Hello from the UK

Hello, looking for friends from the UK and beyond to give me motivation when I get my backside back to the gym!

I live in Washington, Tyne and Wear and work in Teeside. Never used MFP before, but decided to give it a try when I got my latest toy, a Fitbit Flex. Looking forward to getting my mojo back with it :-)

I mainly run, and I'm hoping to complete a 10k by the end of January and to enter the Great North Run this year.

Please add if you wish :-)


  • aaamirkhaan
    me from india
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Hiya, i'll add you. I like to run too and I like the Great North Run idea. Might be something for me to do myself :)
  • julieannchown37
    Hi I am from UK - cornwall :) I have just started and am on low carb high protein-fat but am easing myself into it slowly, feel free to add me and good luck :smile: