
So although I'm doing pretty well (down 23 lbs now) I still feel like I'm fighting a losing battle and I don't know why! There's just days I'm tired of counting calories and worrying about what I can and cannot eat. Those days I usually say screw it but still can't manage to make it through the meal without looking up and logging the calories. I'm so close to the 170's which was nearly my weight 2 1/2 years ago! I'm amazed at what I've done, proud of myself, but still feeling completely beaten.

Anyone else?


  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I got that way awhile back,been stuck around 32/34 for the last few months,I actually took some time off and came back strong,just be carefull,my wife took the time off with me and she still has not returned.

    I've been trying to motivate her lately,but as you can imagine it is a very shaky/dangerous subject:wink:

    stay strong!!!!
  • dudleyvic
    Change it up! Boredom shows itself in many ways. Sounds like your body knows the routine. ;)

    Make a set diet for yourself and you won't have to count the calories. I have a postcard that tells me what meals I can make that are in my calorie range I want to stay. Then I get those meals for the week and just eat them. No counting. I have to count and worry when I'm going outside of my pre determined food plan.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    You have done fantastic and should be very proud of yourself. But, I understand the rough days. Your goals look good and achievable. This time of year is hard on all of us, because expectations are high during the holidays and there are so many temptations. Also the days are shorter for a while, and that really affects a lot of peoples moods. You might try what I do. I have a special day once a week where I indulge in things that are not healthy (chocolate), but I also make sure I do enough exercise to balance out the extra calories. It seems to keep me from going bonkers on my rough days, because I have something to look forward to. I also have plans for none food rewards when I meet each of my goals.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I totally get you on that thought.

    But to elaborate a bit:

    I hate hate hate hate hate logging food. Because I obsess about every single nutrient. If I get enough of one, I don't get enough of another. I have compared my food diary to a Rubick's Cube. I never feel like I've gotten it quite right. A bit of the old Perfectionist in me coming out.

    But. And this is a huge but. The two times in the last three years that I've stopped logging food I've gained 10-15 pounds. Now, granted, I stopped logging for several months both times. My body is very forgiving, and I know from experience that I piled in the calories for months at a time to gain that weight. Think 1500-2000 calories OVER every single day for months. The process would become too much for me to keep up with, so I would stop logging, telling myself I had the system in my head.

    I hope you can take something from this. Now I have a couple days at a time that I don't log, and then I get right back on it. I had to let go of having those nice little charts of past activity here on mfp, and accept that some days I either won't feel like logging, won't know the calories in the food (so I have to guess) or just don't want to face my short-comings for that day.

    I am now losing those last ten pounds for the third time in three years. I hope it will be the last time, because it's not a good feeling. :flowerforyou:
  • bedazzledmom
    You are doing AWESOME!!! Keep it up! I am trying hard to break outta the 200s (again!) and would love to be close to the 170s!!! Celebrate your success!:tongue:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    You have to be patient. I am now just getting near the 160's and it has been since July.
    Just relax and enjoy the journey, good things come when you wait.
    You will do this and you are remarkable how far you have come.
    Maybe just take a break and "sigh". Then continue again.
    Have faith in yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Thanks guys :) I think my biggest problem is that my family has not seen me in quite a few months (since before I started losing weight) and I have this deep fear I will see them for Thanksgiving or Christmas and they will not even notice I've lost anything OR my mom will be her normal self and tell me how I need to join a gym or do something to lose weight.
  • Oliviagp
    I'm new to this myself...so anyone who has lost ANYTHING gives me motivation! So keep it up and stay focused. Be blessed!