Getting started..again..arg!!!

Well I gave up a few weeks ago because of holiday cooking.. I'm going to start over tomorrow and start back at the gym. Anyone else have to start your goals all over again? I feel like an idiot. I always do this... :-(


  • onlyvictory2014
    onlyvictory2014 Posts: 7 Member
    I am so with u. i am starting over tomorrow as well, but my feelings are not lining up with that lol. Feel free to send me a friend request. Im tired of starting over so this time I wanna go all the way no looking back :)
  • firecraker05
    firecraker05 Posts: 41 Member
    I am in the same boat as both of you. I started my weight loss journey again back in October and did great for a month, but then Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays came and I took a month long break. I am very frustrated with myself for doing that, but I only have myself to blame. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I am always looking for people to support and also who will help support me. Good luck to you!
  • LesBrock
    LesBrock Posts: 44 Member
    I lost over 56 lbs around 3 years ago and its slowly drifted back on, so back on the wagon to try and loose it yet again, and try and keep it off.

    Good luck
  • amandastephens9003
    amandastephens9003 Posts: 33 Member
    Yup! Im going to try and make 2014 count! I've been trying to lose 50 to 60 pounds for about 5 years....

    I do well for awhile then fall off the wagon, ive fallen off so many times i need a crash helmet!
    :P Good Luck to all!
  • I'm feeling ya, i always get motivated for a few months and then reset. But! every time i fall off the wagon it's shorter so i think i am making progress. 2014 will be my year! :D
  • gossip1988
    gossip1988 Posts: 2 Member
    same here..........

    I started on here only 6 weeks ago, lost 6 pound in the first 2 weeks then with Christmas, new year etc have just forgot the diet.

    Guess what, I'm back where I started!!!!!!

    So a new start today I have just weighed in, cereal for breakfast and off to work.

    BRING ON 2014!!!!!!!
  • angelfish257
    angelfish257 Posts: 81 Member
    I am right in that boat with you - did great last year until I went on holiday at start of september. Since then I managed to maintain for a few weeks then it got darker and colder and the weight has started creeping back on......I've basically been eating like the world was ending for the whole of December!

    Re-measured, re-weighed and re-set all my goals today and updated my profile - feel free to add me as a friend, always looking to add new friends for support and encouragement :smile:
  • In my best Michael Jackson voice (You are not alone, I am here with you) I'm starting again after a long break. Let's encourage each other and set it off!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Welcome, it's never too late. Everyone was new at one point. I've been here for 710 days :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh yes! The amount of times I've started, given up, restarted, then given up again! I'm hoping this time I will stick to it. Feel free to add me :)
  • bubblewrap91
    bubblewrap91 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm the same! I can get really into it and be doing well for a while and then if anything happens I find it really hard to get back on track.... going to weigh myself later today (dreading that) and try again to start eating better. Hopefully it'll work this time and I can stay motivated!

    If anyone is the same and wants some help to stay motivated, feel free to add me...I could do with the help too!

    Happy new year everyone x
  • Also ready to tackle 2014. I'm successful when I focus on nutrition (never the diet word) and make sure I have physical activity everyday. So since October 2, I've gained 11 pounds because I did not follow my plan. I feel very hopeful for 2014 and re-committing to myself. Remember: don't look back, we are not going that way. :))
  • monimoni1979
    monimoni1979 Posts: 10 Member
    The same here. I'm glad I,m not the only one. My goal is to lose 6 kilos... again.
  • Snap! Why is it so hard to keep the weight off? It's silly but thinking about the losing is the easy part, it's the keeping off which is so difficult and you go back to old ways. I lost 4 stone with Weightwaters about 9 years ago and a stone and a half crept back on. I joined myfitness pal this time last year and lost it all, only to weigh in today a stone and a half heavier :(

    It's a constant cycle, how do you make it end?
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    Got to 94 kg from 100 (goal is 87-90) in 3 monthes, back to 100 again, starting tomorrow.
  • sharonpryke
    sharonpryke Posts: 13 Member
    Ditto ... I'm always doing this too! Last year I lost 3 stones, motivated by my upcoming wedding in May, and then once the wedding was over I 'relaxed'. Now all the weight is back on again and once again I'm starting over.

    It's not just losing weight that's hard - it's keeping it off!

    Trying a new tack this year and thinking of it as healthy eating for life - rather than on/off a diet. Also going to be trying to eat foods I like, rather than just 'diet' foods. Surprisingly, there are some things I like that aren't just chocolate, cakes, biscuits ....

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Me too - starting over for what feels like the millionith time! Good luck to us all :)
  • thursby2
    thursby2 Posts: 15 Member
    With you hun! but I recently read "don't worry about what you eat over the Christmas period concentrate on the rest of the year" it made perfect sense taking a few weeks break of eating what you want won't stop you reaching your overall goals.
  • I had lost 70 pounds and in the years since, I had gained it all back. I've now lost 21 of that. It is frustrating when you feel like "well, I've been on this place on the scale before!!" I am learning the hard way that you have to treat yourself like an addict and therefore, can never, never let your guard down. I seemed to think, ok, I've met my goal, now I can eat like a normal person. But no, that can never be and I have to accept that. My three sisters and mother are all sized 4, and they rarely let their guard down and therefore do not gain weight. They are at the gym daily ( they do not work, so that helps), but not an excuse for me. So that is what I learned- have to be constantly vigilant and keep moving. I got a fitbit on a Black Friday sale. Very motivating. In the afternoon, I check my steps and if I'm not where I should be for the day, I'm out the door and walking, walking and walking.
  • I've never lost more than 15 pounds and never 'stuck' to this lifestyle longer than a month or two.
    I am telling myself that THIS is gonna be the year.
    I hope it is.