Breast Reduction Surgery - Have you had it done?



  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I had lost about 50 pounds and nothing in the boob area. I was a size 12 wearing a 36H bra. I had the surgery, and it was covered by my insurance. I called the insurance company and asked what I needed to do to get the surgery approved and followed their guidelines. That included me seeing a physical therapist and getting her recommendation, seeing my doc, gynocologist, and a plastic surgeon and getting recos from all of them. I saw all female doctors as I thought they would be able to identify better with my issue.
    Yes, it was a reduction and a lift combined. I have minimal scaring and I get a lot of compliments on the results of my surgery (new doctors, when I go in for a mammogram). I asked the plastic surgeon for pictures and testimonials. She didn't have great bedside manner but that didn't matter to me, I wanted someone who knew what they were doing and had a good reputation.
    Had the surgery about 7 years ago - I would do it again in a heart beat. I feel so much better, the weight is off my back and shoulders. I can run and do so many other things that were painful before the surgery.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
  • I had mine done in 1992 when I was 17. I was a 32 g. It was ugly. I went in weighing 103 and was 96 upon post surgery exam. I paid every last cent- it was my first financed purchase, my mom consigned the loan. Now, five children later, ( and being a healthy athletic 120 lbs) I joke that I have a B worth of meat, and a G worth of skin, and when I roll them all up and tuck them in a super supportive cast iron reinforced bra, they round out to a C+. No regrets- some problems along the way, breast feeding was misery, and one of the scars actually spread to over two inches wide and had to be surgically corrected in 2003. Definitely wait until you at at goal weight and maintain. You may find that healthy living, working out and improving your muscle tone may alleviate the issues.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I've had a breast lift. My scars are minimal and I can wear a bikini without them showing. Find a surgeon who knows what he/she is doing. It makes all the difference. I love my surgeon. I would do it again in a heartbeat!!
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Her nipples where removed and replaced. We both know that this was the best decision for her health, back pains and future self esteem issues. The insurance company paid, but took a while because of her age. But after review of her situation, it was approved. Two years of no sun exposure or underwire. But it has all been worth it. Also, she did not need a lift, he made her perky and beautiful.
    Nipples are never removed. The skin around them is just reshaped. There will be a scar around the nipples.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Her nipples where removed and replaced. We both know that this was the best decision for her health, back pains and future self esteem issues. The insurance company paid, but took a while because of her age. But after review of her situation, it was approved. Two years of no sun exposure or underwire. But it has all been worth it. Also, she did not need a lift, he made her perky and beautiful.
    Nipples are never removed. The skin around them is just reshaped. There will be a scar around the nipples.

    My aereola was taken off and cut smaller to fit my smaller chest.
  • tcmom72
    tcmom72 Posts: 32
    Just had breast reduction surgery last April and it was the best thing I ever did! Really research your doctor and take your time doing this. My insurance paid for all of my surgery because I had back problems and indentations in my shoulders for years. I was a 36 E and they were huge for my frame. Lost 40 pounds and nothing left my breasts. It has been life changing for me. Being active is so much easier now. I got back into running because it doesn't hurt anymore. Wish you a ton of luck. I will never regret it! Really take care of yourself after surgery. Don't get active right away. Stitches will rip out and can really screw you up
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    If you plan on having children you should wait until you are done with that.

    First, breasts can change before and after pregnancy. After two kids, each of whom I breastfed for over 3 years (they are both tweens now), my breasts ended up bigger than before I had kids. Other women have had theirs end up smaller. You really never know until you've done it.

    But the biggest reason to wait is so you can breastfeed your babies. I've been a breastfeeding counsellor for five years and I have yet to meet a Mum who has had reduction surgery and was able to exclusively breastfeed her children, and even then they struggled with issues.

    Breastfeeding may be the last thing on your mind right now, but having a baby changes EVERYTHING. Don't rob yourself of the opportunity to give your children the healthiest start in life, not to mention the numerous health and emotional benefits it brings to mothers.

