Trouble with eating too much after lunch. Help?

Hi there. So i'm kinda new to MFP. I've had an account before for a long time but i wouldnt use it regularly. So I made a new one and I want to try and use it every day in the new year.

My goal is to lose about 25-30 pounds. I dont really have a goal date but I'd like to lose at least half of that by April, and then lose the rest over the summer.

Something I really need help with is snacking after lunch. I try to plan out three meals a day. Breakfast and Lunch are always fine, but then an hour after lunch I ALWAYS end up snacking. And not even because I am especially hungry...Anyway I usually then end up eating my entire days worth of calories or more all before 1 or 2 PM.

What are some things you do to keep busy to prevent that kind of mindless snacking?

Thanks! :)


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I either will save calories until later or eat foods that will keep me full for longer periods.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I often load lunch as my heavy meal of the day.

    Or, you can try and figure out the cause. I find I snack when I'm tired and/or dehydrated. Try some water or coffee or a nap if you can...
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I do best eating fairly frequently, with mid-morning and afternoon snacks in my plan. It's easier to wait an hour or so rather than all the way to the next meal. Lunch is my main meal, and I'm happiest when it is filling, ideally a small portion of lean meat, sweet potato, and a green veggie.

    Also, as another poster said, drink some water first if you feel like eating.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Lunch is my biggest meal of the day. You could schedule your protein shake for your afternoon snack. I find those extremely filling. You don't sound very busy at work if you have time to think about food. Maybe you are underemployed. Many people aren't hungry they are just bored and they need something to do so they eat. I majorly porked up in my twenties when I had a job with little afternoon responsibilities. I basically took a 2 hour lunch every day.
  • Thanks for all the tips!
    I am a college student, and currently on winter break. so i have absolutely nothing but down time. When school starts again next week, I should have more things to keep me occupiedied, but I still tend to struggle on weekends when my schedule is less structured.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi there. So i'm kinda new to MFP. I've had an account before for a long time but i wouldnt use it regularly. So I made a new one and I want to try and use it every day in the new year.

    My goal is to lose about 25-30 pounds. I dont really have a goal date but I'd like to lose at least half of that by April, and then lose the rest over the summer.

    Something I really need help with is snacking after lunch. I try to plan out three meals a day. Breakfast and Lunch are always fine, but then an hour after lunch I ALWAYS end up snacking. And not even because I am especially hungry...Anyway I usually then end up eating my entire days worth of calories or more all before 1 or 2 PM.

    What are some things you do to keep busy to prevent that kind of mindless snacking?

    Thanks! :)
    Welcome Elle.

    Have you tried planning a snack into your daily calories? Have you tried logging your entire day out each morning to include that afternoon snack you need?

    During the week, I generally eat six meals a day- breakfast, lunch, and dinner are fairly substantial, and then Greek yogurt, nuts, trail mix fruit for snacks.
  • i've tried the 3 meals and 2 snacks thing before but i kind of come from a history of disordered eating, so the more meals i plan for, the more i feel like i have to think about food and when im going to eat and what and how much...its kind of overwhelming and so if i can just focus on 3 substantial meals, its just less meals to worry about if that makes sense?
  • kczarnec
    kczarnec Posts: 28 Member
    For me, I try to look at what goes on that time of day that might cause me to be snacking. Am I bored? Am I avoiding something at work? Those kinds of things usually help point me in a direction to figure out why I might be eating when not really hungry.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    It might be helpful to plan an afternoon snack. Small snacks can actually help your diet efforts.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    This may sound strange, but I find skipping lunch keeps me from being hungry. I just have a big late breakfast and save my appetite for a big early dinner, unless breakfast was enough, in which case I sometimes save my appetite for the next day. I can easily have a 1500 calorie breakfast and not eat again all day.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    no one wants to hear this but for me the thing that makes me get the munchies is coffee. Most people say it curbs their appetite but I have experimented many times and if I switch to green tea, it reduces my munching. Also try not to be afraid of fat (good fats). I had a decade of eating disorder and I got tot the point where I knew I was really hurting myself. Adding fats back in was scary as hell but really a huge part of the solution. Along with eliminating coffee, white potatoes, granola and anything else that for some reason sends me into overeating mode. Another thing that really helped me was trying to read at least a few minutes a day from a nutrition book or website. A book that really helped me was The Diet Cure by Julia Ross.
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    Thanks for all the tips!
    I am a college student, and currently on winter break. so i have absolutely nothing but down time. When school starts again next week, I should have more things to keep me occupiedied, but I still tend to struggle on weekends when my schedule is less structured.

