Just like many others - Starting over.

Like many others I am returning to MFP after taking time away to try it on my own without logging. We'll that was an epic fail. Originally I lost over 80lbs, but I have put 45lbs back on.

When this worked the best for me I had a great group of supportive MFPers. Looking for that great support again. Please feel free to add me.


  • goKimmer
    goKimmer Posts: 11 Member
    Me too. Logging is great but the mfp friends for support are so valuable! Love seeing other peoples sucess, keep me going. Also love to help others through rough patches. Let's do this! I have about 50 pounds to lose, starting at my highest weight ever. I just stopped exercising and paying attention. Well enough of that. I miss my high energy and fit self and I want that girl back!
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Always happy to add more friends. Feel free to add me. I log in daily.
  • Add request sent. Thanks mom2fabfive.
  • brenstar05
    brenstar05 Posts: 70 Member
    People always think that the need to "start over" signifies a failure of some previous goal or status. But I like to look at starting over as a positive. Sometimes life gets away from us, but the fact that you can step back and say, "it's time to try something new" is not a failure but a success! Congrats on coming back!! We are happy to have you in our MFP family! :)
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    Feel free to add me, always looking for more support!!! I log in everyday!
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. After going MIA for a few months and gaining some of the weight back I lost a lot of my core friends on here (understandable). Looking forward to making this a life style change and meeting some new friends.

  • Thank you for the support already. Now I remember why I did so well the first time.