Anyone else eating right but not

Hi there, in new and looking for some support, particularly with maintaining an exercise programme! I don't have a massive amount of weight to lose, but I would like to lose about 7-10lbs and improve my fitness. Im slim, but wobbly and my diet is rubbish. I always end up eating quick food like toast which has no nutritional benefits and I feel sluggish and bloated. I rarely exercise anymore due to working full time and having a young daughter. My new years resolution is to take better care of myself, eat well, exercise and tone up my wobbly bits! However, because I had an eating disorder in the past, im not going to calorie count. I know the foods I should be eating and I know what the correct potion size should be so I think I should be ok. Is anyone else in a similar position? For exercise, im going to do the 30 Day Shred which will involve getting up at 5.15am so that I can fit it in! Can anyone point me in the direction of any groups or threads that might be of benefit? Thanks!


  • ShrodieCat
    My title should read: 'Anyone else eating right but not counting calories?'