Foods and weight gain

Does anyone here find if they eat certain foods they gain weight the next day and I am not talking about cookies sweets etc, i can eat mushrooms sweet baked potato with nothing on it and for some reason the scale goes up ? Is this just me and why would this be ? Some of these foods are healthy I promise I don't add butter etc...


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Stop focusing on the scale. My weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds over the course of one day. Weight loss is not linear. Look for the downward trend. I only weigh once a week. Too frustrating otherwise.

    Bricks don't have any calories - but will make you weigh more if you eat one. :wink:
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Stop focusing on the scale. My weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds over the course of one day. Weight loss is not linear. Look for the downward trend. I only weigh once a week. Too frustrating otherwise.

    Bricks don't have any calories - but will make you weigh more if you eat one. :wink:

    Plus take measurements. Fat loss does not always equal weight loss. Also Sodium in certain foods will cause you to retain water that is probably what you are looking at. Good luck
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Stop focusing on the scale. My weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds over the course of one day. Weight loss is not linear. Look for the downward trend. I only weigh once a week. Too frustrating otherwise.

    Bricks don't have any calories - but will make you weigh more if you eat one. :wink:

    Plus take measurements. Fat loss does not always equal weight loss. Also Sodium in certain foods will cause you to retain water that is probably what you are looking at. Good luck

  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Average 3 or more days to filter out some of these natural fluctuations. Also only weigh yourself at the same time, same way. For example morning after you wake, use the bathroom, and no clothes.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for the advice your right I weigh every day if I see a slight increase i panic and think I am doing something wrong and then start getting confused over whats good for me etc.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    First off; what is a 'healthy' food?
    I'd suggest there's no such thing. There is a 'diet appropriate to your desires' - most foods can be included in a 'healthy' diet providing appropriate quantities are observed.
    Food like sweet potatoes isn't that calorie dense and has a fair bit of fibre - so it will weigh more for the same calories.
    This may be what you're seeing.

    If you take 300 calories of butter and 300 calories of potato, the latter will weigh a lot more.

    But yes; don't stress it. I see the scales bounce about like that on a daily basis.
    Best bet I'd say is to record daily in MFP, BUT only look at the graph for information and the 'trend'. It's fine for the number to bounce about, providing overall the graph is going down - presuming that's what you're wanting!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you eat more salt than usual, you'll retain water. If you eat more carbs than usual, you'll retain water. Lots of other things affect it too, including changing your exercise routine, and hormonal changes. Remember that the scale is not just weighing fat, it's weighing your whole body, most of which is not fat.

    Weighing every day is fine, it's a good way to collect information, but you have to be ok with the fact that body weight fluctuates, whether you're trying to lose or not. It's a fact, and if that stresses you out too much, you might be better off not weighing every day.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I just presumed things like plain mushrooms wouldn't lead to a weight gain it just seems odd to me ..but perhaps as you all say other factors play a role
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I just presumed things like plain mushrooms wouldn't lead to a weight gain it just seems odd to me ..but perhaps as you all say other factors play a role
    Again, "weight" is not just fat. Don't forget food itself has weight, and if you eat more than you normally do (or for example if you are constipated) you'll have more food/waste in your digestive system, and that will show up on the scale.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    I weigh-in once a week and take measurements. I am careful the day before weigh-in not to run too close to my calorie and nutrient limits. My weight is trending downward but my measurements fluctuate wildly, regardless of what I do.

    Keep track of the foods that make you gain and maybe trim the portions back a 1/2.

    Good luck!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    As an idea on calories, about the most calorie dense food is fat - so lets say you had 1200 calories of pure fat, then stepped on the scales. You would have added around 133g (1/3rd pound) of weight in to your body.
    Now, lets say instead you ate 1200 calories of strawberries.
    Instead you will have added 4kg (nearly 9lb) of weight in to your body.
    Now, most of that will be water, but it may take a while to get through the system.
    And then there's water retention - some foods may make your body retain more water than others.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Everybody's different. Mushrooms make some people fat.

    But it's almost definitely sodium related.

    But it could be mushrooms.
  • Dianemarie65
    Dianemarie65 Posts: 20 Member
    Our weight can fluctuate daily. I would look at your overall average weight for the week. Also near our cycle we can gain up to a pound from fluid retention. If you eat salty foods that can also cause fluid retention.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I guess the question is if it's just water weight then why does it take me another week to loose it ?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm not that up on this - but remember 'water weight' is water in your whole body, not in your bladder.

    It wouldn't seem unreasonable to me that the body may retain that water for some time in some conditions, but no idea of the science I'm afraid.