    Having babies and feeding them from my body turned me from a typical "I hate my [name body part here]" North American female to LOVING my body and all its imperfections, because bringing LIFE into the world and nourishing it with your body is hands down a bigger, more amazing accomplishment than looking "perfect" in a bikini.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Her nipples where removed and replaced. We both know that this was the best decision for her health, back pains and future self esteem issues. The insurance company paid, but took a while because of her age. But after review of her situation, it was approved. Two years of no sun exposure or underwire. But it has all been worth it. Also, she did not need a lift, he made her perky and beautiful.
    Nipples are never removed. The skin around them is just reshaped. There will be a scar around the nipples.

    My aereola was taken off and cut smaller to fit my smaller chest.

    Mine too. So no breastfeeding for me.
  • briana12077
    briana12077 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, I'm now 21 years old and I had this surgery done about a year ago in August. Mine was medically needed, and it still was a very hard struggle that took almost a year and a half of waiting, asking, and appointments to get the cost to be covered by insurance. I didn't have a choice in how they would come out exactly, or what size I was going down to. I went from a DDD to a C.

    It was a VERY painful and scary experience. The pain was brutal and i had to take pain medication that made me nauseous and sleepy. It was hard to sleep because I couldn't lay on my side for over a month. When i finally could it was awesome. For the first few weeks it hurt to walk, I wore a special bra that hooked in the front and needed to apply guaze of the scars in case of bleeding or leaking. Gross. I also was supposed to keep my hands below my head for as long as possible as to not stretch the stitches. I had my mom help with my showering at first and I needed help at work and home reaching for things. Lifting for awhile was also not an option. Because I was so careful with the healing process my scars look great. I remember even months later it hurt to walk so I formed a habit of walking with both arms over my chest to hold them still. I probably looked like a fool. The healing process was also an emotional journey because it wasn't a nice site for a very long time and even now I have to remind myself that I did the right thing. I've grown to love them though.

    Since this wasn't done for any reason but for medical reasons it didn't come with a breast life. My boobs are still very natural and mine. All that was done was removing tissue and moving up the skin. The reasons I needed this surgery were not all about looks but definitely some. My shoulders and back were killing me and my boobs hung towards the floor. It was gross. My bra straps dug into my shoulders. I now have less back pain and almost no shoulder pain. My boobs are a lot less saggy of course due to less weight but that just is natural, not from a lift.

    I have no idea if I'll be able to breastfeed but I'll find out sooner or later.

    Another point is that I had so many struggles throughout this process. I had stitches fall out, holes were created, lots of gross things were going on, my nipples and the sides of my breasts were completely numb for months and months and I wasn't promised I'd ever get feeling back. I did though, which I'm thankful for.

    If you are going to go through with this make sure it is something you really want. It is the best decision I ever made, but it was almost a year long journey before i felt completely normal again. If you are honestly willing to give up a full year of your life then go for it (no roller coasters for me for awhile!). But do your research, talk to many doctors, and make sure its what you really want and need.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    oh no. ive seen it done once on mtv and they had the entire nipple off on a table to the side. i realized at that very moment. i would live with these humongous girls. end of story.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    With 25 pounds to go you might want to wait until you've been in maintenance for 6 months. They will get smaller and things adjust physiologically even while maintaining. You will then be able to make an informed decision.


