Looking for Support, I cannot do this on my own!

Hi there MFP

I used to be on MFP and lost 27lbs which I was happy about, but then I thought "I can totally do this without help" well that wasn't the smartest decision at all because I failed. If it's one thing I don't do and that is "DIET" I dislike that word with every core of my being, so I have started to called it a Lifestyle Change. I do live a very chaotic life, and I am more of a snacker then an eater. To make a long story short, I cannot do this on my own and so I am looking for support, encouragement, tips, and recipes and I will do the same.

Looking forward to this new journey


  • ShorelyReady
    ShorelyReady Posts: 10 Member
    I'll send you a friends request! Can never have too much support, and I need all I can get as well!
  • nurseygirl84
    nurseygirl84 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all! I'm a long time half hearted member of mfp. This year I'm doing it differently...November brought about many changes in my life I got married in October...went for a physical in Nov and found I need to make some changes in my life...first of I started juicing, quit caffeine, fast food and smoking, and started working out...this year focus for my husband and me is to become as healthy as possible to maybe have a baby...I'm looking for friends on this site who would like to buddy with me on this so we can all get to our goals with encouragement and pacts that are kept such as this week we will all go to gym every day and report to each other for accountability...if you are interested please friend request me...Ima do it either way but I would like to have some friends along too!!! Ps a bit about me if my logs look weird...i.e. breakfast at dinner and dinner at breakfast...I work from 7pm to 7 am so I'm backwards...my logs will all be finished a little late like 8 am of the next day because of that...so if you are ok with my wierd posting add me !!! :-)
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm ALWAYS open to new friends and very active on here.
  • snootmaster
    snootmaster Posts: 69 Member
    Will send friend requests...
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    SUPPORT! UNITE and SUPPORT!!! LOL. I'm a little obsessed with this site - keeping me accountable in multiple ways, and really encouraging me not to let my mates down by cheating. Let's do this thing! (Send a FR if you'd like, I check in daily =) )
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Great choice ! This site really works! You can do this.:smile: . It really helps to know how much your eating and to learn what a portion is. Jump on in. Send me a friend request if you like, I log every day. Making friends here has helped me a lot.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Hello Typicaltosh
    I wish you luck as I can absolultely understand where you are coming from.
    I am also an absolute workaholic. Work always comes first and nothing else seems to matter.
    Then holidays hit and I realise how far I have moved from my own priorities (again!!)

    I find, joining a group, where there is a competition of some sort, helpful. That seems to last a bit longer.

    I hope you find a way to keep a bit of your focus on mfp :) (My new year aim too!)
  • smkean
    smkean Posts: 132
    Add me :)
    I need support and motivation too and am on every day so will do the same. Rejoined a few weeks back under a new account as I just let Mfp slip last time and didn't have a great deal of supportive Mfp 'friends' and I want a fresh start!
    I can understand where you come from, I work all hours and have a young child and am by myself!
  • I believe support is what is going to make me successful as I work towards a healthy lifestyle. Good luck in your journey. Let's encourage each other.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Support is good. However, when all is said and done - you will do this on your own . It will be your success. You will be the one putting in the hard work, eating correctly every day, weighing your food, logging your food, making yourself get up and exercise, etc.

    The hardest thing is learning to be honest and accountable for your actions in losing the weight. No one else will be able to make you do this. Best of luck!
  • FatMommaMel
    FatMommaMel Posts: 18 Member
    Support is always wonderful! I'm pregnant at the moment but need the motivation to stay active and in decent shape throughout this pregnancy. I would love to have a new friend! :smile:
  • aprildpaul
    aprildpaul Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there. I just saw your post. I too used to use MFP and lost 23 lbs... and then thought... I so got this... Well... I gain all but 3 lbs back! I used to teach. I just recently became a stay at home mom again. I was going to the gym with friends when I did this before. I got really discouraged when the weight was practically falling off of them and barely budging on me. So I do think for me.. the workout part is best alone. I also think being able to talk to others who on here will help. Logging food and exersicing are the key..... I just gotta do it, LOL Good Luck!:bigsmile:
  • Happy new year!

    I also have made this mistake many times.
    I have added you. :)
  • I'm right there with ya. Let's do this!!