A New Beginning

Cliche? Probably.

Is it just like every other new year. Absolutely.

But everyone has to start somewhere, right? And as awful as this may be, this is my new beginning. It has to be.

My name is Sabrina, I am a 28 year old living in warm Central Florida. I am a wannabe runner that loves to travel, eat, and go to Walt Disney World. Truth: this is not my first go around on MyFitnessPal,

I am currently 222 pounds and my first goal is to get down to 190 by May 30th (my birthday), but realistically I would just love to be in ONEderland again! I made a few resolutions this year, but I am going to focus on a single word too. FINISH. I want to finish the things I start in 2014. My healthiness journey, a training plan for a race, and anything else. I just want to finish what I start without half *kitten*-ing it.

I need accountability and support. I need friends that build me up when I fail and push me forward when I am succeeding. Of course, I want to do the same for you. So, let's do this together and make it our year. Friend me if you would like! :smile:


  • Hello Sabrina. Im Helena, a 34 year old from England. Im starting again too, I'm 5ft 2 and 180 pounds and am a serial yo-yo dieter. Massively fed up with my out of control-ness when it comes to food, I'm going to start jogging (again) and cut out alcohol and naught food (again) and try to get to 140 pounds in time for my wedding in august. I look forward to watching your journey and am happy to chat :)