Dumbstupid question about MFP app/website

Hi folks- I'm not "new" but I need newish help.

I'm not crazy about the latest upgrade, and one reason is that I can't figure out how to edit my entries after I record them. When I started, I could enter my planned menu for the day, then edit if I made any changes.

Another thing I don't like now is not having access to the percentage of weight I've lost since I started. The percentage I've lost since 3 weeks ago, or anything besides when I started, is relatively useless to me. Is it still possible to track percentage lost since starting, and if so, could someone explain the process for me please?

Hoping you'll help me love MFP again! TIA.......


  • shelltherunner
    shelltherunner Posts: 33 Member
    If you go to the progress tab (touch the little stacked lines in the upper left hand corner of the home page) it lists your current weight, starting weight, change, and percent change.

    To edit the diary, go to the diary page (using the same menu above), click the little pencil at the bottom of the screen, circles will appear. touch the circles you want to delete then hit the delete button at the bottom of the screen. You can also do this for any exercise you need to change.

    Hope this helps
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Many thanks!