Looking for Support Team

Happy New Year!

Two years ago on January 1, I started MFP. I had a goal of running a 5K by my 50th birthday. Over the next 5 1/2 months, I lost 56 pounds, ran the 5K and then...stopped. I looked and felt great, so I have no idea why I didn't keep going. I suspect that the lack of a solid goal was the kicker. Well, here we are 2 years later and I have regained all weight lost and lost all the fitness gained. Nevertheless, I am motivated to try again. I know MFP works and I am a supportive friend. If anyone is in the same boat or would just like to join forces to succeed, please add me to your friends list. Here's to US in 2014!


51 year old mom to a beautiful 11 year old girl and 2 crazy dogs, wife to the best hubby ever, full time government employee, beach lover, and Northern California resident


  • bgirls2
    Hey Laureen!

    I am a grad student and stay at home mom of 2 girls. I am also looking for friends to help keep me accountable from day to day. I have sent you a friend request; we can do this together!

  • kstephan73
    kstephan73 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Laureen...
    I sent you a request!! sounds like your the type of person that I need on my team...and Im here to support you as well!!

    Good Luck! Kim
  • tampagirl1965
    tampagirl1965 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Laureen,

    Hit me up any time!! I was going gangbusters and lost my mom in September due to complications from Alzheimer's..

    My 1st goal is about 35 lbs away!! Thankfully, I've managed to maintain my current weight through all the craziness of my life and the holidays!!

    I'm game to build a team!! I'll send you a friend req!
  • Terri92021
    Terri92021 Posts: 3 Member
    I need help and support. Just starting a 75 lb journey. Can't write now because I'm at work, but count me in.
  • momof2kz03
    I'm new here but am also looking for support. you can add me as well and hopefully we will all reach our goals together this year. !!!
  • rachelbisme
    Happy New Year, Laureen!
    Congrats on all of the wonderful things you have accomplished and know we are supporting each other and you can do anything you set your mind to. I wish you a great year and will be here if you need! My name is Rachel from Minnesota ;)
  • jenna40_2go
    Hi! I'm a 35 year old mom of 2 beautiful teenage girls and wife to one wonderful man! I was on MFP almost 2 years ago, lost 20lbs and then moved to Florida and gained back 15. I'm here now to lose about 40lbs and stay there. I have a shopping trip coming up from my husband. I want to weigh a lot less when I go clothes shopping and get some new cute clothes. I have not shopped for myself for clothes in so long and I'm terrified of dressing room mirrors lol. I need motivation and support and friends who will put up with my crabbiness. :tongue: Please feel free to add me!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome Back!!!!

    Do you plan on running again or looking for different things?

    Would love to help you and any others in any way.

    I'm looking to lose a few more pounds and get firmed up. I've Finally gotten more consistent this year, but not as much the last couple of weeks, and had several 'stoppages' during the year.

    Like an above poster, I lose my Father Oct 2nd, he also had alzheimers.

    I'm 48 with two little ones. 4 and 6 I work full time, I'm married, and I have a business.
  • SarahGrace39
    Hi...I love these posts! Im a mum of 2 and eat out of sheer boredom...would love to lose 50-70lbs and need support. Please feel free to add me :-D
  • soulard79
    I am also back again, and my goals are for me this time. Widow trying to find my normal again, what ever that may be.
    Need support and encouragement to get myself healthier and active. I like working out but it seems finding that happy medium between my work schedule and life in general continues to be my biggest problem. You can add me, I need all the help I can get and am willing to be supportive.
  • teetime304
    teetime304 Posts: 91 Member

    I just joined today and like everyone else, need some motivation (ok, pushing) to get the extra pounds off. I've been on a hormonal roller coaster (ladies my age may understand :) ) and have relocated twice in the past three years with my husbands job. A lot of crazy hormones, stress from moving and not having a social network...before I knew it, 20 pounds were added. I've been struggling to exercise a lot...the crazy hormones are giving me daily migraines and heart palpitations. If decided that its time to take control.?carpe diem...seized the day. I'd be happy to support others and chit chat about reaching our goals.

    Here's to a successful and healthy 2014 to everyone!

    PS - Rachel from MN...We just moved from Minneapolis 4 months ago. While it was a short stay, it's a great place.
  • Mkstehle
    Mkstehle Posts: 25 Member

    I have been off & on with MFP for over a year, but need to make a definite commitment. I gained about 20 pounds 2 years ago (already had 50 to lose) and can't seem to lose it...... however, don't think my eating habits are helping much. Need to reign in the eating. I am a boredom, emotional eater. Working out is not the problem for me, eating is. Want to lose 70 pounds by February 2015. My husband wants to go on a cruise so definitely need motivation. I am almost 43 with two wonderful boys, 12 & 10.
