I broke my healthy streak and I feel bad :(



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    250 calories is a binge? The ****?

    OP, I had well over 250 calories of soda, ice cream, and beer last night. I didn't feel guilty in the slightest because it fit into my day and I was under my calorie goal. My guess is that your calorie goal is low and you are making this far more complicated than it has to be. You can still lose weight eating chips and chocolate.

    Here is a link for you:


    Read it and implement the information there, you will be grateful you did.
  • ErichV
    ErichV Posts: 1
    Just try to keep going back on the healthy streak and don't give up.
  • scottppa
    scottppa Posts: 31 Member
    I'm getting back on my diet for the new year after letting things go. Started Wednesday, rocked it Wednesday and Thursday, had a couple of beers and some bar food last night and blew it yesterday. Yesterday is over. TODAY IS A NEW DAY. A NEW CHANCE TO BE SUCCESSFUL.

    So far so good today. On task and not feeling bad about last night.

    It's not a failure if you pick up right where you left off and keep working at it. Don't beat yourself up about this!

    Happy New Year!
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    If you hold yourself to impossible standards, you're going to feel like a failure a lot of the time, and that can't help. If you look at some past posts describing people's genuine eating binges, you'll realize that what you enjoyed was a minor bump in the road. Most normal people have them. The trick is to make them infrequent, make them things you genuinely like (not just mass quantities you consume without thinking after too many beers, for example), and to consume them with the attitude of "I will enjoy every calorie of this stuff, then go back to eating healthy."

    During Christmas week I enjoyed more wine than usual and had a couple of Mom's homemade Christmas cookies with every lunch and dinner. I'm back to my usual healthy habits and don't plan to weigh myself for awhile!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It's chips and chocolate milk. Why get upset about a few calories of things you crave? You planning to deny yourself sex until you die too? Find a method that works and is reasonable. What matters is long-term net results. Stop trying to be perfect.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just move on. We've all done it. One bad day (and really, it's not the end of the world, it's not like you went 1000 calories over your TDEE or something) won't make much of a difference at all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I had like 250 calories of chips and the same for chocolate milk. I feel so bad and I wish I hadn't done that. Has anyone had similar experiences? How did you get over it? :(

    do you really think you're going to be 100% on all of the time? Do you think you're never going to miss a workout ever? Your health, nutrition, fitness, etc are not predicated on the fact that you had a few chips...and BTW, I'm a healthy *kitten*, fit *kitten* mofo and I have chocolate milk after every lifting session. Your nutrition, health, fitness, etc are predicated on what you're doing 90% of the time...not the 10%.

    Think of it this way...would someone who generally ate like **** and never exercised be "healthy and fit" if they were to pick a day once in awhile to eat some broccoli and go for a run? Of course not...just like having a few chips is completely meaningless in an otherwise nutritious diet.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    It's gonna be okay.

    I ate/drank over 3000 cals on New Year's Eve and enjoyed every one.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Chocolate milk isn't at all bad for you. It is a great post-workout recovery drink. I consume it on a regular basis, actually. It has protein, calcium, chocolate...

    If you know you are going to crave chips and chocolate milk -- or any treat for that matter -- try to plan for it. Fit in your day.

    The goal here is long-term success, not perfection. Don't start out on the wrong foot by beating yourself up for simply being human.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Some chips and chocolate milk is certainly not a binge.

    This! If you are going to torment yourself over a little "slip" than you are just going to drive yourself nuts! Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet(short term). There are going to be days where you eat a little differently. Don't beat yourself up about it. And don't torture yourself at the gym for it either. Exercise is to nourish the body and reward it; Not punish it for something we ate.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    There's nothing to "get over" other than trying to be perfect. :flowerforyou:
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    What helps me move forward is the fact that I am not perfect and I'm not dead yet. As long as I can move and breath I have a chance to do better today than I did yesterday. I am a work in progress and if nothing else I get to determine how i feel about my progress so i choose to feel good about my progress, even when I have let myself down. I don't feel good about letting myself down, but I feel good about the progress I've made so far and the potential for positive progress tomorrow.

