Twenty-three, 255 lbs, 5'7", Getting married in June

Hey everyone,

My name is Emily, and I have a hard time staying consistent with my exercise and I don't eat very well. I feel like I need a completely change my diet, but it is very overwhelming. Does anyone have any tips on what the best way is to get started with that? BTW, I hope everyone had an awesome New Year's Eve! :drinker:


  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Emily

    Happy New Year! Congrats on your engagement as well. A tip that I would give is to take baby steps with weight loss. I would work on logging in every day and tracking all of your food (even if you go over that day). Once you have that down pat, I would try to find the exercises that I'd like to do, and do them according to how often you'd like to exercise each week. Then, relax and take good, loving care of yourself. The weight will come off. If you get discouraged, think about things that make you happy and do things that will make you feel better.

    I hope this is helpful.
  • emrosenov
    Thank you! I appreciate your advice, and I think it's going to help me a lot. I tend to get overwhelmed easily, but baby steps I can do. I just mainly want to look and feel healthier. Happy New Year and good luck with all of your goals!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome, Happy New Year and Happy Engagement!!!!

    Yes, baby steps. Some can change everything at once, others cannot.
    Start getting rid of a few bad foods and adding good ones. Start tracking

    Find a workout YOU enjoy and START and don't Stop.

    We're here to help!
    Feel free to friend me if you'd like

  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    The only thing I can offer, is you must give in to the computer. It is a bit tron but if you do everything the computer says it will work. That means putting the app on your phone and being religious about it.

    For the psychology part there are some who would recommend a half day fast when you start just to remind yourself that hunger isn't the end of the world. When I was really heavy I don't think I was properly hungry for years and it was a shock at first. Also the 8 glasses of water thing is really important as it will cut down on the between meal grabbing a handful of whatever, and reduce the risk of kidney stones etc as your body processes all that you have been storing.

    Just give in, and enjoy the ride.

    Oh and get a physical and start slowly on the exercise. An early injury can make progress painfully slow.

    Also you may want to hold off on looking at dresses, there are some things that I wanted to wear at the beginning that I was not pleased with once I was appropriately sized to fit them.

    Best of Luck.