Back on the Wagon! (I think for the 8000th time?)

Hey everyone!! Trying this again. I am a 38 year old mother of 4 who loves food. I mean, really loves food. And not the healthy kind. I am your typical roller coaster dieter. Gained 50 pounds with my pregnancies, lost 20, gained another 30, lost 70 and kept it off for a whole year, got pregnant again, gained 80, lost 10 gained 5, lost 30 gained 12, lost 20, gained 25....get the picture???

I joined MFP a year ago and it was great motivation at the beginning. I added lots of friends who encouraged and commented and I did the same for them. I spent a lot of time on here and it really helped. My little ticker almost made it to 50 pounds lost!!! (My final goal is 69 pounds) I was on the way to actually doing it!!! Now that very sad sad ticker says 14 pounds. I have gained almost all of my weight back. My muscle tone has been replaced by a ton of flabby gross fat. I can only wear leggings and yoga pants because I can't fit into any of my jeans and refuse to buy more. But it isn't just the way I look anymore....I FEEL like crap too!! My asthma is bad, I have headaches all of the time, and I have NO energy. I just feel sick, tired, and weak all of the time. And I am done. Done, done, done!

So that is my story. Looking for friends who struggle as well and may need some motivation/encouragement. I hope spending more time on here and chatting with people who face the same struggles will help all of us get to that final goal of being healthier and more confident! So if you know how I feel, and face the same struggles, or you are just looking for more MFP friends.....please feel free to add me:-) We can help each other.


  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Hey there! I am also a food lover! Always have been, and I know I always will be. I am just learning to make sure I still eat what I love with a few small changes. I just stick with smaller servings.

    Good luck with everything!!!!
  • lkgarza
    lkgarza Posts: 56 Member
    Here for support, friend requests sent !!
  • MollieLaro
    MollieLaro Posts: 2 Member
    I can totally relate! I have played the roller coaster diet game far too long and am determined to have this be the last time. Having a support system helps so much more! I was on another diet website last year and some of my family joined me, but then they started dropping off 1 by 1 till I was the only one left still standing and then it got a little lonely and I dropped off too. I'm new to myfitnesspal and today is my first day getting back on track. We can help keep each other motivated! I will send you a friend request. I am from MN too! :-)
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I'm right there with you, I was doing so well and derailed myself. Ticker had to be adjusted but I am back on track. We can do this. Feel free to add me. I am making the commitment to be on here daily and help support my friends as well as logging everything I eat.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    We all struggle. We've all got back on the band wagon for the 8000th time. Important thing is to keep getting back on. I do it monthly, weekly sometimes daily. Put yourself on that family calendar. When I heard my daughter say last year "Oh we can't do that then mom's at the gym." I nearly cried as suddenly they knew exercising was important to me.
  • AMbi071
    AMbi071 Posts: 1 Member
    I am excited. It is a new year! I want to lose weight and keep it off! I want to stop the roller coaster ride.
  • MrsDanner78
    OMG, I totally get it. I was down 40 lbs in 2013, then in August I went back to school, and since I have 4 kids, a full-time job, a husband, etc. I had no extra time to fit it all in, so I replaced my lunchtime workouts with homework sessions and started eating like crap while I studied. I've gained back 30 of the 40 lbs I lost and here I go again... *sigh*

    So I'm there with you. I look forward to seeing this end, FINALLY, together! Friend request sent!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I love your description. Welcome Back. We all slip, but here's to having others be able to pick you up FAST the next time and keep on going!!!!

    I work outside the home, I'm married, have two kids that are 4 and 6 and have a business. I understand busy, yet the workouts get done 5 mornings a week! They MUST! Ok, I was a bit lax over the last two weeks but I allowed it.

    Here's to 2014!
  • rwbeee6749
    rwbeee6749 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 24 and I'm scared I've doomed myself to a lifetime of yo-yo weight loss and weight gain. I've been as small as 118 and as huge as 201 -- all within 8 years.

    I have no children, so I don't have to worry about that. I hate cooking and I'm not a foodie. All that's standing in my way is me.
  • michele654
    michele654 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too. Here's to a great 2014!
  • patgailgallery
    Hi, I am Pat. I, too, am losing weight for the millionth time. However this time I will suceed because I am getting married in October.
  • gloriaallen36
    gloriaallen36 Posts: 123 Member
    ♥♥ My name is Gloria ♥♥ add me!:flowerforyou: