Just joined...menopause weight gain

Hello everyone...I just started this on Monday...I've been putting this off for a couple of years...but I really feel committed now. It's really hard for me to "diet"...I was very lucky, all my life...could always eat whatever I wanted...always stayed slim and healthy. Then menopause hit...and I have gained 60 pounds in about 3 years. I'm not small framed...but my body just cannot handle this additional weight...and I feel yucky all the time. I really despise menopause. I'm seriously thinking about going on the HRT's...does anyone know if going on the HRT's will help control the weight gain?

Anyhow...today is my 3rd day...and I've stayed under my calorie goal (1200/day)...and done better than expected with my exercise. I feel really motivated...and I'm hoping I can stay that way. I've tried the "diet" thing for a couple of years now...but it never lasts...I'm just so spoiled with always being able to eat whatever I want. I remember, people would see me eat...and say to me "someday that will catch up with you"...I'd just shrugged it off...but "someday" is here...and I need to take it seriously.

I welcome any helpful hints of how to make this happen, yet not feel deprived. So far...I'm doing okay...I'm staying under the calorie goal of 1200/day...but going over in my sugar and sometimes sodium (I have no health issues with either, so I'm not beating myself up over it). I'm a SUPER picky eater...don't like any veggies...and am a junk food junkie, and carb and starch lover. I think this would be so much easier if there were more foods that I liked. With that in mind...any suggestions for good foods that I might enjoy.

Thanks...and I look forward to getting this 60lbs off my body!



  • lfrazza
    lfrazza Posts: 14 Member
    Just started back up again. I always battled weigh, not to the extreme I am now, but menopause has added to it. I take hormones and have for 2-3 years-didn't help my weight gain, sometimes wonder if it made it worse. Unfortunately my hot flashes were unbearable and I wouldn't consider going off of them.

    Hate to say it, this isn't easy. I too love carbs-nothing like a warm piece of bread with butter or some nice crunchy crackers. I'm pretty picky so I force myself to eat things I wouldn't touch if I didn't want so badly to loose weight.

    My biggest challenge is the weight comes off so slowly-I have been doing good eating gave up soda, cut way back on carbs and have mu sugar low and it still doesn't come of. Due to knee issues, I hadn't worked out in awhile and just started back limited as to what I can do.

    My goal would be to drop 30-50lbs. Wish I had the answers-maybe we can find them together
  • sweetdandelion
    sweetdandelion Posts: 7 Member
    Just wanted to say hi. In the same boat and this sounds a lot like me! I went into an early menopause five years ago. I am in menopause now. Through it all I was gaining about 2-3 pounds a year. Never in my adult life have I seen these numbers on the scale, except of course when I pregnant! So I have been quietly freaking out. I have been on here for about a month or so and its the first time I've ever tracked calories. I do think it helps. I've lost 2 pounds. I have trouble staying under 1600 calories. I don't care how slow the weight comes off ( I want to lose a total of 11 pounds) just so that it comes off and stays off. Oh yeah, and it's been hot flash hell for these last five years but I've just have been riding it out. I love winter:)
  • MeredithDeVoe
    MeredithDeVoe Posts: 31 Member
    Hi hoganhe, I just joined myself a few days ago. I'm also trying to get control of my body post-menopause! I've gained almost 40 lbs in the last 3 years. I've been on hrt for 1 1/2 years and trust me, it doesn't help with the weight! (Never been on meds in my life but the Change was brutal for me!!)

    I feel so much better after exercising regularly for the past 6 months. I feel strong and flexible. I'm hoping to lose weight but staying in my calorie zone is really hard. I don't eat a lot of sugar, btw, but find that fruit alone sends the sugar quotient over the top. Oh wel, can't expect years of habits and desires to change overnight.