    Learn from it, put it behind you and let it go ... otherwise it will eat at you every time you slip. This moment is all we have, not tomorrow and not yesterday ... enjoy the present
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    I just want to add op you should try to improve your relationship with food.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    500 calories? I don't see what you did wrong. There is nothing wrong with having a snack of chips and chocolate milk. You're fine. Just carry on. :)
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    I went over my limit on new years eve as well... and I went over it a lot! I can only guess but what I guessed was 3622 at the end of the day :sad:

    I felt bad right after eating it, because I was so full :sick:

    I´m trying to make it up with more cardio exercising untill next weighting day. So my advise is that when you went over your limit do some sport at the next day untill you have recieved it all back. Even walking works :smile: That way you get the feeling that you made it all right again and you know how hard you have to work for these calories, so next time you will think twice about breaking your rules :wink:

    In contrast to many I believe that exspecially at the beginning you should stick very accurate to your own goals and rules. At least that is what works for me right now. I know myself. If I start thinking "ohhhh it was just one day.... just move on" I will go over my limit more and more often. I want to keep it that way untill my new lifestyle became a habbit. It also gives my body the time it needs to adjust to my new lifestyle.
    Another plus of this is, that you will keep receive results and that is my biggest motivation! To walk on the scale and see that I did good and right last week! That makes it all worth it :bigsmile:
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I had like 250 calories of chips and the same for chocolate milk. I feel so bad and I wish I hadn't done that. Has anyone had similar experiences? How did you get over it? :(

    Well I have 5000kcal - 6000 kcal worth of chips, cookies, ice ream, pizza 3 times/month.

    I don't feel bad because I eat clean and exercise the other 27 days.

    For people like us that 'diet' and log calories, we only have a set number of days/year where we an drink alcohol, pig out, etc.

    36 times/year seems like a lot but it's not really if you know you eat clean 329 days out of 365.

    Hell, even if I eat clean 280 days and have 85 days of drinking/binging, I'm still eating clean for more than 2/3 of the year!

    think of it that way. We live once.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member

    I´m trying to make it up with more cardio exercising untill next weighting day.

    Do doctors tell you to take double the dose of antibiotics the next day if you 'miss' a day? no.

    I don't think there's any point feeling 'guilty' and working out 2x as hard or dieting 2x as hard the next day because you binged one.

    Just go back to normal eating where you maintained your weight and that weight gain you think you gained from binging will come off. (since your maintenance calorie is for your pre binge weight, it will naturally decrease to that weight... even if you have gained wegiht from binging. Just takes time.)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I´m trying to make it up with more cardio exercising untill next weighting day. So my advise is that when you went over your limit do some sport at the next day untill you have recieved it all back. Even walking works :smile: That way you get the feeling that you made it all right again and you know how hard you have to work for these calories, so next time you will think twice about breaking your rules :wink:
    Using exercise to "make up" for breaking eating rules... that's a really good way to fuel disordered eating patterns. It's also a good way to start viewing exercise as punishment. You don't have to atone for eating more than you intended, just make better choices next time.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    250 calories is a binge? The ****?

    OP, I had well over 250 calories of soda, ice cream, and beer last night. I didn't feel guilty in the slightest because it fit into my day and I was under my calorie goal. My guess is that your calorie goal is low and you are making this far more complicated than it has to be. You can still lose weight eating chips and chocolate.

    Here is a link for you:


    Read it and implement the information there, you will be grateful you did.
    Chill out, she didn't say it was a binge.

    TS - No one's perfect and it's unreasonable to expect anyone to be so. What you've worked out is that sometimes chips and chocolate milk isn't worth it. You may be craving it, but it's more often the thought that's more pleasurable. You learnt a lesson and you can now move on.
  • sweetiecake
    sweetiecake Posts: 25 Member
    I just have my 'cheat time' and move on. No need to beat yourself up it happen.