    ~If you keep at it, one day something that seemed impossible will become merely something very difficult indeed.

    ~No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively have the power to change.

    ~My world is expanding as my butt is shrinking.

    ~You have got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It’s called perseverance.
    ~My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitude and the choices I make today.

    ~You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.

    ~The only person who can stop me…is me…and I can take her.

    ~Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.

    ~Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

    ~There isn’t a person anywhere that isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can.

    ~Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to achieve it. The time will pass anyway.

    ~Never, ever give up!!!

    ~Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

    ~To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.

    ~It’s a lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself

    ~Shoot for the moon….even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars

    ~Winners are dreamers that never give up

    ~Eat for the body you want, not the body you have.

    ~It’s never too late to be what you might have been.

    ~There is no strength without struggle

    ~One should eat to live, not live to eat

    ~You can’t change the past but you can change the future

    ~When you look in the mirror you are looking at the problem. You are also looking at the solution

    Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment

    Most Importantly ----~The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do
    Good Luck on your diet
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome
    i find that drinking a mouthful or two of water inbetween bites of food helps slow me down - im a real gannet at times when it comes to eating aswell!!
    good luck to both of you and feel free to add me :)
  • Chiquita_Banana
    Hi there,

    well i'm on here to break my never-ending up and down cycle. I was skinny until mid-elementary school, then i became overweight but not excessively just a little plumper then other girls. Until In my mid 20s, i got married, and became pregnant with twins. i had gestational diabetes the last 3 months of my pregnancy and went into pre-term labor which forced complete bed rest for 2 and a half months. well thats when i gained some weight. then after the pregnancy i had this overwhelming urge to binge on carbs. i gained 30 pounds after! i want to be healthy for my family, and i do have an extensive family history of medical issues. plus i want to look good in my clothes. i hope this is it, my complete life-style change.
  • Christy_77
    HI! I'm looking to lose around 40 pounds post-baby and joined a couple of months ago and recently renewed my committee to weight loss and exercise. I was trying to exercise on my own, but I found it helpful to sign up for a bootcamp in order to get into the habit of doing something, plus I find I workout harder in a class than if I were on my own.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • momsdumplin
    momsdumplin Posts: 21 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP too. I have 93 lbs to lose and I'm only down by .4lbs so far. I've only been attacking my fat for 2 weeks though. Hopefully I'll see a more significant weight loss in the next week or so. I'm counting my calories, fat, etc... on here but I'm also doing Weight Watchers and using their point system. I think their scale lies but that's a different story.

    I was always healthy and plump but never fat until after I got married. My husband is naturally thin and eats anything and everything he wants and never gains weight which is a fat person's nightmare to live with. I want to lose the weight so I can be more active with my children. But, the primary reason I want to lose weight is because my youngest said he's never been able to hug me and have his arms meet behind me. I remember when I was his age and my grandmother had lost a LOT of weight and I hugged her and told her how awesome it was that I could reach all the way around her. I remember the look of pride on her face too. I want him to be able to hug me like that one day.

    I have tremendous support from my husband and kids but I hate that everyday is a battle. My biggest battle is with making myself get up and exercise. I hate it! But I've been doing well the last week or so and last week I walked over 7 miles. This week my goal is to walk at least 8 so I can keep pushing myself. I'm naturally competitive even if it means just competing with myself. Would love to have some friends on here to keep me motivated even more though.

  • MissJennaBelle
    My husband is naturally thin and eats anything and everything he wants and never gains weight which is a fat person's nightmare to live with.

    Hey! I know that feeling! My boyfriend was exactly the same which is why I think I'm in this situation....I thought I could eat the same as him and be fine ...he never gained a lb and I gained twice as much! I think your reason for wanting to lose is so motivational and with MFP support as well I'm sure you can get there! I hate exercise too....I'm trying out the wii fit to make it a bit more fun and it adds the self-competitiveness factor because you get a score with each "game"/workout you do.

    I am sending a friend request your way!!

  • MissJennaBelle
    Hi there,

    well i'm on here to break my never-ending up and down cycle. I was skinny until mid-elementary school, then i became overweight but not excessively just a little plumper then other girls. Until In my mid 20s, i got married, and became pregnant with twins. i had gestational diabetes the last 3 months of my pregnancy and went into pre-term labor which forced complete bed rest for 2 and a half months. well thats when i gained some weight. then after the pregnancy i had this overwhelming urge to binge on carbs. i gained 30 pounds after! i want to be healthy for my family, and i do have an extensive family history of medical issues. plus i want to look good in my clothes. i hope this is it, my complete life-style change.

    Here here! Complete lifestyle change for me too! I need to get into the habit of healthy eating and regular exercise but still treat myself every now and again :wink: ....a positive change now will help us live our lives to the full!!!
  • MissJennaBelle
    HI! I'm looking to lose around 40 pounds post-baby and joined a couple of months ago and recently renewed my committee to weight loss and exercise. I was trying to exercise on my own, but I found it helpful to sign up for a bootcamp in order to get into the habit of doing something, plus I find I workout harder in a class than if I were on my own.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

    What does your bootcamp involve in the time spent, type of exercise and calories burned? I'd love to do something like a class or hit the gym but I workout at home because I'm not very confident to get out there and just do it! I have sent you a friend request! :smile:
  • MissJennaBelle
    hey and welcome
    i find that drinking a mouthful or two of water inbetween bites of food helps slow me down - im a real gannet at times when it comes to eating aswell!!
    good luck to both of you and feel free to add me :)

    :smile: Yeah the water does help, I've just recently started trying to fit in my 8 glasses a day rule just to try and get me drinking more so I feel hydrated and am avoiding unnecessary eating! I can do it for the 5 days I'm at work because they have a water cooler so I just keep the glass topped up and can manage it no bother being stuck behind a desk all day but come the weekends....its so much harder. I do try to have a bottle in my handbag to take with me on the go!
  • Christy_77
    Hey there!

    I just joined Booty Camp ( which is a Women-only boot camp. There are about 16 women of all shapes and sizes and fitness levels and it's fantastic. The classes are an hour-long twice a week, plus you have to commit to working out at least one other day a week on your own or with a buddy (the idea being that you get into the habit of working out). The hardest part was having my measurements done -- I hated seeing those numbers! I really like working out at home with my dvds (I like the 30-day shred, Turbo Jam and yoga) but it's so easy to find an excuse not to workout or to slack off a bit during the workout whereas I feel motivated for the entire 60 minutes of my booty camp session. I was nervous about being out-of-shape but honestly, the women were so nice and everyone is focusing on their own workout not on whether you're able to hold the plank for a whole minute.
  • MissJennaBelle
    Thanks for the reply. I must say, good for you for getting out there and doing it! Sounds like you are geared up and ready for the challenge. I hate having my measurements taken too ....same reason as you. I have just ordered 30 day shred dvd...cant wait until its delivered and make a start on it! I have just recently started introducing more yoga workouts to my wii fit plus routine too, Im enjoying the yoga more now because I can feel the stretch you get out of it more.

    In general my attitude to exercise is changing as my weight loss increases (which I love!), I'm feeling much more geared up and excited about it than before and know one day I will have the confidence to go back to a swimming pool, walk on a beach in a bikini and not worry about other people being there and feeling like they are judging me. :smile: