So...a guy walks into a bar...

So yeah. I signed up for this about 4 years ago with the plan on losing about 90 lbs. Logged in today for the first time in a while and the goals are the same and not a lot has changed. I'm currently sitting in at a stout 276 and would love to get right down around 200. In June of 2015 I intend on hiking the state of Oregon along the Pacific Crest Trail and in my current state there ain't NO way that would be able to happen. There's a lot I want to change about my life and weight loss seems to be the center of all of that. I'm 32 and married with 1 child and would really like another 1 or 2 and want to play with my grandkids someday. In order to do so, I need to get cracking. I've got my workout down pretty well but always look for little tips here and there to help me lose. The diet is always the part that I have an issue with. I have an understanding of what I need to do but doing it is much harder for me. I know to eat less calories and work them out to lose weight but I'm a visual person. If someone says "eat more complex cards and less processed foods" that doesn't mean anything to me. If you know a resource to help me figure out exactly what those things are, hook a brother up!

The other big issue that I have is that I'm generally a picky eater. I can't eat cooked vegetables(that aren't carrots, corn, green beans, etc) so all the Vegan type diets are hard for me. Onions make me want to gag and I'm allergic to mushrooms. It's a bit annoying(especially as an adult) so if you're in this boat, let me know how to get around it. It's a mental thing that I just can't seem to break!!!


  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    WOW. welcome back and good luck. I know, for myself, I'm just trying to stay under my daily calories and I keep plugging away. I check in every day, even if I don't 'log' and that keeps a healthier lifestyle on my mind. it'll get better for me! be well
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome back to MFP!

    I am a picky eater also. I hate mushrooms, onions, and more. My favorite veggies include broccoli, carrots and spinach (raw) and steamed green beans. Although it is missing fiber or whole fruits and veggies I also like v8 (fusion).

    Experiment with fruit and vegetable smoothies (perhaps combined with greek yogurt) until you find something you like.

    For losing weight the most important thing is how much you eat, not what you eat. That being said a proper macro nutrient balance and exercise program can help preserve muscle mass while you lose weight. Log everything you eat every single day.

    Good luck!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Eat the food you like, just control how much of it you eat. Hitting your calorie goal is what matters.

    Also, since you want to hike.... I suggest you start hiking. Make that your workout.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    There's no reason to eat vegan just to lose weight (unless you're doing it for ethical reasons). I've lost lots of weight eating plenty of lean meat and dairy.

    Now if I misunderstood and you really want to go vegan for ethical reasons you could try raw veggies, nuts, and wheat.

    For general health, just find the fruits and veggies you like and eat those. Theres lots of choices out there.
  • Saraishungry
    I'm not a picky eater at all, but I thought I would add in something that has really worked for me. Green Giant makes these small containers of vegetables. They're typically called Steamers For One, I think. My Kroger store has them, and the broccoli cheese has been a life saver. It's cheesy and satisfying, and only 40 calories. I realize it's processed, so it's not the MOST healthy thing in the world, but they have come to take the place of snacks for me, and I walk away feeling like I ate something really naughty. Plus with the cheese you don't really taste the broccoli. They also have one that is peas and corn with basil butter sauce I like a lot, but that one has 80 calories. Maybe try them!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Check this guy out. He's lost 154 pounds. He can probably help you :-)