does everyone remember to track alcohol calories?

Yesterday my first day I was so proud of myself. I knew I had eaten under my calorie goal and felt great.
Then later today I realized, hmmmm, I should track the champagne and wine I had. Sure enough boom I was over for the day!
Does everyone else track this? Also does anyone cut out drinks during the week or have a nightly minimum soley for calorie count?


  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Yep - trackin' it! So far it works out well: long hike, drink afterwards. The calories balance out and then some. For the occasional drinkfest? Cinch up on calories a day or two before and/or after. Even if it doesn't entirely take care of the overage, it'll help.

    Neither the world nor your waistline will explode from an occasional indulgence. Just log honestly so you can make changes when needed.

    -welcome to MFP!
  • GhostriderMav
    GhostriderMav Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks Stripe
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I don't drink often enough to forget. You can have your wine and whatnot, just make adjustments over the day to allow those calories into your limit.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I usually save alcohol for my cheat days/meals, so I don't have to log it.
    Seeing 1000 calories from booze makes my head spin *___* haha

    I always exercise more before/after a night of heavy drinking and so far it hasn't impacted my weight loss too much. I like to think that being drunk makes me more energetic, so I'm burning extra calories lol

    I tried eating less before going out drinking, and that usually ends up with me blacking out and/or having satan's hangover. I make sure to eat a nice big meal now >__<
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Yup! Just remember that since your body does not absorb alcohol like it does with other food and drink you take it, so essentially all empty calories. Moderation is always key!

    Welcome and best of luck on the new lifestyle!

    Slow and steady wins the race!

    Stay strong!

  • sbsmutoni
    sbsmutoni Posts: 8 Member
    I just started logging, but I plan to include alcohol. I don't drink a whole lot, but it's enough to be held accountable for!