Getting Back on Track

I joined MFP back in May when I knew that I could not lose weight on my own, and I think I have been doing really good with it. But a few months ago I began babysitting a 1 year old, homeschooling my daughter, and taking a friend's daughter home after school, So my life got really busy, really quick and I quit posting to MFP. I did not give up on losing weight, but I have not been losing as fast as I was before. So Now here it is a brand new year and I am getting back to me. I will no longer be babysitting, and I will no longer be taking my friend's daughter home. Now it is time for me to get back on track and track what I am eating, and doing. So what I really need is some friends to help me, and remind me that posting and tracking is the way to do it...I do believe that back in the summer when I was keeping up and logging in everyday I lost more weight. Now I am lucky if I lose 5 lbs....I really want to get down at least 50 lbs by July (My niece is getting Married) I can do this, I know I can!!!


  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I'm just getting back on track too! It's amazing how easy it is to get sidetracked by life and then stop logging and then stop making healthy choices. You can do it! :)
  • Vaidyanatha
    me too! Add me for a friend if you want!
  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me .. getting back on the wagon again !!
  • bid1130
    bid1130 Posts: 56 Member
    Trying to get back on track....again lol
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Hey that's great, welcome back and I know you can do it!
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Hey that's great, welcome back and I know you can do it!
  • Mariapug4
    I am new here just joined today. I am also trying to get back on track after a horrible car accident, that made it so i couldn't walk or exercise for a long time. Also after eating nothing but bad food because i was feeling sorry for myself and food made me feel better.

    You can do this!
  • nicole_skalski
    nicole_skalski Posts: 15 Member
    I am looking for some friends who will help push me to achieve my weight goal. I want to drop 20! Add me?:)
  • leestwins
    leestwins Posts: 1 Member
    HI, super busy mom who never has time for self. Woke up and found myself on the the wrong end of the scale. Trying to reform. Want to loose 20 pounds and get fit!:flowerforyou: