What are some low calorie snack options?

I have started my weight loss journey starting on the first of January of this year and I am feeling confident already, but I am just looking for some snack options that are filling, low in sugar, low in sodium and/or low calorie. Any suggestions?


  • sutton8401
    sutton8401 Posts: 10 Member
    I personally love the Special K multigrain crackers with some light laughing cow cheese or a slice of ultra thin pepper jack cheese. Today though I can not stop eating peanut butter cheerios...YUM!
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I love carrots, apples, and/or cucumber slices dipped in peanut butter (I buy the kind with only peanuts and a tablespoon is only 100 calories). Also, bell pepper strips dipped in hummus (I like roasted vegetable or roasted red pepper) are delicious; for something more substantial, you can also dip low-sodium whole grain pitas and lightly salted whole grain chips. I used to love yogurt parfaits (but can't eat dairy anymore, and soy, almond, and coconut versions aren't very low-calorie) with plenty of fresh fruit, as well as a couple tablespoons of granola or nuts. Homemade muffins or granola bars can be low-calorie and they're great on the go, plus they're not processed. Feel free to check out my diary for some ideas, but since I'm on break from college right now, I don't have a lot of portable snacks.
  • This link should provide some helpful ideas: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/best-100-calorie-snacks
    Personally, I struggle with keeping my sodium intake at a decent daily recommended level so normally when snacking I reach for fruits such as bananas, oranges, apples, etc.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    For low-cal, low-sodium snacks, it's hard to beat raw vegetables, especially celery and cucumbers.

    I like pickles, which aren't low in sodium but are otherwise good.

    Air-popped popcorn, made without butter or oil and salt, is also a surprisingly low-cal snack.
  • hannahwrnr
    hannahwrnr Posts: 45 Member
    I like carrots and hummus. Actually, I LOVE pita bread and hummus but I have little self control with it. LOL
    celery and pb
    greek yogurt
    raw fruits and veggies (clementines are my fave)...(and frozen grapes!)
    string cheese
    OH and recently frozen berries blended with about 2-4 tbs almond milk. It comes out really thick like sorbet and is delicious.
  • ohheytoned
    ohheytoned Posts: 34 Member
    I prefer:
    - yogurt cups
    - ANY kind of fruit, the best always!
    - string cheese
    - beef jerky (totally under-appreciated, low cal, high protein, love it)
    - veggies + hummus
    - glass of milk usually fills me up if I get hungry before bed (almond is best for low cal)
    - if you want a treat: skinny cow chocolate! yum! 100 cals
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Celery or Wheat thins with laughing cow cheese. Also love peanut butter and celery or apples. Greek yogurt, string cheese and a piece of fruit, love almonds too
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would seriously consider setting aside some calories to have an actual snack- one that has protein, fat and carbs, and preferably fiber which will actually curb your snacking appetite, rather than waste calories on something like 100-cal packs which are mostly garbage (except the nut ones) and will just leave you wanting more snacks. Some good options are

    Mozzarella cheese stick and fruit
    Greek yogurt (not fat free)
    Peanut butter and carrots or celery
    Emerald Nuts "Breakfast on the go"
    Protein bar
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    Today I had celery with a homemade dip that turned out to taste surprisingly delicious, like a really thick ranch. I will definitely be making it again:

    0.5 oz cream cheese
    1/4 cup 0% Greek yogurt
    1 Tbsp grated good quality parmesan
    salt, dill, garlic powder and lemon pepper to taste
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Boiled eggs
  • DanaSparrow
    DanaSparrow Posts: 5 Member
    Great suggestions! I have beef jerky and considered nibbling on it yesterday, but decided not to indulge in that food item. I have been eating graham crackers, but they are not very filling. I have been eating way too many snacks with high sodium and high sugar content. Thank you everyone! Keep going and enjoy the journey!
  • DanaSparrow
    DanaSparrow Posts: 5 Member
    I've also been thinking about some alternatives to sodium and sugar in meals, what types of meals contain little to none of one or both? Any suggestions?