Starting over a 2nd time--lost 70 lbs & gained it all back!

Hello everyone at MyFitnessPal,

My name is Sue. I'm 41 years old and I'm a single mother of 2 children, & I'm in need of motivational friends.

This is my second attempt at getting healthy with MyFitnessPal. The first time was very successful. I had lost 70 pounds, and I found something I really enjoyed doing...running. I loved the feeling of running...the feeling afterward felt incredible as I had never thought that would be something I'd ever be able to do. In October 2012, I ran my first 5K. I was so proud, as was my family & friends. I had a goal of completing a half marathon....which I never accomplished...why?, at Christmastime 2012, I lost all my motivation and pretty much "gave up"....well, not "pretty much", I did give up. I stopped exercising, ate whatever I wanted, I told myself I was meant to be overweight.

Here I am, a year later...I gained all the 70 pounds back...but not for long. I did this before, I can do this again, & I will, but I need support big time. I need friends that will keep me motivated (and I'll motivate my friends as well).

So as of today, January 2, 2014, I'm not only going to try, but I will succeed....we will all succeed....we can do this...WE CAN DO THIS!!!

Thank you for reading my short story about my journey. Let's do this!!! :)


  • 1exercisefreak
    1exercisefreak Posts: 75 Member
    Would like to be friends :-)
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Thank you so much...friend request sent :smile:
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    It's hard to be brutally honest with yourself. But I can see that you are doing this, which is a big first step! Once you commit, and do the work, the results will follow. I have confidence you can do this!

    You have a secret weapon over others struggling to lose weight, and that's knowing that you can do it, since you have done it before!

    I have taken up running last year and ran my first half marathon in October. It's such a great feeling! I hope you will be able to share in this joy with your own half marathon too!

    Here's some advice to get you going:
    - sign up for a run or two (5k's) so you have a goal.
    - set yourself up with a training plan and stick to it
    - consider adding strength training or some other exercise you find to be fun (in addition to the cardio workouts of running)

    I've found that having a weekly schedule really keeps me on track. I'm starting this too!

    In the future, after you reach your goal weight and are maintaining, you will want to set up a threshold so that if you gain back, say 10 or 15 pounds, that you commit to yourself again. Remember that you're worth it, and can enjoy a healthier life! :)

    Here's some motivation to help you get started: (DDPYoga Arthur)
  • Crows1234
    Like you said, you've done it before! Hopefully it's easier the second time around! Good luck!
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    You already know the tools on how to get it done. Just like me you probably need to find a happy medium where it is a lifestyle and not a short fix. I got burnt out working out 7 days a week. So just like you I am back with some weight gain and taking 3 plus months off. Feel free to add me as well so we can motivate each other in this journey!

  • jazi719
    jazi719 Posts: 150 Member
    Good for you for starting over. I was so down on myself for re-gaining the 30lbs I lost back in 2009. It took a very long time to forgive myself. I finally did and I am back at it, slowly but still determined.
  • LesBrock
    LesBrock Posts: 44 Member
    I lost 56lb, 3 years ago, and its crept back on :embarassed: so I feel your pain,

    I'm starting all over as well,

    Good luck reaching your goal
  • MelSeaux
    MelSeaux Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me as well - Same boat, different paddle :) We can succeed!
  • MaxAmor
    I also gained 30 lbs that I had lost 2 yrs ago. I really like your motivation & hopefully we can become a great team, seeking and giving support & ideas. This is my first time with MyFitnessPal & seems to be a great motivator. "WE CAN DO THIS, AGAIN!"
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Thank you so much for the motivation and all the suggestions!!! (I truly appreciate it).....I know I can do this, and its encouraging to see that I"m not alone...that there are others who have been in the same situation as myself. Thanks again!! :smile:
  • TLTucker80
    TLTucker80 Posts: 123 Member
    Feel free to add me:-) I lost weight at the beginning of last year and gain it all plus some back. Like you I am starting over and this time I will do it. I have 100 + pounds to lose and I will not stop until I get there. Then I wont stop after that I will work on maintaining my goal weight for the rest of my life. Today starts the first day of my journey for the rest of my life!!! GOOD LUCK AND IF YOU WANT WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!!
  • sbsmutoni
    sbsmutoni Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Sue....I'd love to be included as a friend in your journey.

    I too lost over 70 lbs at one time. I used the greatest personal trainer along with a nutritionist and did it the healthy way over almost a year. That was six years ago, and I kept it off for almost four years. Then i had knee surgery at which time my orthopedist told me I had significant cartilage deterioration and should stop running (I'd done 5 marathons and was training hard at the time). Mi got in a funk and while recovering, I just stopped trying. Now a couple of years later, IVR gained my weight back and am starting over.

    So let's help each other....stay in touch, compare notes, etc.!

    I'm Toni, btw.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I feel your pain! I did basically the same thing as you. I was at my lowest weight in 2007 and since then, it's just crept back on slowly. The last several years, I was working a pretty awful job with bad hours, extremely high stress, and not enough pay to justify how much I was working. I quit that job in April to go back to school, which has given me the time to just re-learn how to feel happy instead of anxious all of the time. I'd love to help motivate you on your journey as we BOTH get those pounds back off!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back to you all!!!!

    You're right, you've done it before, you can do it again. This time there are others to help.

    You Will slip up, but turn to others to help you back up right away and keep on going. Its a whole new life!!!! You deserve it

    Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • LaGondaVeal
    LaGondaVeal Posts: 11 Member
    I did about the same thing. Joined last August, lost 45 pounds by May then just quit. I did my first 5k last year. Walked. Didn't run. Bad knee. But it felt so good. Did it with my girls and some other family members. It was a Color Me Rad event and it was awesome. Now my goal is to get the weight back off. Keep it off and do a Mud Run (a walk for me)
    I sent a friend request. Hope you accept.
  • coyotegrowl
    coyotegrowl Posts: 18 Member
    yup. this mfp works grrreat! but I too achieved my goal of losing 70 then lost my focus so I'm back again to relose just 15 (although I set my goal at 20) ;-)
  • osborneamanda19
    feel free to put me down as a friend- i have two kids also- its always tough to bounce back, find time for yourself to get focused in such a demanding and fast paced world....ive been off a few months, but as with every new year, comes a clean slate
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! I have 70-80lbs that I need to lose and need all the help I can get!! I kind of fell off the wagon during the holidays and am looking to get back at it!
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    I had lost 36lbs. from last November 2012 until about march 2013 then I hit a plateau that I couldn't get out of then things happened and I have gained 10lbs. back so far and am having a hard time getting back to it... :frown:
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Thank you so much. I look at this as a journey....try your hardest, but realize that there might be slip ups here and there (the key is realize why the slip up happened and get right back on track....they key, right back on track!) :)

    Thanks everyone...and good luck!