Getting back on the horse....

I lost 33 pounds last year by May with the help of My fitness Pal. I have gained 10 back. But I still have 25 more to go to hit my goal that includes the 10 I gained back. There are a few factors in my life that are making starting this process very challenging. My marriage has hit a few speed bumps (that's putting it mildly) and I am mainly in the house these past few months. I feel like depression is starting to get the best of me. I find it hard to leave the house. I do not need meds, so lets get that out on the table. It's something that I need to mentally over come because I know I am better than this. I don't have a problem following a eating and exercise plan. I was actually proud of my self last year because I was able to conform to the lifestyle change. I am in a slump, witch I am starting to realize if I don't reach out I wont overcome. Please, I don't need to be preached to, I really just need ppl who have been through this before to try and lend some advice...thanks guys


  • belindaurso
    Hello. My best advice would be to make exercising apriority. When u really dont feel like exercising say u will only do 20 minutes. I always do more and feel better. I also only watch tv when on treadmill or elliptical so sometimes I exercise because I just want to watch tv. Sorry about marriage. Sucks believe me I have been there. Good luck. Hope it all works out the way u want it to.
  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    Seems like things have been tough. I certainly am no Dr Phil, but if you need some advise on fitness and dieting feel free to add me.
    Please understand that I don't mean you need any professional help. I mean that if you need nothing but fitness advice you're definitely in the right place.

    Godspeed and good luck.
  • nurse_ratty
    nurse_ratty Posts: 100 Member
    Hello, well I'm back on it too lost 4st last yr and have put about 8lbs back on over Xmas , I got quite stressed over xmas I always do, work was hard and things at home where worrying me too.
    Things that help me and might help u,
    Mfp buddies I had loads but many have stopped (need to find more) & often the beat one's where people that had never met me in person.
    My fit bit one I love it and synced it to Mfp I had no motivation for exercise and still don't but this helped me understand what I was burning just potering around and if I wanted more I had to earn it as it go for a walk.
    Mindfulness read all about it I'm a psych nurse and my skills and understand ing of this helped along with some basic CBT.
    Have a stock of allowed things and know their calories allow yourself daily treats, it helps at first and then u no longer need them.
    Cookbooks the hairy dieters 2 books and Janie Oliver's 15min, 30min meals and savers books all note the calories in fact so do their website recipes now and many are pre logged in mfp
    Drink water lots and if hungry drink a healthy option
    Get decent scales and only weigh in once a wk same day same time I did am post morning wee naked lol! Plus I had to have the scales on same bathroom tile (the silly things I do)

    Wish u well on you New horse ride New yr New start.
    Feel free to add me.

  • NeverKnowNothin
    NeverKnowNothin Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone, I appreciate your feed back. I know that it's a mind set, and exercise will make me feel better. I just need to get over my And warm up because it's freezing here in Indiana. I see my breathe freezing in mid