    Wishing you the best with your plan!!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,371 Member
    You can do it. Get moving, but don't try too hard to lose it fast. When I was actively losing, I ate 1350 calories, and I always eat back my exercise calories.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Edited to add : Here is the link to the blog I wrote on my one year anniversary on MFP.
  • blueskygbcn
    blueskygbcn Posts: 28 Member
    may I ask the age of those of you that hit menopause, if you don't mind sharing! I'm terrified of the big M and somehow convinced myself I am starting early.
  • mortgagegirl1
    mortgagegirl1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello hot flashing ladies! 5.5 years ago my doctor put me on Lupron to see if it was my ovaries that were causing me grief (since I was 11) I took the Lupron shots for 18 months and gained 45lbs. Then a complete hysterectomy 4 years ago and 4 years of HRT and I was up another 25lbs. During these years and all my life I have "dieted" and exercised on a regular basis. Dieted myself to morbidly obese. I did some research online (self diagnosis is always helpful! :smile: ) and from what I read HRT is not recommended more than 4-5 years so I stopped, cold turkey. With that the hot flashes have returned, however my new lifestyle of eat less and exercise more helps. I drink at least 5 litres of water per day. Cold water has been by far the most helpful to control Hot flashes. I joined MFP in September, log everyday, drink water and exercise 5-6 days per week. I'm down 29lbs in 100 days. I'm not sure if stopping the HRT has helped but this is the first time since 2004 I have lost more than 20lbs.
  • bhsishtla
    bhsishtla Posts: 151 Member
    I am 54 years post menopausal.I am on MFP from July this year.I am short 5'1" and I gained 30+ lbs after my hysterectomy.I never tried HRT After menopause, what I found is my interest towards carbs, sugar increased a loooot.

    At present I am on 1200 cal diet.I am a vegetarian so it is little difficult to get good quality protein.

    MFP set my weight loss at 0.7 lbs a week.So far I lost 15 lbs.

    As you say weight loss is very very slow. Initially I used to compare with others,but after few days I realized the fact about my body and metabolism.
    One of my friends who is 26, lost more than 35 lbs>(we both started the journey together) another friend who is 43 lost 25+lbs in the same period of time.

    So no comparisons, and no experiments with increasing or decreasing the calories. Just stick on to the allotted calories and see the results.This is what I have learned here in the past 5+ months.
  • blueskygbcn
    blueskygbcn Posts: 28 Member
    I am 54 years post menopausal.I am on MFP from July this year.I am short 5'1" and I gained 30+ lbs after my hysterectomy.I never tried HRT After menopause, what I found is my interest towards carbs, sugar increased a loooot.

    At present I am on 1200 cal diet.I am a vegetarian so it is little difficult to get good quality protein.

    MFP set my weight loss at 0.7 lbs a week.So far I lost 15 lbs.

    As you say weight loss is very very slow. Initially I used to compare with others,but after few days I realized the fact about my body and metabolism.
    One of my friends who is 26, lost more than 35 lbs>(we both started the journey together) another friend who is 43 lost 25+lbs in the same period of time.

    So no comparisons, and no experiments with increasing or decreasing the calories. Just stick on to the allotted calories and see the results.This is what I have learned here in the past 5+ months.

    Slow is good. Actually slow is GREAT!! It gives your body time to adjust and it makes a difference with hanging skin. Also, research shows that those who lose slower tend to keep the weight off. Congrats on your loss!
  • I am peri menopausal so no big weight gain but the slow and steady gain for the past few years which combined with being tired and feeling worn out was frustrating. I felt tired all the time, wake up tired, tired all day, go to bed tired. Every day complaining about being so tired, all day every day. Carbs made it worse, after eating a breakfast in a restaurant with bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast about two hours later I'd be over-tired and very cranky. It was horrible.

    I wasn't thinking about exercising or changing my diet (I was too tired to think or starting an exercise routine and I knew I wouldn't stick with it.

    However, one night I watched a documentary on Netflix called 'Fat, Sick and Tired' and it's helped me make changes to my life and my husbands too and now I feel great!

    We started juicing the day after I watched the documentary and have never felt better! We thought we'd try it for 5 days and 'see how it goes' and that was 51/2 weeks ago. I feel so good. I'm not tired anymore! I've been doing a combination of juicing, eating and exercising and have lost 13 pounds and some inches. I'm loving the juicing, I'm happy to be putting such good fresh food into my body and I still enjoy my steaks etc for more protein and I make sure I get all the other things I need.

