Help me love my brown rice and/or Quinoa



  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    Why don't you try making simple Indian Vegetable or lentil curries? If the sides are good, you can easily ignore the taste of brown rice.
  • I hate my brown rice with a passion then anytime I go out somwhere theres is good. I HATE BROWN RICE LOL
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I cook my quinoa in broth and then sprinkle Cajun seasoning in it, typically Tony's. I like it. We usually eat that with salmon sprinkled with Tony's as well. My kids love it.
  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    Health food store brown rice, in my opinion tends to be healthier.

    I was told many years ago that rice and beans make a complete protein, as dose corn and pinto beans.

    3 tostadas (or 3 lightly fried stiff corn tortillas)
    1/4 cup of smashed home cooked pinto beans (usually cooked in crock pot over night)
    1/2 cup cooked brown rice (purchased from health food store)
    3 cloves garlic
    1 jalapeno
    1 tomatoe
    1/2 a small onion

    Place mashed beans on tostadas, add rice.
    Mix vegies in small sause pan, top to taste the tostadas.
  • hilarymcm
    hilarymcm Posts: 55 Member
    My favorite way to cook brown rice is just with water and a bit of salt, but then when it's cooked I mix it with a squeeze of lime juice, a handful of chopped cilantro, a minced chile pepper or two, and sometimes a bit of orange zest. It's fantastic!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    add fresh salsa
    Ooh...I like this idea. Will need to try.
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    Health food store brown rice, in my opinion tends to be healthier.

    I couldn't help but laugh when I read this. It just sounds so funny.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Don't eat crap you don't like. I really don't like brown rice so I eat basmati which has a similar glycemic load to brown.

    The Glycemic Index of Rice

    "The different varieties of rice will have different glycemic index ratings. White rice has a glycemic index of 79, which makes it a high-glycemic index food. Brown rice has a glycemic index of 55, making it a low-glycemic index food. Basmati rice is 52 making it also a low-glycemic food."

    There are also brown basmati which is basmati with the husk still intact so you can get the best of both worlds, red wild rice is good too as is jasmine.
  • TinaLFrancis
    TinaLFrancis Posts: 1 Member
    Here is how I have my Brown Rice.
    Whilst the rice is cooking chop half an onion and fry in one teaspoon of oil, once the onions start to cook add 1 teaspoon of tamari and 2 tablespoons of frozen peas or frozen soya beans, add the cooked rice and stir for a while then serve.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    Bump for later
  • ProxyFitness
    ProxyFitness Posts: 19 Member
    When it comes to foods like this, sour or tart flavors do wonders. Think Vinegar, pickle juice, lemons, limes, etc.
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    curious, why is your diet so restricted?

    I have a lot of food/additive sensitivities. About two years ago I went GF, DF, etc and had a lot of success losing weight. Not only did I loose the weight but a lot of my health problems decreased or went away 100%.

    Then I hit a bad patch in my life, fell off the wagon in regards to diet and fitness and gained all (and more) of my weight back.

    So I'm going back to what works for me. It might be a very restricted diet but it worked for me and I felt great.
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    Don't eat crap you don't like. I really don't like brown rice so I eat basmati which has a similar glycemic load to brown.

    The Glycemic Index of Rice

    "The different varieties of rice will have different glycemic index ratings. White rice has a glycemic index of 79, which makes it a high-glycemic index food. Brown rice has a glycemic index of 55, making it a low-glycemic index food. Basmati rice is 52 making it also a low-glycemic food."

    There are also brown basmati which is basmati with the husk still intact so you can get the best of both worlds, red wild rice is good too as is jasmine.

    It's not that I don't like either. I've eaten brown rice out at restaurants and been all like omg, om nom nom nom. Same goes for Quinoa. But at home..meh. I know its how/what I'm cooking it with. Hence the question.

    As for the GI of brown/white rice I know from tracking my own blood sugar levels that brown doesn't raise my levels as much as white does. I didn't know that they were about the same GI however, which makes me question why white raises my levels more. Eh, my body is weird. It likes what it likes. :) Thanks for the heads up on the GI info though!
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    Another possible angle - if your current diet is flexible enough:

    I've found a few days of not having ANY rice, quinoa, pasta, or bread works wonders. I don't mean eliminating or reducing carbs, just the tasty ones and their "close cousin substitutes". Totally a personal, subjective call what those things are. For me it's the four above (yet not oatmeal or potatoes, weirdly enough).

    So I end up eating a lot of carbs via broccoli, rutabagas, oatmeal, and potatoes which oddly don't register to my tastebuds/appetite the same as bread, pasta, & rice.

    After about 3 days of that nonsense, the brown rice tastes DELICIOUS. No calorie or macro change, just an attitude adjustment.

    Hmm, I'd like to test this out on myself. Perhaps later in my diet though. The nutritionist I work sets certain food goals for me. 1 cup of grain per day is one of them.
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    I hate my brown rice with a passion then anytime I go out somwhere theres is good. I HATE BROWN RICE LOL

    Yes, this is exactly what happens with me. There is a Korean place near me that gives me brown rice on request. Its insanely good. I'm not even too crazy about white rice at home. I must just really suck at cooking rice in general! :)
  • I just signed up and very committed to making some healthy lifetime changes. I was talking to another friend this evening and she is going to check out this app and join me on this journey. She mentioned that she adds quinoa to her broth vegetable soups. I plan on trying this myself. Winter months are perfect for homemade soups.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I've always had trouble cooking rice at home; it just never came out right! However, I want to eat less processed food and save money, so I bought a package of organic short brown rice instead of the microwave-ready stuff I usually have. I was inspired by this thread and made it with beef broth (1/2 cup of brown rice + 1 cup low-sodium organic beef broth for 2 servings) to have with my steak + veggie stir-fry and it was the best rice I've ever made! I really recommend the broth method. It smells and tastes much more appetizing, too!
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    My favorite thing to do with quinoa is to toast some slivered almonds and then toss them, some dried cranberries, and a dash of dried thyme in when I add the quinoa to the boiling water -- just cook it all together, you get a bit of texture with the almonds, more flavor from the thyme, and little pockets of sweet/tart from the cranberries.

    Have you tried purple rice (marketed as "forbidden" rice)? It's delightfully nutty and flavorful and makes a wonderful addition to the rotation when brown rice starts looking ... just ... so ... brown. It is DELICIOUS with baked chickpeas and roasted (pretty much anything)

    For brown rice, my favorite recipe amounts to pretty much making "stuffing" from it: chop up carrots, celery and onions and brown them in a touch of whatever oil you use for browning then add them plus some sage and thyme (could use rosemary too but I live with someone allergic to it so I leave it out) at the start of the cooking process.

    As an aside: My secret to making perfect brown rice was buying a Zojirushi rice cooker. Add the rice, liquid, whatever else, hit a button and it plays a merry little tune when it's done cooking the rice properly. It's one of my favorite kitchen appliances ... after my blender and crock pot, that is.
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    As an aside: My secret to making perfect brown rice was buying a Zojirushi rice cooker. Add the rice, liquid, whatever else, hit a button and it plays a merry little tune when it's done cooking the rice properly. It's one of my favorite kitchen appliances ... after my blender and crock pot, that is.

    Heh. I've been eyeing one of those on Amazon. It might be time for it!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Since your diet is so limited grain wise, have you ever tried lettuce wraps? I like quinoa in a wrap with mustard and veggies. You can make a gluten free tortilla out of chickpea flour and water, basically.