my goal weight is overweight according to BMI



  • I'm right there with ya! 191 pounds and a size 10. Had a dexa scan this week to get a better idea about body fat with all this loose skin and my BMI will still be overweight, even taking into account the extra skin, when by body fat is at 24%. Those numbers don't apply well to those of us whose lean body mass is higher. The thing is though, our health insurance would still consider us as risk which is stupid!!! Thank for letting me get on my soapbox for a minute ;)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    BMI is an average range, for statistical purposes. If you're an outlier, it might not work for you. You could have your body fat percentage tested, and aim for the healthy range, or you could just stick with your goal, which sounds, and looks, great.
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    i have a very petite frame and the opposite issue when it comes to the bmi charts. It's just meant to be a guideline based on averages and not a rule set in stone, especially if you're very athletic and have a lot of muscle tone. You look fantastic at that weight! Like others said, gauge things based on what works for you and how healthy you personally look and feel. :)
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    HI there, I am in a very similar position.. I am also 5'7 and currently I've lost 45 lbs and stuck at 160.4 lbs I did not know what my goal weight should be since I've never been real healthy in my adult life but since a healthy bmi starts at 159 for our height I thought 140 should be perfect. Since I've been halted at this weight for almost three weeks and no matter how much or how little I workout and how clean or dirty I eat I seem to stay at this number unless I binge eat then I will gain weight I am starting to think my body wants me here but I still have belly fat I would like to lose so I decided that I would focus on training for a 10k, tightening my mid section, getting into my size 7 jeans and how my cloths fit instead of watching the dumb scale and bmi chart... long story short I think you should focus on how you feel and how your body looks not what the scale says.. it is a good idea to measure body fat percentage also I think it is much more accurate since those bmi charts are so crazy extreme everyone is so different....

    Good luck on your journey and bravo you look great!!
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    BMI is an average range, for statistical purposes. If you're an outlier, it might not work for you. You could have your body fat percentage tested, and aim for the healthy range, or you could just stick with your goal, which sounds, and looks, great.

    Where can I get my body fat % checked? Once I reach my goal thats what Im going to do.
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Im 5ft 8in and my ideal weight ranges (according to BMI) between 8 stone and 12 stone :/
    My comfortable weight was around 12st 7lb and I was incredibly happy at that :D Screw the numbers, your target picture looks great!

    Just aim for happiness!
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    ... BMI can go suck it.

    QFT. I also think BF% is a much better goal than weight and/or BMI.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    BMI is an average range, for statistical purposes. If you're an outlier, it might not work for you. You could have your body fat percentage tested, and aim for the healthy range, or you could just stick with your goal, which sounds, and looks, great.

    Where can I get my body fat % checked? Once I reach my goal thats what Im going to do.

    google Leigh Peele's blog, it has a free download on body fat percentage with all different ways of measuring it, some that you can do in your own home (although they're less accurate, so it's best to use more than one method) and also more expensive methods like DEXA that you can get done.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    No, you look a healthy weight there. In fact, on the thinner side. Chuck BMI and go by what your body feels and looks like.

    I'm 5'3" and when I was in my peak physical condition I was 140 which is right on the cusp of healthy/overweight BMI, but my body fat percentage was well within healthy range... I'm prone to a lot of muscle for a female, as is my mother. Once I get to about 130 or below I start having bones stick out unpleasantly and have immune system issues causing me to be ill almost constantly with one thing or another.

    Different bodies have different bone and muscle builds. Focus on body fat % and how you look and feel, not BMI.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    My husband is obese according to BMI and he has a 34 waist. So. No. I don't put a ton of faith in BMI.
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    you certainly don't look overweight and I have the same problem with BMI and "ideal" weight at 5'6". I will be quite happy to move from obese to overweight which will happen at around 185 lbs my target is 180 lbs but my ideal weight allegedly is 155 lbs - never in a month of Sundays. I can already fit back into my 34 waist jeans at 194 lbs so I am happy already. Just get to a weight you are comfortable with and the girl you want to see looks back at you in your mirror.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    go by body fat percentage not BMI

    BMI was designed for comparing populations (and it's not too great at that either) not for telling individuals if they have too much body fat. BMI only looks at height and weight, not muscle mass, bone density or frame size. Body fat percentage, if measured in a reliable way (I'd advise using 2-3 different ways of measuring it at least) tells you how much fat you are carrying.

    My lean body mass is in the healthy range of BMI for my height. (130lb, 22%bf, 101lb LBM, healthy range for my height: 100-132lb) My ultimate goal is to gain at least 5lb of muscle, while having a healthy range body fat percentage, that's likely to mean that my goal weight is overweight according to BMI (I'm currently only 2lb away from that as it is).... if my body fat percentage is in the healthy range, then I really don't care what BMI says.

    Leigh Peele's blog has a free download on body fat percentage, the pros and cons of different ways of measuring it, and pictures of women and men at different body fat percentages.

    THIS. BMI is rough guideline. Have your bodyfat measured with calipers and go from there.
  • I am 5'6.5" and weighed 230 in July. It's now January and I weigh 182. But more than the pounds I've been noting my BMI according to the National Institute of Health bmi calculator. I'm aiming for a BMI of 22 because while the "healthy" range is 18.5-24.99 I understand that those with the greatest health profiles and longevity are at 22 (some studies have shown). I THINK this will mean I will need to weigh 140. However, these are all abstractions---true, based on numbers of people etc but we are each individual to some extent. Body shape, physical activity levels, etc---- i don't know if 140 is correct but we'll see. When I reach a BMI of 22 I'll see what that means in terms of weight. Then I'll know! Is it the best way to look at my progress? I don't know. So MANY opinions out there from so many "experts" and others, like me. I'm no expert. Just working hard (daily working out at the gym) and changed my diet permanently: no beef, pork, poultry. just fish and veggies, grains, nuts, fruit, water. i may give up fish eventually but for now...And some folks say BMI isn't the best. I can track my body fat: 53 lbs fat; 129.6 lean, right now...all good info. AND I don't want to be PARALYZED with info or make this the primary focus of my days! it's a focus, but i have a very full life... So onward! The path we make by walking, as it were..... Good health to you!
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    You look just fine to me.
    I have the same problem, I`m just realizing now.... I used to weight 150 and felt great, but my BMI said ``Overweight`` and all the girls around me wanting to lose weight at my height (5.4) seem to shot around 125-135.... So I lowered my goal weight to 140, then to 132, but do I NEED to go this low (for me) to look ok and feel great? Not sure....... Just go where YOU are comfortable and whatever what BMI says!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    You definitely don't look fat at that weight! You look like you may have some fat, what I call 'bikini fat' that would not be enough to make you unhealthy at all, imho. You'd know how much of that you have when you get there.

    There are certainly people within the 'normal' BMI range who have bigger bulges, so I wouldn't worry about BMI. Use some of the other metrics like waist to height ratio and let that help guide you. BF is best; I agree.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    can you see this pic?
    this is me at my fittest; I was around 158 lbs... do I look fat still?


    No, though it's tough to tell... my first thought was that you looked kinda skinny.