Full time mums fitting in exercise?

Hi all,

Before I had my son 7 months ago I would have worked out 5-6days a week, combination of gym, swimming, classes, insanity, 30 day shred, Turbofire etc. I have lost 2.5 stone with 1.5 stone to loose.

As from 3rd February I am returning to work full time. Will be dropping him off at childminder at 8.40am, working 9am-5pm, dinner, playtime and bed for him between 7-8pm. My query is 'where do you find time to fit in exercise'? The thought of exercising at 8pm after a busy day and preparing lunches/bags/clothes for the following day isn't appealing. I only get 1/2hr lunch in work so not much chance of exercising bar a 20min walk. I can work out at weekends as hubbie can keep an eye on baby, however I feel 2 days a week isn't enough. Any suggestions or do I need to suck it up and do a fitness DVD at 8pm at home!



  • Only3x
    Only3x Posts: 3 Member
    What about in the morning before work? Also I have worked it in while husband cooks dinner one night, then the next night I cook, we've also traded bed times, so on the night I cook he does the bed time routine with the kids, and I work out. Also sometimes I will do a work out with the kids, like a run/walk with the stroller or play on the floor with my little one and do sit ups, squats, little ones think jumping jacks are really funny. not my best work outs but better than nothing on busy days Its easier for me than doing it at the very end of my day sometimes, but if things are busy I do it before bed... if that's when I gotta do it... Hope that helps, Good luck to you!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Well, I stay at home but I can assure you I am a full-time mother. :tongue: Right now my exercise time is at night after the kids are in bed. Early in the morning doesn't work for me because the baby wakes often at night, and nap time is hit or miss as to whether it actually happens. There are plenty of workout DVDs that are around 30 min long that give you a great workout, and that way you can shower before bed and sleep in a few extra minutes in the morning.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Yea either late night or get up early do a dvd there are lots of 20 min workouts. You can also do some floor work body weight exercises to start. I go to the gym from 5 to 6am. If not I have workout vids that are from 20 to 30 mins. I have 3 kids all under 5 there is no way I could go any other time.
  • foldingstarsx
    i have 2 kids 3 and 5 and unfortunately my exercise,apart from running about after them is after they are in bed. so around 8pm. i am a night owl so it suits me but i would like to be able to do during day time
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    My husband gets back from his morning run around 4:45 am then he is in charge of the kid while I go to gym. He gets kid up, washed, dressed and fed. I get back 6am wash dress and take kid to 7am Mass at her school. Mass only lasts about 19 min then I head to work. School uniform makes dressing our child very easy. Breakfasts are very simple at our house. Cheerios and skim or yoghurt or Belvita breakfast crackers or eggs poached in egg central machine. We go to bed early, my husband at 7:15 and me at 8-8:30. My husband runs early because " The drunks have gone to bed and the perverts aren't awake yet". We live in a city and you have to be careful. Other athlete couples I know just rotate so that everyone gets their full workouts in. My friend and her husband are both triathletes and they rotate dinner prep. One goes on a run while the other preps then the returning runner cooks while the prepper runs. They have a 5 yr old and this works well for them.