Your goal rewards...

I am getting my goals for the up coming months/year in order and I am trying to figure out my "rewards" for reaching/accomplishing what I am setting for myself each month. Now my goals are not just weight loss, yes I have an amount of weight I would like to reach at a certain point in time, HOWEVER I would like to try to make permanent changes in my life while in the process of losing.

This month my goal is to exercise on all the days (30min/minimum) I have planned to (or get the equal amount of days in if something comes up) and I will reward myself with something.

Next month I plan to try to eat within my calorie range at least 5 out of 7 days a week (not giving myself an excuse to go over, but I WILL NOT deprive myself of ANYTHING ANYMORE when it comes to eating.) So it will help me learn how to control and keep a mindful eye on what and how much I eat. If I can accomplish this I will reward myself with something.

My only issue is that I am not your "girly" girl, and I rarely buy ANYTHING for myself. I always put others first. I do not go and get my nails done, I do not own much for clothes, I am VERY simple, jeans and t-shirt girl. I see so many people with mani/pedi, a new dress, etc. None of that is me...I am having a hard time finding things I would like to "earn" for me.

Any suggestions....


  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I bought new running shoes and workout gear after 2 - 3 months.

    Usually new clothes were my treats. I got new stuff from Tj Maxx every couple months as my pants became saggy.
  • BrotherSpankus
    I'm getting my hair styled at a fancy place that's very much out of my budget once I've hit the 50lb mark (that'll give me some time to save some money for it too!!).

    Other things you could do -
    - Get a pedicure/some spa treatment
    - Go see a show
    - Buy some clothes
    - Try out a new fitness class (Pilates or Zumba or something)
    - Go on a long relaxing walk
    - Buy a bath bomb, some candles and have a relaxing pamper session!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I want these:

    That's my goal weight reward.

    In the meantime, I'm looking forward to buying new clothes since mine are starting to get roomy.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    What do you like? Buy yourself a new tshirt with a tight fit, or new jeans, buy a heart rate monitor, put money away for an awesome trip or concert you want to see.

    New house items, new car items.

    Not into spending money? Volunteer your time somewhere. Go on a local hike. Take . Learn a new hobby every month. Spend time with friends.

    Just pick something you like and do it as your reward and don't do it when you don't make goal.
  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks!! I have come up with ideas for the next 2 months ( the overall goal for the month) so as long as I can accomplish that I will get that item!! I am going to try for a massage and next month a pedicure (2 things I don't usually do on reg basis) we will see!

    I am also thinking I need something to work for/earn as I lose weight too. So I think I will go for every 10 lost, then an ultimate goal reward. I will work on those the next few days since I have to decide things I really need/want or maybe go off the wall and treat myself to something I never do here too....
  • Shampres
    Shampres Posts: 64 Member
    Take you and a friend on an experience, rather than buying yourself something tangible. Go skydiving or charter a fishing boat, maybe a long weekend out of town. If you want to treat yourself to something more lasting, then get some fancy athletic watch, or something that will help motivate you to continue in your healthy lifestyle.
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    My next weight goal (not my final number) will be new workout and casual clothes.

    The next may be a spa day.

    Final goal may be a tattoo. (My son's finger prints)
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 3.8 pounds away from goal weight now and my reward will be new asic running shoes.