Starting Today!!

After many failed attempts I am determined to get this extra weight off this year.

I have 4 grandkids 6 and under and I need to be able to keep up with them. I want to be healthier so I can watch them all grow up.

My mind is made up, I will not fail in 2014.

Any advise on how to best use this site would be much appreciated.



  • KookieMx5
    KookieMx5 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had a couple of days of starting to fill in the food diary and failed due to the tin of Roses and goodies left over around the place.
    The only way is to add these into the calorie count I think. That way I may be able to stick to it.
    Good luck. I need to lose about 2 stone and would love to get the exercise up too.
    I would suggest you look at the Food diary bit, if you havent already, it is a very good tool to use.
  • Welcome!! U can do this. Set your mind to it. Track weight, food and exercise. Log onto MFP and read these motivational posts for daily inspiration
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Get to know a few people here. If you say you're going to do something it helps to have people to hold you to it. Accountability. Maybe join one of the groups - like the 'Walk 50 miles in a Month Challenge' so you have something to aim for. And celebrate every pound lost - don't expect to lose it all at once - set smaller achieveable goals like 7lb at a time. Don't be disheartened if you go over your calorie goal every now and again - look at your calories for the week and you'll probably see it evens out. And count everything - cheating the calorie counter is only cheating yourself!
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    add me please.
  • I joined 2day 2 I'm a single mum 2 6:children & always struggle with my weigh after my 3rd child then this time last year me & my partner split after nearly 13 year 2gether & I did a lot of comfort eating were he did the opposite & he lost 5 stone in 6 months so this year is my 30;& I'm hoping 2 lose a lot of weigh so I'm not fat & 30 would b great 4 us 2 support each other alone this tough journey so plus feel free 2 add me & good luck 2 u all we can do this :-)
  • This is just my opinion. Feel free to disregard or not.

    Don't try to do too much all at once. If you try to make too many changes, you'll feel that you can't keep on top of it all and you are more likely to give up.

    Try just tracking your eating for a few days. As you track, you'll become more aware of what you are eating and what it comprises of (eg: how many calories, is it predominantly carbs/fat/protein, etc.). Being aware of what you are eating will allow you to make wiser choices in how you can make sustainable changes to your diet to make it healthier. (BTW: a diet is what you eat, not a way to lose weight!)

    Once you've sussed out the food, try adding a bit of exercise. Get a pedometer and see how many steps you do a day. Then work out where you can increase the step count (eg: taking stairs, parking further from the office, walking to a local shop, etc.)

    Just make little changes and when you've incorporated them into your lifestyle then you can look at a bit more.

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • wjrapp
    wjrapp Posts: 56 Member
    This is just my opinion. Feel free to disregard or not.

    Don't try to do too much all at once. If you try to make too many changes, you'll feel that you can't keep on top of it all and you are more likely to give up.

    Try just tracking your eating for a few days. As you track, you'll become more aware of what you are eating and what it comprises of (eg: how many calories, is it predominantly carbs/fat/protein, etc.). Being aware of what you are eating will allow you to make wiser choices in how you can make sustainable changes to your diet to make it healthier. (BTW: a diet is what you eat, not a way to lose weight!)

    Once you've sussed out the food, try adding a bit of exercise. Get a pedometer and see how many steps you do a day. Then work out where you can increase the step count (eg: taking stairs, parking further from the office, walking to a local shop, etc.)

    Just make little changes and when you've incorporated them into your lifestyle then you can look at a bit more.

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou: :happy:

    ^^^Totally agree...
    You can add me....I'm 54 female and was on 5 pills a day for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis. I've been working a healthier me for over 2 years and have successfully been off all my meds (under Dr.'s supervision) for 16 months now and have gone from size 16 to 10-12 now.

    It can be done if you are REALLY READY to make a change in your life. I got so tired of being tired and had gained weight and was sick of taking meds that made me feel worse even though they corrected my bp, chol and arthritis. I don't starve myself, I changed my diet and make healthier choices and now feed my body the foods it needs to keep my health issues in check. I also work out at the gym at least 5 days a week. Nothing very long or hard...some cardio and weights.

    I didn't just jump on the machines and went 40 minutes....take 10 minutes of cardio as often as you can and increase from there.

    The only reason it doesn't work, is we don't stick with it and aren't ready to make the life changes and/or give up too soon. I made the choice to be healthier and feel better....and won't go back....

    It's really up each of us...and the quality of life we want. If we want it badly can be done.

    Good Luck! flowerforyou
  • Do you want to be my work out buddy? I have 13 grands, ages 21 to 1. Am 30 pounds overweight. I will need to be able to swim in the lake this year with them.!
  • Good for you.. Glad you are making a choice to get healthy.. Like every one says take little steps one at a time and you will succeed I am also a grand mom of 4, 11 year old boy 9 year old girl.. and two little girls under the age of 3..And they keep me running but my weight is slowing me down..LOL
  • Mechdonna2
    Mechdonna2 Posts: 141 Member

    Good for you that you are starting again. If you like you can join our group called "Women of a Certain Age."

    I am hoping that members of the group will report in each Monday regarding their progress, exercise, concerns, or whatever comes up.
  • I am starting over for the millionth time...

    You have not failed until you quit trying.

    Hang in there.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    This is an excellent thread to get you started:
    Good luck. :flowerforyou: