100 pounds to lose and need lots of idea and encouragement.

So far my life has been about taking care of everyone else, and it has taken a toll on my body in so many ways. This year is my year! I will be selfish with my time because if I don't, my time on earth will be shortened. I have to motivate myself to take TIME for myself to prepare meals, walk and work out and spend time doing things for myself. I am a grazer, I can't eat much at once so I sit and munch over the span of a day and the highest portion is sugar and junk. I have got to get this sugar addiction down, and emotional eating turned into some other outlet besides eating. Any tips and suggestions are welcomed!


  • lilredgal33
    Just set my phone clock to remind me every 2.5 hrs to prepare to eat on time. This is what my other friends that had bypass or gastric sleeve must do to stay healthy and continue their weight loss, they are forced to eat on time and make themselves eat healthy and drink enough water. I want to do this without surgery, this is my last big effort to lost this weight and health problems without doing it the hard way. People think that surgery is a quick easy fix, but the daily planning and record keeping and other issues are just as tedious.I can do this I can do this I can do this without surgery....
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You don't have to eat small meals all day unless that's how you prefer to eat. You don't need surgery.

    Start logging everything, be 100% honest and as accurate as possible a digital scale helps with this and they are inexpensive. Set smaller goals don't focus on losing 100 lbs break it down to 5 or 10 lb goals at a time.
    Portion control, moderation, and not making any foods "bad" foods
    Maintain a small calorie deficit
    Find an exercise you enjoy and that you'll do

    Read this thread when you have the chance:

  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    It doesn't matter how often you eat or what time you eat in order to lose weight, unless it helps you with hunger. All you need to do is eat at a calorie deficit. That's it. There's a saying I've seen several times on here. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, healthy and toned bodies in the gym. Get some exercise, figure out how many calories you should be eating and get started! Good luck!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Sounds like a good plan for you. Also plan out what all those 'meals' will be. Have lots of fruits and veggies on hand so you're grabbing the good stuff!

    You're right, you need time for YOU, so you're around to help others.
  • Ewa101975
    Ewa101975 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there:
    I can so relate...I have three kids, work full time...it just feels like everything is about everyone else...not about me and even if I try to do something for myself I feel guilty...which I am trying to change. This is another attempt for me too, I've been off track again for while, i have about 50lbs to lose but i don't really know even how to start...i do need all the motivation i can get. good for you for setting your alarm clock to eat on time. take care

  • MJay0023
    MJay0023 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow, I read your story and I don't kow how you ladies do it, taking care of 3 kids, full time job and still helping out others. That's amazing! All I can say is if you want to be successful you have to make this a priority and put it first and everything else second. you might think you're being mean if you can't help someone because of putting your fitness and health first, but in reality you can help others even more if you're healthy. So, don't look it as being selfish, but instead getting yourself in the best condition to help others.

    I'm pretty new here at MFP, so I won't say which eating plan is the most effective, but all I'll say is try to eat good quality food with a good amount of vitamins, carbs, protiens and fats.

    Hope this helps, btw I'm looking for new MFP friends.
  • Yackma
    Yackma Posts: 21 Member
    I have about 100 lbs to lose as well. Not feeling very confident or happy about it at the moment, but I know it's necessary.