    So, just a thought I wanted to share, I was wondering if a simple change in diet might help some of you as it did me.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    Right there with ya ! Let's build muscle. That will help our metabolism.
  • I was so relieved to read all the comments on pre/post menopause weight struggles. I truly thought there was something wrong with me, I have gained about 30lbs over the last 6 years. I am 52; I went into menopause at 45 after a hysterectomy. I feel like I know everything I could know about diets. Low carb, juicing, high protein, points, small meals 6 times a day, no carbs after lunch.....and on, and on. I started MFP on the 2nd of December. I have faithfully tracked my calorie in-take and have only gone over the 1200 cal once. I have worked out at least 60 minutes per day everyday since the 2nd with a combination of cardio and weight training. I have always been someone who works out on a regular basis but it was more like 3 to 4 days a week, so I stepped that up. When I got on the scales on Monday I was expecting to drop at least 1 to 2 lbs. I could not believe it; either I weighed myself wrong when I started or I gained 2 pounds. Talk about wanting to throw the scale out the window. It put me in such a terrible mood I could hardly concentrate at work. I felt horrible. I did not let the results win though. I worked out for 90 minutes, stayed on the 1200 cal, and we will see where that goes. As far as HRT, I am on a patch (Miniville) otherwise the hot flashes would kill me, or I would kill someone. I am considering HGH, or something like a personal hormone replacement therapy. I am looking into some of the centers that offer the service. I here it is very expensive, and I do not know anyone personally that has gone through it, but I am pretty desperate to get rid of this weight.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Bump to read later ...
  • Lindarda
    Lindarda Posts: 3 Member
    HNY, all. Just wanted to say hi! :smooched: I'm 52, had some menopausal symptoms, and doc put me on meds that really increased appetite. So, now with new year, am trying again to lose weight. Co-workers are also on board, so we'll support each other.
  • Mericangirl125
    Mericangirl125 Posts: 2 Member
    HI There,
    In similar boat, except I have battled all my life. I am 64 and need to lose 25 pounds. Am a "lifetime" member of Weight Watchers, but it isn't working for me. I think the "free fruit" gives me too many calories. Recently my doctor told me that the only thing that will work for me is 1200 calories a day plus exercise. So my hubby and I fired up our pedometers today, January 1, 2014....and here we go! Let's make it work for all of us. Happy 2014.
  • Lindarda
    Lindarda Posts: 3 Member
    WW is what I've always done, also lifetime. I know the diet well, so I can follow even when not going to meetings. That's why I'm glad that my office mates are working together on better eating. Also glad for a site like this, where we can get together and discuss our journey
  • lorilrob
    lorilrob Posts: 18 Member
    I am 55 and also packed on weight with menopause--all around the middle of my body. It is harder to lose it for sure as we age. Otherwise I have not suffered much with hot flashes or anything else. Feel free to friend me for support and encouragement. I need some motivation.
  • teetime304
    teetime304 Posts: 91 Member

    I just joined today and like everyone else, need some motivation (ok, pushing) to get the extra pounds off. I've been on a hormonal roller coaster and have relocated twice in the past three years with my husbands job. A lot of crazy hormones, stress from moving and not having a social network...before I knew it, 20 pounds were added. I've been struggling to exercise a lot...the crazy hormones are giving me daily migraines and heart palpitations. I decided that its time to take control....seize the day. I'd be happy to support others and chit chat about reaching our goals....and the dreaded menopause symptoms that we will all laugh at one day.

    Here's to a successful and healthy 2014 to everyone!
  • Lindarda
    Lindarda Posts: 3 Member
    It's only been a few days, but how is everyone doing?:love:
  • calmandpeaceful
    calmandpeaceful Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am 53 and am peri menopausal. Due to this, and also extreme family stress over the last 4-5 years, I have gained at least 30 lb. I went to a nutritionist this Fall, and she told me about this site. Like many of you I have done ww over the years, got my lifetime, but I learned how to cheat my points. Dumb, I know, because it defeats the purpose. So I am going back to counting calories, a la 1970s, and with the help of my nutritionist, it should work.

    I am also taking a 10 week long intensive in mindfulness for stress relief. Between the hormone fluctuations and family issues, I am always looking for ways to cope better. I exercise fairly frequently (about 3 times per week) but more is always better for the body and mind, so I will try to exercise more as well.

    Looking forward to losing my belly! I've already had 3 good days - my goal is 1400 calories per day - and I've done that. I'm also cutting out wine for the time being. That was becoming a bad habit.

    Best wishes to all of us for 2014!
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm also post menopause due to forced hysterectomy the summer before last when I was 43. Have most definitely put on weight since then, but was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and no idea for how long. Although suspect with hindsight, for quite a while, as I lost 70lbs about 5 years ago... maintained for about a year and a half... but then about 40lbs crept back on... then a further 28lbs added within a year of having a hysterectomy!! :cry:

    So I joined this site last July back at square one. But it's been so helpful in keeping me on track and I've lost 29lbs slowly. I'm currently doing WW too... but old school and don't go to meetings. I just use MFP and challenges for my weekly weigh-ins and accountability to help me stay on track... also a free mobile app called wwdiary.

    Have survived Christmas and New Year... 3 days off track for Christmas... one day for New Year! Tough with far too many goodies still around... but determined to get this weight off! So if anyone wants some moral support, then just drop me a friend request and I'll be more than happy to try help. :smile: