Hi Guys and Gals - im new!

avonplato Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there,

I joined MFP yesterday to interact with other individuals looking to lose weight, improve fitness and generally feel better about yourself. I'm pretty active and until recently was of the opinion that as long as i exercised i could eat what i wanted. That worked in my 20's, 30's however are a bit more challenging.

I love to cook and would appreciate any healthy snacking suggestions that other members might have. Im trying to go cold turkey and eat 5 small meals a day and no snacking. But to ease me in i would really love to hear your low Calorie, low fat, low carb snacks.

Look forward to chatting to you all soon.



  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Adrian, I was of the same mindset. It changed in my 40's and now in my 50's, I find I really have to limit my calories. It's tough because I LOVE to cook and I'm a nutritionist so figured I had the knowledge to figure it out. Hormones are a funny thing ;) I'm here to support you and have a great day.

  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Hi and welcome! This place is great =)
  • Hello and welcome to everyone new to this site,

    I recommend nuts like Macademia as they are very tasty and give you loads of energy. Fruits in season are quite good such as Apples and Satsumas.

    It's great to be on here it as it really motivates you into staying on track with your diet and exercise. I'm looking for a cycling group to join on the weekend as it gets so dark in the evening cycling in the dark is getting dangerous, any suggestions.
  • Hi Cheryl, i totally agree. Its so hard, especially on a weekend when sport is on the tele and im vedging on the couch :)
    Like you say though, just the fact the im recording what im eating each time is really helping me skip those naughty little snacks. I feel guilt having to enter "chocolate cake" on the site so i just dont eat it. haha

    Thanks again for the support - really appreciated. I will support you back for sure !

    Just tucking into my tuna on wholewheat toast lunch. Tasty and i dont feel guilty! :)
  • Hi Alicia and Rita and thanks for the posts. I have a good feeling about this site!

    Thanks also for the snacky tips, nuts are a great idea and i always try eat lots of fruit and veggies. Im excited !! haha.
  • wardba4
    wardba4 Posts: 51 Member
    what has worked for me is just keeping up with the daily logging of calories. Just the simple act of being honest and daily logging here has reduced my calorie intake. I was amazed at how much i was actually eating.
    It has worked for me and i hope are successful
  • wardba4
    wardba4 Posts: 51 Member
    what has worked for me is just keeping up with the daily logging of calories. Just the simple act of being honest and daily logging here has reduced my calorie intake. I was amazed at how much i was actually eating.
    It has worked for me and i hope you are successful
  • Welcome! You will love it here. Just an amazing site with even more amazing people! Lots of support to get and give. Best of luck to you and feel free to "friend" me if you want or need some extra encouragement!
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have found logging in what I eat before I eat helps me control the calories and carbs. My husband has lost 50 pounds and I have lost 30 pounds. We really don't deny ourselves anything. . .we just work on portion control. I also watch out for "hidden calories" in sauces, salad dressings etc. I also read food labels religiously. For example we Texans love our chili which is usually high in fat. But I choose the turkey chili and it tastes almost as good! We also love steak so I choose leaner cuts and eat only 3 oz. and lots of salad. I have several wonderful salad recipes if you'd like for me to send them to you.
  • Maybe you will find some ideas here for healthy snacks. I found his on Yahoo this morning. The second website points out some healthy lunch myths.

    I was a skinny bean pole in college. Over the next 30 years I put on about 80 pounds. I'd like to lose 60 of those. Since the beginning of the summer, I've lost 40 by watching what I eat and a lot of exercise using a TotalGym and an elliptical machine. I use a paid subscription web site to design my TotalGym workouts and it kicks my butt. I love it. My wife is amazed at how I'm redefining myself. I am too. I feel I am turning back the clock. I am almost 60 and I intend to enter the last 30 years or whatever is left of my life as fit as I can be and not as a couch potato. I truly believe that diet alone is not enough to control weight in these days of automobiles, TV's and computers. I think exercise is the real secret to weight loss and weight control. I like to eat and my wife is an amazing southern cook second only to her mother. Exercise has made it possible for me to enjoy what I eat, and make better use of my time by getting me away from TV and computers.
  • A teacher recommended to try: skinnytaste.com for healthy recipes. :) Good Luck!
  • Welcome!
  • Hi Adrian,

    I feel your pain! I've always had a weight issue but it seemed to be controllable in my younger days! The older I get the slower my metabolism gets, to the point my doctor prescribed medication to kick up the metabolism. It might even work if I ever remembered to take it!

    I LOVE to cook and try different recipes. I'm even taking cake decorating classes! Imagine making cupcakes and cakes every week! My family and friends are loving it, thank goodness I'm that big on sweets.

    You'll love this site, lots of tips, motivation, encouragement etc.

    Good luck!
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