exercise suggestions

I am new to MFP and have a lot of weight to lose (at least 100 pounds.). I know the more exercise I do the better chances I have of losing and keeping this weight off, however I also have chronic shin splints... aggravated by the extra weight. I can't run... haven't been able to for more than about fifty yards since high school. I'm so disgusted with myself right now... Even just walking on any kind of uneven surface like a hill hurts after just a few minutes. I know from experience walking will get easier and be an good option after I lose about twenty pounds, but I need to exercise now.

Currently I have been using Xbox Just Dance to burn calories and build stamina(but can only manage about 20 minutes at a time). I would like something that does not require the TV, as well as a better variety so I won't get bored.

Does anyone have any suggestions for good exercises that won't hurt my stupid legs?


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Do you have access to an elliptical machine or stationary bike? Have you tried to attack the shin splint issue? Many times, of course not always, you can do stretching first. Anther common cause of shin splints is too long of a stride so you could try shorter steps
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I have 139 to lose. I mainly do FitnessBlender.com (there's a wide variety of exercise based on your ability and area of concentration) and I walk. I used to get really bad shin splints when I jogged, but I can walk all day long. Feel free to add me!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    You can see if Fitnessblender.com has anything you could do. They have a lot of low impact workouts that you can do from computer or mobile device.

    I use them when I can't get to the gym or its bad weather outside.
  • disney_girl125
    disney_girl125 Posts: 24 Member
    Since you like to dance, how about zumba? I have lost 87 pounds myself, and I started with walking. You could try walking on flat areas. After walking I started zumba, and I loved that! I kept up with that for a long time before adding anything else in.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
  • amarisstorm
    amarisstorm Posts: 26 Member
    I do not currently have a stationary bike, but I might get one. That is a really good idea.

    Elliptical machines don't work for me at all. Something about the way they move both hurts and makes me feel very unsteady...

    As far as dealing with the shin splint issue itself, I try to do everything I can to deal with the problem directly on a daily basis. I stretch in the morning and before and after exercise, wear supportive inserts in my shoes, and compression socks most of the time, which is the only advice my doctor had to give, in addition to losing weight. They are really bad, and she said the only other option would be surgery. Since I'm not an athlete she didn't recommend the surgery because it could make matters worse.

    Losing weight will have a very big impact on how bad they are... but when exercising hurts I quit doing it and gain weight. The more weight I gain the more exercise hurts. It is a nasty cycle I need to break.

    I had never heard of fitnessblender.com and will definitely check it out!
    Zumba and swimming are both good suggestions as well. Swimming will have to wait for summer though(no inside pools). Once it warms up I will go back to kayaking as well.

    Thank you so much for your replies. I'm going to go check out fitness blender and find out how much a stationary bike would cost!
  • amarisstorm
    amarisstorm Posts: 26 Member
    Fitnessblender.com is an awesome site!!!

    I never would have thought you could find that kind of quality and variety for free.

    Just did my first workout there. :)

    Thank you all again.