Ironman (woman!) in training!

So after umm-ing and aah-ing for a while I've decided to do an Ironman (2015) for charity.

I loved doing the smaller tri's, and the atmosphere at the IM events that I've been too is indescribable! I long to run up that red carpet knowing that I've beaten the fat, the doubters and my depression (of course you can't do that, you're too fat! Why bother!? - gotta love that black dog!)

So, I've started training, bike is going in for a thorough service asap, and the gym membership is being renewed.

I'm eating clean (I'm going to go bankrupt!)

Given myself a severe talking to and growled back at that black dog

I'm in this, I'll do this, and I wont be stopped!

Who's with me!?

(I need all the support that I can get!!)


  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    You go girl!

    I've done sprint and Olympic distances and I'm completely in amazement of anyone who can complete an Ironman, on so many levels....I bow down to you. Hahaha.

    I can so relate to the feeling when you cross the finish line. Nothing compares and honestly I cry when I watch strangers cross over.

    I'll be competing at much lower distances this summer.

    Add me I'd love to watch your accomplishments and cheer you on.
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    I have been watching the ironman programs on youtube. Brings a lump to my throat seeing people crossing the line having overcome not only the physical but mental challenge. I completely commend your courage and will be cheering you on all the way. I have only just started running but the big ambition is to do a triathlon
  • katvaneden
    katvaneden Posts: 2 Member
    Way to go!! While the Ironman is completely out of my league (for now), I was introduced to the world of obstacle courses last summer and absolutely fell in love with them. I am currently signed up to compete in four this coming summer (Mud Hero, Prison Break, Run or Dye and the Spartan)! The only people I know running in these are guys and I do NOT want to get left in the dust again this year :)

    What is your training routine consisting of? I've just finished Day 2 of the Insanity Program, my body feels like it is made out of gummy worms, and for some strange reason, I am loving it! LOL

    I agree that clean eating puts a serious dent in the piggy bank! I ended up growing a lot of my own veggies and herbs this summer to try and save money!

    Feel free to add me, we can compare notes and help motivate each other to success!
  • ironmama2014
    ironmama2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm IN. My husband and I gained entry into IM Chattanooga for late September 2014. We're in the midst of off-season base building right now, and we'll start "real" training January 1. This also means a few other changes for us:

    * What I call Operation Nooga Nutrition. It means watching every calorie that goes into our mouths. We each have our vices, so we're focusing on those.

    *Sleeping 8 hours a night. This has been tough for us. We have three small children (ages 5, 3, and 1), so sleep is essential to keeping up with them and not getting injured during training.

    *Maintaining our workouts. We've been working out off and on these past few months (my husband has completed a handful of 70.3's, and I've tackled an Olympic distance in the past). We're working on putting together a schedule so that we have maximum time with the kids while we put in quality (versus quantity) training.

    *Implementing strength training. I'm already doing this, and my husband will start January 1.

    We blog our progress and whatnot weekly as well. You can check it out at if you're interesting.

    Otherwise, I'm always looking for other iron(wo)men in training. I'm stoked to have my husband to train with, but I have NO female friends willing to tackle this distance yet, so the road is a little lonely. Good luck to you as you start your training.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    woohoo!!! Go Glamour puss! My goal is to run a full marathon in 2014... I'm here for you all the way chick!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    wholeheartedly approve of this quest!!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I've done multiple sprint and Olympics and my hope is to do a half iron next year. I'm not sure Ill be able to get to the full ironman but it is a dream I secretly harbor! :). Good luck.

    I also had to mention that I love your profile it!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    wholeheartedly approve of this quest!!!

    Haha love it
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Good luck! I tear up watching the Ironman coverage at all the age groupers crossing the finish. It is my goal someday, too. 2014 goal is Ironman 70.3 in April then I'm competing in Olympic distance through the summer including the Age Group National Championships in Milwaukee.
  • veggiekatie
    veggiekatie Posts: 10 Member
    I made a group called "Triathlon Land" everyone should join !:)
  • My goal this year is either to get pregnant (2nd try of IVF) or to run a tough mudder while assisting a friend who is a quadriplegic in the summer. Getting in shape will increase my odds for one and is essential for the 2nd. Either way it's time to get my strength back and having ironman or other event orientated friends on here would definitely help me in the motivation department.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • rmhmartin
    rmhmartin Posts: 46 Member
    I also plan to do an Ironman in 2015 (all the kids will be in school full-time). I'm doing my first 70.3 in May this year.