Could I do this? Need opinions from the weightlifters

Alright so tomorrow is my heavy pull day which consists of :
Deadlift 5x3
Pendlay Rows 5x5
T-bar rows 4x6/10
Bent over rows 3x8
Weighted Pullups and chin ups, 2 sets to failure for both
Dumbell rows 3x12 /superset shrugs 3x12
Barbell Curls 3x8
Inclined curls 3x12

So here's my question : The deadlifts and pendlay rows are the strength part of the routine, the rest is hypertrophy. Tomorrow I'm leaving for montreal at 8h30 and I'm coming back for 7pm. I train at home and if I'd want to complete my workout and be ready to leave at 8h30 in the mourning I'd have to start at 6am but I can't cause everyone in my house will be up at 7 and I wouldn't want to wake them up. I was thinking of doing the strength part of my workout in the mourning at 7 and do hypertrophy when I come back. I'm asking this because, for me, getting ready to do heavy deadlift, or anything that focuses on strength, needs a good proper warmup, getting my blood flowing, get in the right mindset and I'm a morning person so it's the perfect time. For hypertrophy I don't need much to get started. After the three hour drive from montreal I probably won't feel like doing super heavy deadlifts and it'll take a while before being properly ready to do the whole workout. I'll probably won't start before 8 and I'll be done at possibly 9h30/10h.
Could it work or should I just suck it up and do it all when I come back ? Is there any reasons why I shouldn't do this?
(sorry if it's hard to read, my english isn't on point)


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Sorry I am no help with the original question, as that just seems like a very large amount of work to do in one workout. Is that your normal workout to do that much? Seems excessive.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Get up at 5:00am instead of 6:00am. Problem solved.
  • Sam5x5
    Sam5x5 Posts: 9
    Sorry I am no help with the original question, as that just seems like a very large amount of work to do in one workout. Is that your normal workout to do that much? Seems excessive.

    I workout 6 times/week, friday, saturday, sunday : High Volume. Then monday, tuesday, wednesday : Lower volume. Works really well !
  • Sam5x5
    Sam5x5 Posts: 9
    Get up at 5:00am instead of 6:00am. Problem solved.

    Like I said I can't because my familly wont be up until 7, unfortunately and I will wake them up for sure if I workout
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    Splitting your workout shouldn't be a problem if that's what you want to do. (Actually, some of the recent research suggests that your body will adapt best to whatever you do at the END of your workout... a good argument for splitting strength and hypertrophy any day of the week.) Definitly make sure that you get a GREAT post-workout meal in after your strength, protein should be quick digesting (whey) and I'd probably also include some extra BCAAs (if you supplement) to help speed recovery so you have the best chances of not being fatigued for your hypertrophy session. It should go without saying but I'm going to say it anyway... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY during your second session. If you're not used to two-a-days or if you tore it up in the morning, you're body might not be capable of the volume. If this happens, you can drop off a set (research shows that there is no statistical significance between 2 and 3 sets though many bodybuilders would disagree) and/or drop out one entire back and one entire bicep exercise.

    Hope that helps! Let us know how it goes :)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member

    Like I said I can't because my familly wont be up until 7, unfortunately and I will wake them up for sure if I workout

    You're making waaaaaaay too big of a deal out of this. Just take the day off, find a gym to work out at, or suck it up and do the workout in the evening.
  • Sam5x5
    Sam5x5 Posts: 9
    Splitting your workout shouldn't be a problem if that's what you want to do. (Actually, some of the recent research suggests that your body will adapt best to whatever you do at the END of your workout... a good argument for splitting strength and hypertrophy any day of the week.) Definitly make sure that you get a GREAT post-workout meal in after your strength, protein should be quick digesting (whey) and I'd probably also include some extra BCAAs (if you supplement) to help speed recovery so you have the best chances of not being fatigued for your hypertrophy session. It should go without saying but I'm going to say it anyway... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY during your second session. If you're not used to two-a-days or if you tore it up in the morning, you're body might not be capable of the volume. If this happens, you can drop off a set (research shows that there is no statistical significance between 2 and 3 sets though many bodybuilders would disagree) and/or drop out one entire back and one entire bicep exercise.

    Hope that helps! Let us know how it goes :)

    Thank you for this ! Everything went great this mourning and I'm eager to do the hypertrophy part later. I don't think it will suffer from my strenght stuff at all. The bcaas was a great idea for this situation.