Just curious....

Just curious, what MOTIVATES you to workout & eat healthy?

1. Your health
2. Goal bathing suit or cute outfit
3. Setting a good example for my family
4. An upcoming event
5. Just feeling confident overall


  • Mlmessick
    For my daughters and grandchildren.

    Went into congestive heart failure (CHF) after having Pacemaker placed in me chest. Stopped breathing and was in a comma for 48 hours. I've dropped almost 50 lbs since leaving the hospital 2 months ago. I start working with a Trainer twice a week starting January 8 to loose 75 more pounds. Take care of yourself while you're young.

    Take care.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    1. Not wanting to feel unfit and lethargic; getting out of breath walking upstairs was not acceptable!
    2. Realising my body deserved better treatment than I had been giving it with my diet/exercise or lack thereof.
    3. Not wanting a heart attack or diabetes or any of the bad things that go with being overweight.
    4. Wanting the confidence that comes from being inshape and healthy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Just curious, what MOTIVATES you to workout & eat healthy?

    1. Your health
    2. Goal bathing suit or cute outfit
    3. Setting a good example for my family
    4. An upcoming event
    5. Just feeling confident overall

    Mostly 1 and 3. 18 months ago i had a lot of bad blood work and a lot of pre-cursors to some not so pleasant health issues in my near future if I didn't get things under control. My dad was diagnosed with much of the same stuff when he was my age but ignored all of the warnings and didn't start doing anything to better his health until it was too late and the damage was done and irreversible. He died two weeks before Christmas at the ripe old age of 61 of issues that could have easily been taken care of with proper diet and exercise years ago.

    Thankfully I didn't ignore these pre-cursors and got my **** together. I gave up smoking and I've lost 40 Lbs and cleaned up my diet and exercise regularly. My blood work is all back in the normal range but will require constant monitoring for the rest of my life. Ignoring my fitness and nutrition at this point will most likely result in being put on a whole boat load of medications and quite possibly and early demise.

    I also have an almost 4 y.o. and and 18 m.o. and I want to be a positive example for them and I would like to be around to watch them grow into men.

    Looking better and wearing some certain size is all well and good...but really, those are bi-products of rocking your nutrition and fitness...it's completely meaningless without your health.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Mostly my health. I have Neurofibromatosis a genetic disorder that grows tumors all over. It can also turn to cancer and I have high rates of LOTS of cancer on both sides of my family. I have a tumor on my spinal cord in my neck, and my back is fused from T1-T10 from scoliosis. I need to be healthy and get more muscle on me to support my core and my back... and I need to just put the food in me as possible with all the health issues I have from NF.
    I also want to look hot in a bathing suit... but health first
  • LVCeltGirl
    Just curious, what MOTIVATES you to workout & eat healthy?

    1. Your health
    2. Goal bathing suit or cute outfit
    3. Setting a good example for my family
    4. An upcoming event
    5. Just feeling confident overall

    #6 - All of the above. I actually use whatever is going to motivate me that day. And my son, he's a great motivation because I want to be there for him. I had him at age 35 (right before age 36) so I'm an older mom and my being obese isn't doing him any favors, especially when his dad refuses to take care of himself (we're now divorced, best thing the ex could've done was walk out on my birthday 2012 although I didn't know it at the time).
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I had my son pretty late inlife compared to my friends and family, so by the time he has kids, I'll be almost OLD! Ahhhh!!!!!

    Seriously, though, I wanna be healthy so I can run around and play with those little mini monkeys when the time comes. :D
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Everyone gives the sappy answers.. 'for my kids, for my health' etc.. Yes, those are part of my motivation but if I'm going to be totally honest here, it's simple.

    Attention. The "wow you look great!" comments really push me to keep going. To be able to inspire people to get moving, to be able to turn heads when I walk by (happily married, but I'd love to know that I 'still got it') ... THOSE are my real motivators!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    LOL, is it sappy to say that I like to avoid mind-numbing pain? I'm so sentimental that way ;)

    I have a back problem that is a real b$%^h, and blood flow and keeping things strong helps tremendously. So that's reason #1. If I don't do it, the pain could get worse because arthritis could set in. No thanks.

    But, especially on days where the pain in inconsequential, I like checking out my progress in the mirror. It'll be so nice to not be so embarrassed in my bathing suit this year!

    And buying clothes without worrying about hiding bulges is so much easier. It's just really nice to not have to think about silly stuff like that, not that it matters. But I like to buy whatever catches my eye, so it doesn't look right when it clings to bulgy spots, etc. I'm not shallow, but I like to look well put together, if that makes sense. That's much easier when slender (or well-proportioned), imho!
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    i like the way I feel when im trim and healthy. Outside and in. As I get closer to that 50 yr old mark, I also like the fact that my husbands head still turns when I walk into a room
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I just got blood work done, triglycerides, cholesterol...etc etc. EVERYTHING was awesome...except for my BF%. I was at 24.9. I know, not terrible...but could be better. I'm physically healthy so far. I've been exercising since high school so that's probably why numbers are good. HOWEVER...I would love to drop a few BF points and get lean(er). So I guess you could say I'm doing it for vanity's sake. PLUS, knowing I'll be getting naked...soon...in front of somebody else in a looooong time, lol! That may have been TMI. :bigsmile: :blushing: :love: :laugh:
  • rella_1003
    rella_1003 Posts: 70 Member
    My health. I wear loose clothing anyway so you can't see my body shape and having flabs/not having flabs doesn't really affect my confidence. However since joining MFP and starting to exercise my anxiety has reduced so I guess it gives me confidence that way :happy:
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    My health is number 1, which includes being around long term for my kids/family. Then looking good comes next.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    My son... My best friend's wedding in May... My overall health.
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    It started with health reasons as diabetes runs in my family and I was told I was borderline, but since then it has become about how much better I feel - I have heaps more energy, do active things just for fun, am happier about how I look and have higher self confidence. Now its about living my best life and that has led onto re-evaluation of work goals etc
  • Primeval_Princess