    Maybe you need to look at doing some volunteer work on the weekends to keep yourself busy and more structured.
  • i will try cutting back on coffee/drinking more tea. i definitely drink quite a bit of coffee, probably too much...and i know tea like green tea is way better anyway. thanks for that tip!
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Hey there, welcome and best of luck with your goal for this year!

    What do you eat for lunch? I found ensuring I have an adequate source of protein with my lunch keeps me satisfied longer than if I have only a small amount of protein or none at all. Ham, lean red or white meat, eggs, etc are all good options to add.

    Otherwise, planning a snack in at your normal 'munchy' time can be handy too.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Don't eat so much
  • BertieGotSkill
    BertieGotSkill Posts: 61 Member
    If you can find some simple snacks, I think that could help. I eat a snack between my meals and that really helps with my appetite and I don't wind up overeating later. Try some packaged peanuts or whatever is easy to grab and stick in your bag.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    i've tried the 3 meals and 2 snacks thing before but i kind of come from a history of disordered eating, so the more meals i plan for, the more i feel like i have to think about food and when im going to eat and what and how much...its kind of overwhelming and so if i can just focus on 3 substantial meals, its just less meals to worry about if that makes sense?
    I understand because I've been there. But, if you just plan your food to include that snack that you've been needing in the afternoon, and make sure you have your food for the day, then it might help you not to overdo it before dinner time. I am suggesting something healthy that you like-an ounce of almonds, or Green yogurt, or something small and simple.
  • well i don't eat meat or dairy, so finding protein sources that are not also super fattening is difficult. in the past i have tried eating things like brown rice with vegetables, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Snacking is my biggest problem especially at work where there are so many sweets.

    Sometimes I psychologically want a treat. A hot drink in a beautiful cup helps (hot coffee, a new tea) or water with lemon slices.

    Tell yourself you will go so many hours before eating again. Make it a personal challenge to go to dinner without eating.

    Eat a piece of fruit like an apple or 1/2 ruby red grapefruit (low cal, about 50 calories for 1/2 --you can also buy mini red grapefruit)

    Be sure the lunch is filling. You can add a lot of steamed greens like kale, collards, and spinach, which are filling and low calorie.

    Get up and exercise instead of eating. Go for a walk outside, do calisthenics, or if you have a treadmill or exercise bike get on them instead of snacking.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi there. So i'm kinda new to MFP. I've had an account before for a long time but i wouldnt use it regularly. So I made a new one and I want to try and use it every day in the new year.

    My goal is to lose about 25-30 pounds. I dont really have a goal date but I'd like to lose at least half of that by April, and then lose the rest over the summer.

    Something I really need help with is snacking after lunch. I try to plan out three meals a day. Breakfast and Lunch are always fine, but then an hour after lunch I ALWAYS end up snacking. And not even because I am especially hungry...Anyway I usually then end up eating my entire days worth of calories or more all before 1 or 2 PM.

    What are some things you do to keep busy to prevent that kind of mindless snacking?

    Thanks! :)

    Drink a big cup of water before your lunch meal. you will be so full.

    If this doesn't work, split your lunch into two and eat it as a snack.

    You won't feel hungry if you drink lots of water right before you eat your lunch with the decreased amount.