Calories burned in jilian michaels workouts?

Does anyone know how many calories are burned in jilian micheals 30 day shred and ripped in 30 workouts? (per level)

I entered all the exercises separately in my exercise diary and it only counts the cardio - which comes up to a measly 79 calories for 7 minutes? Should I have put circuit training instead? Its supposed to burn around 133 calories for the 20 minute workout....



  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    Those are all fad programs encouraging people to buy certain products.

    Start doing cardio that puts your body into a metabolic state....I have heard (I cant vouch for this) but some HIIT cardio program, sometimes not longer than only a few minutes, can get you to burn calories for up to 36 hours. That's a heckuva lot more than your average 300 cals doing 30 minutes of jumping around.

    But.... that's just my opinion, good luck.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    30DS can be logged as circuit training, if ripped in 30 is the same sort of workout then you can log that as circuit training too.
  • shelleysykeskeene
    shelleysykeskeene Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks guys!

    Will look into the High-intensity interval training - I have heard good things - hopefully I can do it at home
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Those are all fad programs encouraging people to buy certain products.

    Some people like workout dvds, I for one do as they are conveinent and I enjoy them. So long as they get you off the sofa and on your feet working out, I don't see how they can all be labelled as a fad. I agree that I take the claims of "do this workout and lose X lbs in X days" with a pinch of salt and I know that doing a 20 minutes 30 day shred workout each day isn't a huge amount of exercise, but for people who want to work out at home with little to no equipment and might not have that much free time they are great and you will see results if combined with wise food choices. I have 4 of Jillians dvds and I like to mix them up so I have never done the 30DS for 30days, I will swap around and mix it with others as I see it less of a programme to follow & more of just one workout that I can alternate with others so as not to get bored . I did 30DS on Monday levels 1 & 2 back to back and then I did her more trouble zones 50min workout Tuesday & I was so sore yesterday I had to have a day off. My personal opinion is that her workouts are awesome & I'm happy to pay for them :smile:

    For the calorie burns I found a website a while ago (forgotten the name) that had calorie estimates for loads of home workout dvds listed based on 60minutes and had a calculator that took into account your own weight whn calculating the burn for various dvds. I just added them to the exercise section of MFP so now when I do a workout I can just log it easily from my list of exercises, obviously with these estimates being for 60minutes if you are doing 30DS for 20mins the burn would be less. These are the figures I have in my exercise list for Jillian workouts all based on 60minutes and based on my weight which is 104lbs :

    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD - 212cals
    Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack DVD - 241 cals
    DVD Jillian michaels banish fat boost metabolism - 231cals
    Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD - 231 cals

    I to be honest don't pay too much attention to the estimates as they are never truly accurate but I like to log everything just to keep track of the exercise I'm doing and it gives me a (very approximate) idea of cals I'm burning. For me, if I do 20mins of 30DS, the estimate would be 70cals based on these figures and that is what I log. I always feel I've worked out too hard to possibly have only burned that many as I put in plenty of effort but I would rather underestimate than overestimate anyway so it isn't a bad thing :smile:
  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    Options are definitely correct, any exercise is good exercise. I've never really bothered with knowing how many calories are burnt, so I'm with you on that one's all about intensity anyways. I can go through an entire 4 hour cardio session lifting my leg twice, that doesn't mean I did 30 minutes of cardio though. Anyways...which would you prefer? Eating 300 calories less or doing cardio for 30 minutes that burns 300 calories?

    It's all about your approach, its never really about long term goals when you approach certain exercise regimes or programs...its about getting through that next couple of minutes. If your approach to those next couple of minutes is not right then one has already failed.

    So I'm with you...anything that gets you off your *kitten*.....well thats just dandy. I myself has bought stacks of DVD's....I didnt mean one should not buy any products.....I just mean that when you do, you need to approach the training correctly.

    But, that's just my opinion.
  • Cskinner2
    Cskinner2 Posts: 16 Member
    Personally I combine Jillian Revolution DVD's, Leslie Sansone Walk away the Poundsd DVD as well as my treadmill wokrouts and running. I lost 35 pounds, have hit my goal weight and am in the best shape I have been, toned and active. Works for me in my timeframe. Eventually would love to get into HIT but I also have pre-existing injuriews that revent me from doing some movements. I say do what works for you. Anytime you get off the couch and move is good
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Does anyone know how many calories are burned in jilian micheals 30 day shred and ripped in 30 workouts? (per level)

    I entered all the exercises separately in my exercise diary and it only counts the cardio - which comes up to a measly 79 calories for 7 minutes? Should I have put circuit training instead? Its supposed to burn around 133 calories for the 20 minute workout....


    Results will be different from person to person, I would recommend getting a HRM to monitor your calories burned.
  • cherylzcv8
    cherylzcv8 Posts: 26 Member
    I have my HRM on when i do Jillians 30 days shred and on average i burn between 140 and 150 cals a session, thats on level 1
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    @JJMaratiz I totally agree that a lot of the dvds or programmes out there are aimed at people who want a quick fix, I mean some people probably buy 30DS & think if they do it for 30days then that's it, they will be transformed & so many of these programmes promise what I think are really overestimated weight loss in a short time. Obviously that is unrealistic & what happens when that 30days is up? Do you just stop because you have completed the programme?..erm no!!... :smile: But if you encorporate dvds into your regime & do them regularly, as well as other training (I also lift) then they definitely are just another positive tool to get you off the sofa and into your trainers :smile: