Surpised at Protein value in Pumkin Seeds..and other foods

So, I was snacking on pumkin seeds when I decided to look up the nutritional value of them. It says that there is 15grams of protein per serving in them. I waw quite shocked and pleasantly surprised by that.

Have any of you found a food that you were surprised at some of the nutritional value..whether good or bad surprise???

Just wondering..figured it would be fun to see....:happy:


  • Guess
  • yes Cocoa powder has 17 grams of protein per serving this blew my mind a few months back
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for the info. about the seeds. I am looking for sources of protein and this helps!

    To add to the discussion, I am always surprised by the high sodium content in just about everything! Try sticking to 1500 mg. or less a day. Not easy.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Be careful what source you use for determining calories/macros for different foods. For fresh foods, I like to go to the USDA for their calories.

    1 oz of pumpkin seeds has 163 calories, and 8.46g protein.

    And I guess the cocoa powder will depend on the brand, but straight up cocoa (according to the USDA) has 1.87g of protein in 3 heaping tsps (28g). If yours has higher protein, it might have powdered milk or something added in.
  • MyIdaho54
    MyIdaho54 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the tip! I've never tried them but am looking something with healthy fat and moderate protein. I see 1 oz of roasted pumpkin seeds has 9 g protein, 12 g fat, and 4 g carbs. I'll give em a try!