What is one food you know is hindering your progress but ref

Charlie001 Posts: 354
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
For me, It is frosted flakes.


  • Just call me a rat cuz I love Cheese....whoooo-weee that stuff is good!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    CHIPS! Especially kettle cooked jalapeno ones and salt and vinegar ones. ;)
  • I'm a cheese-head too! I love pretty much every kind. I have mozzarella, cheddar, swiss, feta, and brie in my fridge right now. I've tried giving it up, but decided against it. I <3 cheese!
  • Klondike bars are on my list too.
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    White bread, I think it is one of my comfort foods along with pasta!! Evil, delicious, pasta!
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Processed crap. I eat three really great meals (two if im working, i work in a restaurant, and then just cals count) and then make up my leftover calories in granola bars and 100 cal pack cookies and other junk. I'm bad. If i spent three weeks eatikng clean, id lose a jillion lbs.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    :drinker: Wine. Or any alcohol.
    I miss the days when I was dishonest with myself and anything in liquid form didn't count :tongue:
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member

    Oh good one! I pick bread too. Favourite food in the world
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    Cookies! (Lately I've been addicted to Trader Joe's Cat Cookies and Animal Crackers). I can eat the entire tub! They're not that terrible...unless you eat 8-10 servings!!! :noway:
  • Me too with the cheese! I love cheese and bread. A grilled cheese sandwich is probably my favorite food in the world. Why couldn't my addiction be lettuce???
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    Beer! or 100 calorie packs....they are just so easy!
  • It appears to be the turkey sausage!!! SO much SOdium!!!! I'm going to start making this 2oz serving a breakfast treat ONLY!!!!
  • mhill71
    mhill71 Posts: 747
    anything sweet and burgers.
    I couldnt name just one!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Booze. Heathen Events. Excess is part of the culture. Eat, Hail the Einherjar!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Can I celebrate Feast of the Einherjar w/o a feast? Thor's man has already brough 2x bottles liquer, 1 sex pack and 2x bottles of mead...

    If I really want to honor the Einherjar, I need to cook a huge feast and sumble sumble sumble in their honor...
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    natural peanut butter & nutella. ay!
  • alcohol and chocolate lol
  • biglazydog
    biglazydog Posts: 15 Member
    For me, I am dreaming about eating one this very second. Baked sweet potato with extra extra sugar and covered with cinnamon.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Cheese - oh how I love thee!
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