
I am just starting out with my journey...I am a mother of 3 , work full time and a full time nursing student...I gained 45 extra lbs the past 6 months from stress over my father's battle with cancer. I am currently 200 lbs with a goal weight of 145...Obama so overwhelmed and wondering what is the best way to jump on wagon and do this.....where should I start?


  • kaylawickmarkhallett
    Sorry my spell check is nuts....I want to.....not Obama lol
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    Sorry my spell check is nuts....I want to.....not Obama lol

    I think maybe you were right the first time! LOL

    But your first step should be to fill out your profile. People will often send you friend requests if they have something in common with you -- location, job, family situation, and so forth. You don't just want random friends (okay, maybe you do), but you also want friends who are there because you and they are in the same boat and can share the load.

    Step two: Log everything. Every morsel of food. Every bit of exercise. Log everything. You can't really know what you have to change until you know what you are doing now.

    Step three: Little changes. You don't have to change everything the first day. See what your total calories are, and where you can easily adjust. For example, the first thing I did was change from 2 pieces of toast with butter to 1 piece of toast with butter. It doesn't seem like much, but it was 185 calories. Poof, gone!
  • pheona76
    Wow! I cannot imagine being as busy as you. If you can do all that you will have no problem with this.

    Not sure if any of this will help, but this is what I have found.

    1) You already did start. You joined and you posted. This is a marathon not a sprint, but I am sure you know that. So celebrate every little victory. Revel in them!

    2) Pick one thing you can handle everyday and stick with it until you are comfortable and then add one additional little thing. What worked for me is I just start tracking food. And immediately it influences my food choices. Then I see results and then after my appetite is under control I start adding more and more exercise. You will be surprised how quickly something small will give results and how quickly you will become comfortable with a small change. Maybe it is an exercise video. Maybe it is a healthy eating recipe website. Whatever you can work into your life.

    3) Find a way to make room in your life for this for you. Maybe talk to your family about supporting you by joining in your healthy choices or taking on something around the house to give you more time. The things that really gave me not only "found" time but reduced stress was discovering grocery delivery online and find exercises I could do in my home without going to the gym.

    Hope that helps and Good Luck!
  • gsc560
    gsc560 Posts: 11
    I'm trying to lose about the same amount of weight. I'm new to the site but have found that tracking my food and exercise has been a great motivator to keep my on track and focused. I've had a few eye opening surprises when I started paying attention to calories! I had no idea some things had so many hidden calories.

    I convinced my sister to sign up and help keep me motivated, and also use this site herself if she wants to. I got a friend doing the same. Having people excited and supportive will help you also.

    Like many others here say... it takes time, and don't get discouraged.. You've taken some important first steps!

    Good luck.
  • aedurkee
    aedurkee Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me, I'm getting back to it after a set back.