Getting Serious!

Hi there,

I am an 18 year old girl, and recently I've been in hospital and am not allowed to exercise until February/March, I've been on MFP for 2 months now and I just want someone to give me a breakdown on what I should be eating and how much I should be eating, especially now since I can't go to gym.

Height - 163cm
Weight - 50kg
Age - 18

Although I am thin my body proportions are terrible, (heavy on the bottom, lihht on the top) and I'm really trying to be healthier than before.

Thanks. :)


  • CFL_320
    Options that you in your picture? Cause it looks like you're already doing pretty well to me.
  • ShanStaR1908
    Options that you in your picture? Cause it looks like you're already doing pretty well to me.

    Yea that was me a while back, but I was exercising then and now I can't do anything so I want to be able to maintain just by eating right. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    as long as you are not eating more calories than you burn you will maintain your weight - whether you eat that in mars bars or salad is up to you!

    MPF generally sets maintenance a bit low, but you can use that as a guide for how many calories you need, or work out your TDEE.
  • Tumpshies
    Tumpshies Posts: 3 Member
    i think from your stats you are within the normal ranges. but if you really want to do some exercices while your on bed rest look at the sites that are aimed at older folk or people who have a high bmi as there is specific workouts that can be done on a chair
  • ShanStaR1908
    i think from your stats you are within the normal ranges. but if you really want to do some exercices while your on bed rest look at the sites that are aimed at older folk or people who have a high bmi as there is specific workouts that can be done on a chair

    No, it's not because I can't move, my body needs to rest because it was hit with a major airborne virus that started attacking everything. So I feel quite weak easily.