Looking to drop 30 and change the way I feel

Hi there! I've never done this before, but I figured that it's time to try something new. My name's Allie and I'm 21. I've had troubles with my weight my whole life and it culminated in an eating disorder - one I kicked this past summer. I'm in college and, to top it off, had mono for a while. Hence, I've gained some weight. I'm not at a weight I'm comfortable with - between 167 and 169 seems to be where I linger when I weigh myself in the morning.

I'm not interested in yo-yo dieting. I'd really love to change my lifestyle around for good. Any encouragement or thoughts is appreciated. =)


  • AH0924
    AH0924 Posts: 1
    good luck to you it takes time and motivation! I just got back here after a brake, I have about 39 pounds to loose and I start Monday for good!