    This! This! This! It might be the last place you lose weight, and even then some body recomp stuff could help you out. You may or may not change your mind, but at least you won't wonder after the fact if you actually needed it!
  • Brokencrown
    Brokencrown Posts: 4 Member
    I have had it done and I all can say is be cautious, make sure you have a good surgeon-get references, and really make sure this is the best decision for you. I have a few friends who have had it done with no complications and are very very happy with the results. I on the other hand had a terrible experience. When the surgery was done my right aerola was totally black-like carbon paper. There was no blood flow getting through. My surgeon kept saying it was normal and will start to get the blood flow. He sent me home. He was wrong. My breast started leaking, and not to be gross but it really smelled bad. My surgeon said this was liquid fat and a common side effect. He took the stitches out of my left breast but kept them in my right one. Long story short I went to my regular primary care physician who has always been wonderful because I was scared. He saved my life. My breast was so infected gangrene started in. If it wasn't for him my surgeon would have never done anything. My PCP put me on antiobiotics and sent me back to my surgeon to finally get the stiches out of my right breast. I layed on the table and closed my eyes. I could not feel a thing because all of the tissue was dead. I opened my eyes when he was done and there was a hole about the size of a silver dollar and as deep as a Q-tip. He never even told me what he was doing. I thought I lost my nipple because it had like sunken into the hole. I had to pack the whole with gauze and it had to heal from the inside out. At first I couldn't feel anything but as it started healing it was so painful. The gauze would stick and every time I had to change it it hurt and bled. My PCP said this was good because it meant I was healing. After a long, long, recovery it finally started healing but I still have a big dent there, my nipple was still there but I lost most of my aerola. I recently had a mammogram and the doctor said she had never seen so much trauma to a breast in her career. It looked like it was filled with rocks which was all the scar tissue. I had this surgery done in 2001 and I still have complications. It is very sensitive, it hurts, some parts are numb and I have not let my husband see them since it was done. It looks terrible and I cant believe I did it to myself. They are also poorly shaped, very slanted and flat at the top and rounded at the bottom. I have a hard time finding bras that work and goodbye cleavage!! I don't mean to scare you, I know many people who have had beautiful results. Just make sure you really do your research and be sure this is what you want to do. Because with any surgery there is the possibility of complications and you have to be prepared for that as well. I wish you the best in whatever your decision is!!
  • spittsdykstra
    spittsdykstra Posts: 10 Member
    Dear Jilly- I had an eval with a plastic surgeon-breast specialist last October. Under my insurance, she had to be able to remove 500 grams of fat for it to be covered by insurance (and the max amount they can take is based on medical issues such as not compromising sensation). I had that much fat plus the grooving in my shoulders from the weight (which I think is another criterion for insurance coverage. I decided to wait because she showed me in sideview pictures that my stomach was protruding as much as my breast (sideways view) and that she did not think I would be happy with the aesthetic result. I have decided to wait until I have lost all my weight and then reevaluate. Especially when she told me that only 5% of people who have their breasts done before their weight loss actually lose the weight. Likely there will not be enough fat at that point to have it covered by insurance.
    I hope this is helpful to you. Congrats on your good weight :happy:
  • I had it done a year ago. Went from 32h (prob was even bigger). Hard to find clothes, swimsuits very tough, expensive bras... I had upper back/neck pain, had been trying acupuncture and PT, to no avail. Insurance paid it, although I had to pay out of pocket for the side lipo, which was well worth it. The lipo pain was by far the worst pain of anything. He did a lift at the same time, but I am 42 and have breastfed 3 children, so my breasts are not lifted like those of a 20 year old but to me they look great! Yes there are scars but they are fading with time. I am able to wear a 2 piece, just have to make sure it is a bit fuller coverage on the sides. I am currently a 30 or 32 c-d. It is little! A wonderful decision. I can exercise, buy clothes that fit my shoulders, walk around in a bathing suit, i no longer feel like I am all breast. I look much thinner and the back/neck pain is completely gone. And because I waited till after kids, I got a lift when my breasts needed it most! Please go ahead and have it done. It really is almost life changing in many ways. But lose as much weight as u can first so your surgeon can make you just the right size for your forever body. Good luck!
  • Noooo..don't do it. :)
  • Slippyslope
    Slippyslope Posts: 47 Member
    I had a reduction. Best thing I ever did! The scars are not an issue for me. Though I do not wear a bikini, if I did you wouldn't see the scars at all.

    I did lots do research and eat a very healthy diet to heal well.

    The surgeon is the very best in my area. I would make sure you pick a well recognized surgeon.