low calories meals : need ideas!

Hi everyone! :)

I need new ideas to help me reach my calories goals. I eat too much fat and not enough veggies. :embarassed:

I would like examples of complete meals (proteins, veggies, carbs... but low fat! :wink: ) for less than 500 cal.

So come on! Tell me what do you eat ???


  • canbecanbe
    how about steamed chicken with tomato and cauliflower mash with couscous
    steam your chicken in bite size peaces breast skin off then boil your couli and tomatoes i know it sounds wired you want to boil the couli well so it mashes easily and mash together then make the couscous with the package but substitute the oil with grape seed oil but use less of it than it says
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there, almost all of my meals are under 500 cals, my diary is open so feel free to take a look, good luck!
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    You should check out Dr.Oz's website. He has a challenge for people to send in 500 calorie and under dinners. A lot of them are posted on his site.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    What kinds of foods do you like? I have revamped just about everything I used to love that was too bad for me and I pack everything with veggies, and try to make sure my husband doesn't notice them. Shh. Don't tell. Anyway, I've got plenty of recipes. Let us know. Also, do you measure in cups/ounces or grams?
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    There is this webste, www.sparkrecipes.com, all the recipes on here are healthy versions of regular food. You can think of something you want, such as lasagna, type it in their search column & like 50 different healthy lasagna recipes will pop up.
  • lavenderjade
    I don't follow any particular diet but have a lot of mixed salads! they are really yummy with a little cous cous. I alternate between 2 cold hard boiled eggs, grilled fish, lean chicken, sliced turkey etc

    If I have a hot dinner, I have a small portion of potato, loads of fresh veg and again lean white meat, grilled fish or an omlette (no cheese!) :0)

    Fish and white lean meat is high in protein, so you feel fuller for longer and veggies or salads have vit C etc
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I found eatingwell.com They have samples of 500 calorie meals (possibly lower too). I made Perfectly Healthy Pasta yesterday - a recipe I found on sparkspeople. It has spinach, broccoli, artichokes, sundried tomatoes and red peppers in it. It was a huge batch - 3 of us ate for dinner last night and there is a lot left. I guess I have lunch for a few days!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    My diary is open and a lot of my meals are lower calorie versions of classics but also what I find to be amazing for low calorie but high taste and satisfaction meals is Cook Yourself Thin - the book is less than £10 (probably even less than that now) and it's full to the brim of amazing recipes including healthy fake carbonara and all sorts of things!

  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    OIOOOOH ooh ooh! And also! BBC GOOD FOOD you can search by calorie range for main meals x
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    The Better Homes and Gardens Roasted Vegetable tart is a favorite in my family.

    Just watch the sodium in the rest of your meals on tart day (I think it's the cheese I bought, I was on the way out the store and
    forgot the herbed cheese, so I bought Laughing Cow instead of the other stuff).

    Seriously, it's awesome. And so so so so yummy smelling :)
  • avonplato
    In the UK they have these 2 sites which i use quite a bit (even though in in South Africa). Huge selection and some of the top UK chefs have posted recipes.


    The 2nd one is great as it prints out the shopping list you need based on your recipes.

  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    All I ever eat is baked fish/chicken/steak/pork/whatever with steamed vegetables! About 300 cals

    I might add in some stuffing and yorkshire puds and gravy so it's like a roast once a week. About 450 cals.

    Also I like veg and cheese omelettes for lunch.

    I like to keep it simple as I'm not a lover of the kitchen stove..... :laugh:

    Cut out the white carbs with dinner and replace them with veg, that will do the trick immediately :bigsmile:

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    You can pretty each whatever you want. I try to keep a balanced diet. If I want a pogo...I eat one...then I compliment it with a nice salad or my favorite vegetables....eating what I like helps me stay on the wagon.... I just count everything that goes in my mouth. I also tend to look for low calorie foods that would make you feel happy and fulfilled....that way you would be less likely to cheat....
    I found this amazing pizza ....DR. Oteker Funghi pizza 220 calories for 1/4 of the pizza and it taste great....just chooses something healthy to go with it. Steamed vegtables are low in calories and provides you with essential vitamins.... Just try to be balanced...and treat yourelf every so often but try to remain in your calories range....and drink you 8 glasses of water....
  • Fineraziel
    Thank you so much everyone! :D

    I am slowly trying to turn bad habits into good ones... ;)