I need you're before and after photos



  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    BellaIron lookin awesome, your pics should be able to motivate anyone

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    lookin awesome, your pics should be able to motivate anyone

    Thats what Im saying I wish I looked like her in my pics

    So sweet! Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    The 1200 calorie intake is only based on no exercise. Add your exercise to your diary is gives you how many more you need to intake.

    I'm astounded at how much hard work and effort yo have all put in. Cant wait to be my own success story!:wink:
  • karyn626
    You will notice a change after 10 lbs. Not in the spring!!
  • dragonssister
    dragonssister Posts: 8 Member
    I was heavy, probably close to 300lbs for most of my adult life. I lost a bunch of weight on my own before I discovered MFP. The 2012 pic was taken when I started lifting and the 2013 pic is exactly a year into lifting on a moderate calorie deficit. It's slow going but I love the changes in my body. I still have a long way to go and some days a rougher than others but as long as you keep getting up and pushing forward you will reach you goals.

    Oh I weigh 200lbs in both pics 2012 and 2013.

    Also 1200 calories is really low I would suggest you find a TDEE calculator. You will be a lot happier, less restricted and it is much more sustainable.

    Awesome! And you have great advice!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I went from 220 to 154. The 220 was when I weighed myself when my 2nd baby was 8 weeks old. So I dread to think what I weighed before she was born!

    Anyway, this is me at 220:

    pictures upload

    And me at 154:
    image upload with preview


    free jpeg images

    And now I am 24 weeks pregnant and trying not to end up like I was in the first pic!
    screen shot pc
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    Top photos are 245ish June of 2012
    Bottom photos are 165ish June 2013

    I started doing mostly cardio 30-60 Minutes 5 days a week. Now I am more in the weight lifting and less cardio. I just prefer the way it makes me feel. I'll do another set of pics in June this year. I eat 1600 on a typical day up to 2200 if I push hard or heck sometimes I'm just hangry and eat. Feel free to FR me.

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I lost 90 lbs approx. 2 years ago and LOVED it. I followed a strict 1200 cal diet for 8 months but I fell off the wagon big time. I love your photos...you're all doing a good job, keep up with it!


    If I understand this you're starting the same plan that was not sustainable two years ago and you expect it to magically become a sustainable plan this time around?

    Maybe instead of doing the same thing and expecting different results it would be more fruitful to try a different strategy. Perhaps find a reasonable deficit based on your current weight and activity level and the amount you wish to lose. That alone will have you losing at a sustainable rate. Throw in some resistance training to hold on to your lean mass and some cardio if you like it or to get you a bigger deficit and you'll be well on your way without having to suffer.

    Good luck in whatever you choose to do :flowerforyou:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I lost 90 lbs approx. 2 years ago and LOVED it. I followed a strict 1200 cal diet for 8 months but I fell off the wagon big time. I love your photos...you're all doing a good job, keep up with it!


    If I understand this you're starting the same plan that was not sustainable two years ago and you expect it to magically become a sustainable plan this time around?

    Maybe instead of doing the same thing and expecting different results it would be more fruitful to try a different strategy. Perhaps find a reasonable deficit based on your current weight and activity level and the amount you wish to lose. That alone will have you losing at a sustainable rate. Throw in some resistance training to hold on to your lean mass and some cardio if you like it or to get you a bigger deficit and you'll be well on your way without having to suffer.

    Good luck in whatever you choose to do :flowerforyou:

    ^^^ this is great advice. please listen and follow.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I started at 169 but didn't measure. I wish I would have! I am 5'7" and have dropped 9 lbs. I lift heavy and incoporate cardio. I eat 1400-1500 cals/day. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8 since I started last Feb. I didn't really buckle down and start focusing until September though. I have been logging and hitting the gym pretty hard since then and have seen results! I am proof that the scale is a nasty little liar and that 1200 calories a day isn't enough when you are working out strong!

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    here is mine.


    April 2013 versus Oct 2013
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    Left-Dec 2012, weight ? Best guess would be around 190 lbs, Right-Jan 2014, 147.5 lbs

  • dannatona
    dannatona Posts: 101 Member
    [img]"http://dakd0cjsv8wfa.cloudfront.net/images/photos/807/203/8807203_8558.jpg"[/img] I lost about 30lbs eating 1200 calories a day, but then gained 10 of that back when I stopped restricting my diet so much (going from 1200/day to 1400/day)... I've learned since then that it's not bad to eat so many calories, as long as they're healthy! I've been maintaining the same weight (even over the holidays) currently eating 1500ish calories a day (only working out MAYBE once a week). But I KNOW I can drop some weight if I workout more frequently, and I'll be able to eat more :)

    You should for sure look up your BMR and/or TDEE, my body supposedly supposedly burns between 1400-1600 a day (depending on what equation I use). You don't want your body going into starvation mode... unless you want to only eat 1200 calories a day your whole life...
  • slimfor2015
    Thanks guys,

    In all fairness it was sustainable. Once I hit goal weight I ate 2000 calories for 18 months and then suddenly i was depressed with my job, my boyfriend left me and I gained all the weight back in 6 short months due to emotional eating of in excess of 3000 calories a day and completely getting lost in a state of depression.

    I started a new job a month ago and I feel I can get to more healthy emotional state.

    You're photos are all great inspiration!

  • tembii
    tembii Posts: 34
    Jeez everyone is looking fan-TASTIC!! Way to go, everybody!
  • BrookeLynnGokeri

    I'm not exactly sure how much I lost,
    I think there was a time I was easily 180-200 lbs but it's been a long journey.
    This recent photo was from New Years, and I just had a baby less than a year ago.
    The old photo I was probably about 14 years old, I have dealt with my weight since childhood.
    My current weight is about 116. Don't give up, if I did it anybody can!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    You can do it!! I was 188 lbs the day before I gave birth to my second kid May 16th 2013. At my 6 week post partum I was 170 lbs. As of today, I'm 125 lbs and in the best shape of my life.

    38 weeks pregnant and two weeks after having my son.

    6 weeks post partum to current

  • christa0130
    christa0130 Posts: 102 Member
    I am 5'4. The first pic was about 2 months after I had my youngest in May of 2012. I have no clue what my weight was in either of the top two pics.

    The bottom left pic was Christmas Eve 2012. I was about 245-250.
    The bottom middle pic was St Patty's Day 2013. 240ish lbs
    The bottom right was 12/22/2013. 220lbs.

  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Before (~285)

    April 2013 (~250)

    December 2013/January 2014 (180-185)

    Still planning to lose another 30 pounds.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I'm not sure of the weight difference, it's not too huge, but the confidence, arm size, and face size are most obvious. Also, the weight difference isn't too great because I lift, but I look very different and feel very different most importantly, still feel i have a ways to go though

    the first is my high weight around may of 2012, and the second is yesterday, I don't have a clear full body pic, but you can clearly see if in my face.

