Girls--Hair question

I don't know where to post this, but I figure this board is my best shot. I workout 5x a week for about 60-65 minutes. I obviously get nice and sweaty. I have long treated hair (hi-lites and low-lites). I use salon products on my hair, but I really want to only wash my hair every other day. My hair gets entirely too dry if I wash it daily. What does everyone do? I cant be the only girl that is trying to keep from drying out her hair by avoiding over washing. (Side note--I do shower daily and some days twice). Does the dry shampoo work for sweaty hair? Ugh...typing this out I feel like everyone is going to think Im gross. Lol



  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I know what you mean.. Having to shower and wash my hair again is my #1 excuse not to work out, so I tend to only work out on the days I have to wash my hair anyway lol
  • ChristiRainwater
    ChristiRainwater Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I sweat like a pig, my hair is literally drenched when I finish working out. I only wash it every couple of days, although I do shower! When I get out I usually just blow dry the sweat (sounds gross) and if it is greasy looking I will spray some dry shampoo. I don't think dry shampoo and wet hair would be a good idea. I think it would clump up.
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    I had the same issue. My hairdresser told me to just rinse on 'off' days and don't shampoo. You can condition if you need to. I have a leave-in conditioner that I use on the days I don't fully shampoo/condition. I also use dry shampoo, but mostly because it helps to give my hair body....not really for the 'shampoo' benefits!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I wash my hair once a week and I use dry shampoo and up-dos to combat it.
    LuLu Organics Dry Shampoo and Paul Mitchell Express Dry Wash are my favorites.
    The longer you go with a routine the better your hair will be with it, like at first you will have an awkward greasy phase; but eventually your hair will adjust to less frequent washing.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'd like to know, too. For a while I've just been using shampoo on my roots and conditioning the hell out of the rest, but the winter dryness makes me wish there were another way.
  • kattaw
    kattaw Posts: 30 Member
    Hey! I sweat like a pig, my hair is literally drenched when I finish working out. I only wash it every couple of days, although I do shower! When I get out I usually just blow dry the sweat (sounds gross) and if it is greasy looking I will spray some dry shampoo. I don't think dry shampoo and wet hair would be a good idea. I think it would clump up.

    This is my tactic, too. Especially with bangs, I live and die by dry shampoo.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'd like to know, too. For a while I've just been using shampoo on my roots and conditioning the hell out of the rest, but the winter dryness makes me wish there were another way.
    On wash days this the only way I wash my hair.. Condition the ends first; shampoo roots, and then condition ends again.
  • AmberA219
    AmberA219 Posts: 27 Member
    On days I don't wash my hair I just rinse my hair thoroughly with water and then I towel dry it. That seems to work for me, my hair isn't smelly or sweaty feeling when I get out of the shower.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I only shampoo mine every other day, too. If I get too sweaty on an "off" day, I just rinse it really well and use conditioner only, and then rinse it really well again.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i pretty much just wash with conditioner and leave the shampoo for when i swim. not sure if it makes a different but this works really well for me hair (prone to dryness, very coarse and curly)
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Same problem..the dry shampoo does work. On top of that sprinkle baby powder on your hair brush and brush it through your hair before you go to bed between washes..
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I am a dyed blonde so my hair is already extremely vulnerable to being dry and breakage and I have to blow dry / flat iron my hair after washing so that makes it even worse....

    I only wash my hair twice per week at the most. Yes, I use dry shampoo as well when I need it.
    If the nape of my neck gets really sweaty, yes I will rinse it out while I am in the shower, but I typically wear a granny shower cap.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    My scalp get too sweaty and itchy if I leave it. I rinse with conditioner. Or you can do a mild apple cider vinegar rinse to cleanse your scalp, and it"s awesome for your hair.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I always wet it, but often shampoo only every other day - but always condition. My hair is color treated as well and tends to be dry. On non-shampoo days, I always rinse it well with cool water and kinda massage my scalp, then condition as usual. Seems to help.
  • amazing_shrinking_woman
    1 TBS baking soda mixed into 1 C hot water until dissolved completely. Wait for it to cool before using. Just pour some onto your hair while in the shower and massage in, then rinse completely. The baking soda helps dry up excess oils and deodorize your hair without over drying and without the chemicals. I only wash my hair every other day and I've been working out almost everyday for about a week and a half, so yes, it works even on sweat.

    I usually follow this with 1 TBS apple cider vinegar mixed into 1 C water. I just massage into wet hair especially the ends, leave on for a few seconds and rinse out. I read somewhere this helps with the ph balance of the hair. Don't know if that's true, but my hair is less frizzy without shampooing as much and no, my hair doesn't smell like vinegar.

    Hope this helps!
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    wash mine every time i get into the shower, if its oily i dont use a conditioner when its not (non gym days) i use a heavy duity conditioner
  • Dpurcell924
    Dpurcell924 Posts: 9 Member
    I use dry shampoo on the in between days because I have the same problem...just dry (sweaty) hair with a blowdryer before you spray it in.....and a little goes along way!
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    Same here. I only wash my hair every other day (and I wash mine more than most of my friends wash theirs). It takes WAY too long to dry and straighten it and I wouldn't do that daily!

    If it gets SUPER sweaty, I'll break my rhythm and wash it, but usually, I just do my really sweaty workouts every other day and save lighter activities for my fresh hair days.

    Not the best solution.
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    Same problem :( I haven't found any way of skipping washing it every day (sometimes twice)... so I use a variety of hair masks several times per week, use one or two heat protectors on my hair before drying & straightening, and hair cuts once per month. Ugh
  • jpanderson9
    jpanderson9 Posts: 11 Member
    I rinse and condition. I use the baby power trick as well and it works!