I broke my healthy streak and I feel bad :(

I had like 250 calories of chips and the same for chocolate milk. I feel so bad and I wish I hadn't done that. Has anyone had similar experiences? How did you get over it? :(


  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Everyone has those moments...forgive yourself and move on. :-)
  • goKimmer
    goKimmer Posts: 11 Member
    Me too. It is over and done. I will try and avoid it from happening again by not letting myself get that hungry.
  • yakfisher100
    unfortunately I do it a lot. :(
  • Whyareyoumad
    Whyareyoumad Posts: 268 Member
    Just move on, maybe hit a little more cardio next time you work out. You need to try to aim to hit your targets, but we wouldnt be human if we didnt slip every now and then. You still have to enjoy life. Besides, chocolate milk is good for you.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    It has certainly happened to me a time or too. I recommend that you acknowledge it, which you already have, then plan to make your next meal a healthier one. Also, when we use words like bad or good as it relates to our eating, it makes matters worse. Using the word bad makes us feel like we should be punished. Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes we might not eat as healthy as we should, but most of the time we aim to have healthy, balanced meals. :smile: Finally, if you really really want something that may not be the healthiest option, allow for a small portion of it and eat it slowly. Just make sure you're not hungry or thirsty before you taste it because than you won't be able to stop eating whatever it is.

    You can do this!!!!
  • nataliesweet19
    one bad meal won´t make you fat just like one good meal won´t make you thin. It´s about how you eat on a daily basis.
    Drink water, eat healthy the next meal and move on. Nuggets of wisdom.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    It is almost impossible to not feel bad about a binge--no matter how big or small. You typically will feel guilty. There are two things you can do--feel sorry for yourself and continue to binge or forgive yourself, remember how binging made you feel, and have start over.
  • Just_Kim_
    Just_Kim_ Posts: 38 Member
    Some chips and chocolate milk is certainly not a binge.
  • jennie5693
    jennie5693 Posts: 42 Member
    Persistence not Perfection
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I broke my healthy streak over these past two weeks over the holidays.

    I just got back on track.

    One bad day is not going to undo all your hard work.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Persistence not Perfection

    ^This. One of the first things I have every day is 3 squares of dark chocolate with a cup of coffee (with full cream lactose free milk). Gives me a hit of endorphins, stops me from feeling like I'm being restricted and lets me say 'I had my chocolate this morning, I don't need (chips, chocolate, cookies....)' later in the day. But seriously, don't let this become a spiral - you say 'that was silly. Let's not do that again' and move on. I have faith in you! :flowerforyou:
  • kwu93
    kwu93 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you heard of a dieting tool called If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)? Basically you track down what you eat and record your ending macronutrients at the end of each day (protein / carbs / fats). I guarantee you that if you start writing down how many calories or carbs are in the cookies / any "unhealthy" food, you will feel less guilty about eating them. I think this is because the primary reasons why guilt manifests itself from eating unhealthy foods, no matter how small, are that you don't know the consequences of what you just ate, or how adversely it might affect your health (e.g. oh my god, how many calories did I just eat?) By keeping a tight leash on the number of what you just ate, and recording it down and then compensating for it later in the day by perhaps eating less or compensating with other nutritious foods, you will feel much less guilt each and every time you eat something unhealthy.

    In fact, I actually do not feel bad at all eating fast food or greasy fries or anything, provided I keep track of what was in it ( how much fat / carbs / proteins) and then adjust my daily needs to accommodate what I just ate.

    In summary: keeping track of what you eat makes it so you won't feel bad about eating sweets and junk food, provided you still hit your daily calorie / macronutrient ratios. Hope this helps :)
  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    Some chips and chocolate milk is certainly not a binge.
    Seriously. :huh:
  • lambchoplewis
    You have not failed, you know you did this and are back in track. I do this every mow and then and also beat myself up but , I get back on track.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of good.

    Don't beat yourself up over some chips and chocolate milk, you will only create a vicious cycle that will end up with you giving up.

    What you an do is learn from the experience and plan some alternatives next time you are craving or eating emotionally.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I had like 250 calories of chips and the same for chocolate milk. I feel so bad and I wish I hadn't done that. Has anyone had similar experiences? How did you get over it? :(
    Log it accurately & honestly, then move on. Look at your nutrition for the last 7 days, and see what you need to eat to meet your calorie & protein goals. Make your next choice a good one, meaning one that moves you closer to your goals.

    And maybe move more. Exercise burns calories & can improve your mood. It's a win/win.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Some chips and chocolate milk is certainly not a binge.

    This. Nothing wrong with having chips and chocolate milk, just make it fit into your daily calorie allotment and enjoy!
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    250 calories isn't a binge. I agree with the comments about simply moving on and doing a little more exercise if you want to work the weight off.
  • JTx510
    JTx510 Posts: 16 Member
    If anyone should be feeling bad it should definitely be me lol. I was on a good work out / diet plan throughout the whole year of 2013. Then Thanksgiving rolled around and I completely fell off my game. It's all good. I'm not dwelling on it. I got a clean slate for 2014 and I'm going to kick it off even harder this year and see better results than last year ;')
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Need to not get into the good food vs bad food cycle. I've seen a lot of folks quit because they couldn't be perfect every day, I have something sweet every day (one serving) and it's planned into healthy macros. Keeps you from getting the cravings and doing a real binge. The "snack" you had was not a binge, maybe plan one or the other in a few times a week, chips can be good too, look for some "healthy" chips with a bit less salt and fat and add them to your day. I love my black bean chips and save them for when I come in starving from work and need a snack so I don't eat to much before dinner. fiber, protein, and the bbq ones are amazing. So work out compromises that fit your lifestyle. Check your calories too, fat2fit radio has an awesome real life calculator, MFP will tend to set you low, need to get enough calories and a lot of the need to "bulk up" your calories goes away.