Fighting that feeling

What do you normally do to fight hunger, and after starting to eat healthy portions, how long did it take for your stomach and mind to adjust? I have always ate until my plate was empty or I was over full. This morning after eating and drinking a lot of water I feel that hunger kicking in already!


  • STC1188
    STC1188 Posts: 101 Member
    The portion thing can take months, but if you need to stave off hunger, I recommend diet soda, fibrous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, celery) and beef/chicken broth (especially heated and with a splash of milk). These things are all little to no calories and can help with cravings (sweet or salty) or just help fill you up.
  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    I'm having the very same problem. I've been trying to drink a lot of tea, or flavored water, but sometimes the craving to eat are super strong. That broth idea sounds good, I might try that.
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    Green tea with lemon.
    A couple of glasses of water.
    Go for a walk when the urge to eat junk food comes up.
    Healthy snacks alternatives (baby carrots, celery, fruit, nuts, tomato juice...)

    And most of all patience, and the understanding that this is a slow process and your body will take time to adjust to it. It will get easier as you keep progressing, trust me.
  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    Yea. I struggled with that too. I spoke to a nutritionist and was told to eat about 6 meals a day. It's working pretty well so far.
  • newyorkgiants123
    I am English so I drink tea if you are american try coffee!
    You can try just eating things that are good for you like vegetables/fruit because it doesn't matter as much if you over eat them. If the temptations to eat are too great then just throw out all the unhealthy foods you have, so that way the only thing you could over eat isn't bad for you. If you find you get hungry between meals then eat more meals, with smaller portions. So instead of 3 large meals a day eat 6 small meals and space your meals out evenly every 3-4 hours.
  • goneforawhile
    goneforawhile Posts: 257 Member
    I have never been able to drink coffee, just don't like the flavor. Supposedly that makes me a communist in america ... kidding

    I will pick up some broth this weekend and maybe I will try some green tea, and just get over the idea of not liking it.

    Edit: So far when I get a little hungry I try to eat a couple of almonds or a pickle slice but I feel like I am cheating! Horrible. I guess it is better than chocolate or potato chips!