Doing ww and MFP?

I am doing ww and was wondering if you guys still journal on the ww site if you log your food here? I am just curious how it all compares? I might log on ww today and see how many actual points I ate..
Also, do you all totally trust the amount of calories that you are given on a daily basis? I have eaten a full day of food and it says I still have calories left over....just wondering.


  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I am doing ww and was wondering if you guys still journal on the ww site if you log your food here? I am just curious how it all compares? I might log on ww today and see how many actual points I ate..
    Also, do you all totally trust the amount of calories that you are given on a daily basis? I have eaten a full day of food and it says I still have calories left over....just wondering.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Which WW plan are you doing?
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I am doing flex at 27 points. MFP told me net calories is 1240 but also says that I have earned over 700 today with my training walk....SO it says I still have like 695 calories to eat you all eat your net calories or what? Sorry to ask dumb questions...I just want this to work and might have to still go to my ww meetings but not try to figure out points etc...
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    I started off on weight watchers and have lost more weight... and paid no money to do it on mfp... and i have more support here then the ww meeting...

    my friend and i were real skeptics also about the excersie cals.. but we tried it for two weeks and found great results.. and she also started out on ww.. and then did something like mfp first on her own.. then i got her hooked on mfp... ITS AWESOME
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I started off on weight watchers and have lost more weight... and paid no money to do it on mfp... and i have more support here then the ww meeting...

    my friend and i were real skeptics also about the excersie cals.. but we tried it for two weeks and found great results.. and she also started out on ww.. and then did something like mfp first on her own.. then i got her hooked on mfp... ITS AWESOME

    regarding excercise sure to eat at least some. I had been on a plateau since July 9th, and with some great help here I did some re-evaluation....I've eaten almost all my excercise calories for a solid week and came in with a 4 lb loss this week. It's hard to get the mentality to eat more, but it works!!! You think....'I burned those calories...why in the world would I want to eat them????" Be sure to read all the posts here for "newbies" They are excellent reading!
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks for the info! I know with ww I usually eat most of my activity points because over the 2 years I have been doing this I have learned that you need to eat to lose. Thank goodness I know it works because LOGICALLY it seems totally out of whack!!! Ü
    I need to read the newbie posts...I started reading a couple of them and they are VERY informative.
    One question. What does it mean when people say bump?
  • nay717
    nay717 Posts: 5
    Bump is just a way of keeping a topic active and near the top of the list where it will be seen.