Looking for people to lurk on their diaries...



  • natalielg89
    I love doing this too!

    My diary is open so anyone feel free to add me... Although I am in England and I find a lot of the diaries I look at are American so some of the foods/brands I am not really familiar with... Is anyone else from England?

    CW: 170
    GW: 125
    Height: 5'4

    Yep- I'm in England too! :)
  • chellehubcap
    You can lurk on mine but I am just starting back up. So you may be starving for information on mine.. :P
  • scroogy
    scroogy Posts: 18 Member
    Mine is public. Feel free to take a peek and make any comments or suggestions.
  • scroogy
    scroogy Posts: 18 Member
    Are you forgetting to log everything or do you try to stay less than 1,000 calories/day? Just curious
  • scroogy
    scroogy Posts: 18 Member
    After looking at several of the diaries I notice there is a huge trend of people eating lots of processed foods. Yogurts, bars, processed vegetables, etc. there is also a huge lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, which is what our diets should be based upon. I bet if everybody incorporated more fresh and whole foods in their diets they would see a great positive change. Just a little observation. Please critique my diary as much as you want! There are only a couple days to look at and I usually plan my meals a day in advance and then things get swapped around. Happy snooping
  • fabtortilla
    I'm in too, if you want. I log my food religiously, but need to focus more on my exercise. Maybe having several new friends reading my diary will help motivate me.
  • mandiana
    mandiana Posts: 19 Member
    Ooooh! I love lurking diaries too. :) I'm fascinated by what people eat and how it affects them. You and I have similar CW and GW, but a little different heights. I'm 5'0 lol. Lurk away!
  • lizcat504
    New here! Started around 180 5 or 6 years ago. Was down to 135 in 2012 and then fell off the wagon. Back at nearly 148 now, so I joined MFP looking for friends and support! Anyone feel free to add.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    oops I guess mine wasn't open. fixed now :)
  • Quietusx
    Hello everyone!

    I am just starting out and also would love to look at diaries. Do add me. =)
  • baobeibunny
    baobeibunny Posts: 10 Member
    I love looking at other people's food diaries too! My diary is open and I plan to log every day. Sending you a friend request. Anyone else interested in sharing diaries, feel free to add me! I'm 5' 5" and looking to lose 15-20 pounds, and tone up.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    My diary is open to anyone.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to add me if you want
  • lhawley2081
    lhawley2081 Posts: 5 Member
    My diary is open to friends. I am an old fart 69 year old man who is a life long yo yo dieter. I am just getting back after an extended absence. I am currently enjoying the initial water weight loss that happens when starting again. I will enjoy this water weight loss as long as it lasts. My experience has shown that this fast weight loss rate will not and can not continue.

    12/30/13 296 lbs
    12/30/13 285 lbs
    1/1/14 282 lbs
    1/2/14 280 lbs
    1/3/14 278 lbs

  • dawnleanna1
    My diary is open, feel free to add me. I eat pretty healthy most of the time and cook at least 90% of my meals. Working out is where I struggle :P
  • dynamodi
    dynamodi Posts: 56 Member
    Add me, my diary is always open, I'm very honest about good and bad days.

    CW around 180 GW 160 I'm 26 and am 5'6 so similar goals :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    After looking at several of the diaries I notice there is a huge trend of people eating lots of processed foods. Yogurts, bars, processed vegetables, etc. there is also a huge lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, which is what our diets should be based upon. I bet if everybody incorporated more fresh and whole foods in their diets they would see a great positive change. Just a little observation. Please critique my diary as much as you want! There are only a couple days to look at and I usually plan my meals a day in advance and then things get swapped around. Happy snooping

    There's nothing wrong with yogurt, sometimes I have 2 servings a day. Greek yogurt has lots of protein.
    As for "bars" that's a pretty generic term. Some are much better than others. If I need protein and I don't have time to prepare food, a 190 calorie quest bar will give me 20g of protein...but some bars are barely more nutritious than a chocolate bar.
    I agree that veggies are best if they aren't loaded with sodium, but they don't have to be fresh, frozen fruits and veggies are just as good, and cheaper.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    My diary is open, but from about Christmas Eve until yesterday I had days I went over, days I ate too many empty calories, drank, or didn't log at all. I expect it to be much better going forward.

    190 lbs, eating approx 1400 Cals a day, plus some exercise calories, making sure I never NET less than 1200.
  • aggiekaren01
    aggiekaren01 Posts: 30 Member
    I stopped tracking in November and December but I'm back at it! My diary is open to friends so feel free to add me. My goal is to log everything for the full year. I didn't make quite the weight loss milestone I had for myself last year but I cut out diet coke (and artificial sweeteners) and started incorporating a lot more veggies into my diet. So, I'm feeling pretty good about the year even if I could have lost more weight.
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    My diary is open if you want to add me. I try to stick to 1200 but I find I eat more on days I don't exercise bc 1200 doesn't feel like enough.